Last updated: February 07, 2010

Weather: Adelaide 17°C - 35°C . Dry. Sunny.

Latest stories

Three new players to offer cheap loans

A NEW generation of lenders are set to challenge the major banks, with three players flagging big moves on discount home loans.

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More than 10,000 skimmed cards blocked

MORE than 10,000 cards have been blocked in just over a week by one of the biggest banks.

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Big banks set to gain market power

CONSUMERS will be squeezed by the renewed power of the big banks next year as their chiefs warn of more rises in home loan rates.

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Top stories

Westpac defeats ASIC over debit card


WESTPAC has thwarted the corporate watchdog's attempt to stop it sending out almost one million unsolicited debit cards.

Banks in battle for deposit cash

Key to wealth

A BATTLE in the deposit market means good news for consumers looking to save.

Lenders get clingy to keep customers

swtiching home loans

MORTGAGE lenders have a few sneaky tricks up their sleeve to keep you as a customer.

Small lenders to make a resurgence

Home loans

SMALLER lenders will make a comeback in the home loan market in 2010, according to a mortgage broker.

Internet pushes credit card fraud higher

credit card security

THE rate of credit card fraud has jumped, driven by an increase in fraudulent online use.

Bank goes mobile to win rivals' customers


NAB launches mobile bank branches to be positioned near competitors in a bid to lure customers.

Westpac goes bananas over rate hike

bizmoney news westpac bananas 20091209

WESTPAC sends customers a "childlike" video about bananas to justify its monster rate hike.

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Banks feasting on borrowers' pain


BANKS are using the downturn to strip an average $3000 a year from homeowners, analysis shows.

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Bank rapped over insurance sales tricks

bizmoney citigroup

CITIGROUP will change the way it sells credit card insurance after concerns the bank was misleading customers.

Cheques to stay despite UK phase out

cash in hand

CHEQUE books will remain a part of Australian banking despite moves in the UK to abolish them by 2018.

Money Guides & Tools

Slash bank fees

NOBODY wants to pay more bank fees than necessary.

Resolve bank dispute

BE firm but polite when trying to resolve a dispute with your bank.

Personal loan

PERSONAL loans are best suited to big-ticket items that will be paid off over the short term.

How to choose an account

VIEW rates over various terms and amounts.

Compare credit cards

COMPARE credit cards' fees and features.

Savings plan

SEE how much you can save over time if saving regularly.