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Blogs about: Communism

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Nos unimos al Directorio Democrático Cubano en la condena asesinato de Orlando Zapata Tamayo por régimen castrista

Rafael Martel wrote 8 minutes ago: Miami. 23 de febrero de 2010. Directorio Democrático Cubano. El valiente defensor de la libertad del … more →

Tags: 2010, Communists, cuba, Cuba Apartheid, Cuba Democracia y Vida, cuba news, Cuba's Army, Cuba's Health Care, Cuba's Hospitals

numbers are a man-made science

enfinoui wrote 10 minutes ago: In regards to… [/source][source 1] [source language="1"]   today, i awoke with a feeling so di … more →

Tags: Daily Observations, Jargon, joey c., Philosophy

Economic Freedom Index - Top Ten Countries

freemarketstudies wrote 1 hour ago: Put out by the Heritage Foundation, here is the 2010 Index of Economic Freedom Covers 183 countries … more →

Tags: Agorism, anarchism, Anarcho-capitalism, Austrian Business Cycle Theory, Austrian economics, capitalism, central planning, crony capitalism, debt default

We The People: Stunning!

dancingczars wrote 2 hours ago: … more →

Tags: We The People, bebo, Blogger, box net, Chris Matthews, Congress, Conservative Blog Network, Democrats, facebook

America takes it up the chuffer

casualsunited wrote 3 hours ago: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8B1FHeIP53Q&NR=1 DEAR OH DEAR … more →

Tags: Antifa, Casuals United, English Defence League, Geert Wilders, Islam, Political Correctness, edl

White House Accused of Federal Crime in Specter, Bennet Races

dancingczars wrote 3 hours ago: An amazingly sourced set of allegations, if proven true, could result in jail time for members of th … more →

Tags: Bennet Races, accused of election tampering, bebo, Blogger, box net, Chris Matthews, Congress, Conservative Blