• Advanced Statistics for Vimeo Plus!

    Today we are releasing Plus Stats, one of the most requested features by you, the Vimeo community.

    Stats is a project that has been in the works for a long time here at Vimeo- we knew how important this was to you and we wanted to make sure we got it just right! The new statistics backend has been collecting data for many months now (at a current rate of 175M+ data points a day and growing!) and the end result is a beautiful, intuitive set of analytics like nobody has ever seen. We've built a system that can slice and dice every metric we record on your video: you can easily visualize video loads, plays and finishes, what quality viewers are watching in (SD vs HD), what web sites videos appear on, which countries they are viewed in and played from, who likes or comments on your videos the most, and a whole lot more! You can also look at any of these stats on your WHOLE video collection. How many times have your videos been played in Sweden? It's not a secret anymore!

    Plus Stats: Advanced Statistics for Vimeo Plus from Vimeo Staff on Vimeo.

    If you are already a Vimeo Plus member, then you will be able to dive right in by going to vimeo.com/stats or by going to 'My Statistics' under 'Me' in the top navigation menu. For basic users, we urge you to check out the demo and get a feel for the product and the types of features we are offering. For new Plus users, it takes about 5 hours for your advanced stats to start showing up.

    We hope you like and find this new feature useful. As always, we would love to hear your feedback.

    The Vimeo Team

  • This Week in Vimeo - 3/1/10

    Yo Vimeo!

    For my first blog post in a little while, I have the distinct pleasure of presenting you with the latest installment of ‘This Week in Vimeo’, our weekly showcase of great people, places and things to check out on Vimeo.

    Meet Benoit Millot.

    Benoit hails from Paris, France where he works for the production company, Le Potager, which turned a lot of heads recently with the video, A day in PARIS. His video Onirique is also worth checking out. Aside from posting some great content, Benoit watches a ton of videos on Vimeo and I highly recommend adding him as a contact or subscribing to his likes.

    Now I’d like to make a special mention to the channel dedicated to my hometown, New York City. For anyone in search of the Big Apple in full HD glory, look no further: New York City HD is the next best thing to actually being there.

    We’d also like to give some love to our skating community here on Vimeo and specifically a big shout out to the group, We Heart Downhill, an amazing collection of downhill skateboarding videos. This should be an Olympic sport if it isn’t already.

    Lastly, Ryan Hefner, one our developers has put together a really impressive piece of Flash video that I trust you all will appreciate. Push play, sit back and let this video melt your mind like some nacho cheese beneath a hot Mexican sun.

    Have a great week everybody!


  • Vimeo Offline: San Francisco

    Hey everyone,

    Vimeo Offline events have been on a slight hiatus lately since our beloved venue in Brooklyn closed down. Not to worry, we'll be back up and running again soon here in NYC, but before we are, we're heading to the west coast for another Offline event in San Francisco!

    We're very excited to be returning to the lovely Bay Area and we've got an awesome line-up of new videos we're dying to show everyone. The playlist isn't solidified yet, so if any of you Bar Area filmmakers have work you think is awesome and want to see on the big screen, just post a link here and we'll check it out! Dan and Blake from the community team will be there to meet and greet everyone who wants chat. Bring the family, bring your friends, bring your imaginary friends and we'll see you there.

    RSVP here!



  • Quick, go vote for the finalists of the Beyond The Still Contest!

    Howdy everyone,

    The first round of the Canon Beyond the Still Contest is coming to a close soon. We received over 100 great interpretations of Vincent Laforet's final still image and the contest judges have chosen the 5 finalists for the community to vote on. If you haven't already, watch Vincent Laforet's short film that kicked off the contest, and then choose which of the five finalists you think fits best as the next chapter of the story. You only have until 11:59 EST tonight to vote, so go check 'em out!



  • This Week in Vimeo- 2/22/10

    Hello Vimeo World!

    How are my favorite internet people doing? Great, glad to hear it.

    This week we will be featuring a very special Vimeo user. You may know her as
    Loonachic, but she also goes by Michelle. She has been on Vimeo for almost five years and has more than 300 videos. Two of my favorites include
    How Very Much I Tried and Beyond Talent. We got the opportunity to meet Michelle today because she is visiting NYC and was nice enough to stop by the office. She is just as awesome IRL as she is on Vimeo. Here are some photos of her in a helmet.

    Since this past weekend was so nice in NYC I spent the majority of it outside. I even went to Central Park, which piqued my interest in parks so I thought I would feature the National Park HD channel. The title pretty much says it all.

    As for a group this week I'd like to feature the Original Storytelling group. This is the home to many wonderful and creative videos from our community. Be sure to check it out for some innovative video fun.

    Also, for any New York Vimeans, take a look at this After Effects NYC group. They are having a free meeting this month and giving away tons of free stuff (last year I won a ticket to the F5 conference). Here is their page and here is their Vimeo.

    Well, that is it for this week. Enjoy!

    Hugs and Kisses,

  • Weekend Project: First Memories

    Hey folks,

    We all spend so much time trying to define ourselves by the future and what we are going to do that we rarely look back at the moments in life that truly define who we already are. This weekend I'd like you to get into interview mode and take part in Vimeo user Zack McTee's project called First Memories.

    "First Memories was inspired the same way a lot of ideas are inspired. Beer," said Zack. "It's evolved since the original video I shot, though. Now I ask people what is their first memory, and who else's first memory would they like to see?

    First Memories are shot in documentary/interview film style and allow you to get a really intimate insight into the subject's life. By seeing them actively recall the events, it opens their personalities up to the camera. As you're shooting, it's also important to think of your location. Everybody's story is going to be unique, but what will make your video visually interesting? Zack has done an amazing job of choosing beautiful locations, and capturing who these people are in the context of their environment.

    Watch a few of of Zack's videos on his Your First Memory Channel for some inspiration and then think about who you'd like to interview. Upload and submit your video to the Weekend Project Group by Tuesday (2/23) at 11:59PM (EST).

    We'll go through the submissions and choose a winner based on a number of criteria -- not just the best story. The winner will get a Plus account (for Basic users) or 25,000 HD Embeds (for Plus members). The runner-up gets an extra 1 GB of upload capacity (for Basic users) or 10,000 HD Embeds (for Plus members). Make sure you only submit videos made specifically for this weekend project!

  • Weekend Project: Multi-frame Madness

    Hi Guys & Gals,

    The weekend is upon us and it's time for a video project. I know it's been a while, but we have a very cool weekend project idea that we really like, and think you will too! We want you to get a little experimental with this one and use multiple video frames! Basically, make a video that has multiple clips playing at once within the same screen, kind of what picture-in-picture on TV looks like.

    Maybe you have a bunch of footage from a recent vacation, a ton of b-roll clips to supplement an interview you did, or a series of videos from a night out on the town with your friends. Whatever it is, we want you to show us in a fun multi-frame style. We think you'll find that multi-frames allow your viewer to take in loads of information at once while keeping them engaged in the material and also allowing you to really pick and choose what to highlight vs. what to use as background.

    Most editing programs are capable of layered editing like this, although we cannot give you a tutorial for your specific editing program, a quick Google search will help you find many tutorials and guides to get you moving.

    A great example is this video Isenseven - TIMES, made by Vincent Urban. There are a ton more to check out in the Split Screen Stuff channel! Here's a fun video tour of our new office! We used Final Cut Pro to edit and experimented with a few different split screen techniques.

    A few things:
    Try to keep your video under 3 minutes and make sure to submit your video to the Weekend Project Group.

    The video with the best integrated multiple frames will get a Plus account (for Basic users) or 25,000 HD Embeds (for Plus members). The runner-up gets an extra 1 GB of upload capacity (for Basic users) or 10,000 HD Embeds (for Plus members). Make sure you only submit videos made specifically for this weekend project!

    Submissions are due on Tuesday (2/16) at 11:59PM (EST).

    Have fun, and we really look forward to what you guys put together!


    Hey everybody! This past weekend's project videos were some of the best I've seen. It was super hard to choose with such a great variety.

    With that being said, we have some multi-framed winners! Ji Won Shin's 3-framed piece called Bittersweet Moments has put her in the runner-up spot and has won her an extra 25,000 HD embeds! Be sure to check it out!

    And our winner, with a brand new Plus account, is Travis Tindell for his epicly edited Winter Shots. So nice, I watched it more than twice.

    Great job everyone! Have a good week.


  • Get those Canon contest entries in!

    Hey all you prospective winners,

    We're getting close to the deadline for submitting your films for Chapter 2 of the Canon "Beyond The Still" video contest. As filmmakers, we're always scrambling until the last minute to perfect our work, but make sure you don't miss your chance to be included in this segment of the contest. Submissions are due February 11th at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time (actually one second before midnight, but don't push it). Now is the time to hustle!

    So far the entries have been very impressive. Even if you're not going to enter this round, you should head over to the video gallery. We think you'll feel very proud of your fellow community members. There really is a tremendous amount of talent on this site.

    If watching the videos inspires you, you should get prepared to make a film for Chapter 3 of the contest. That phase will begin February 26th.

    Good luck to everyone!

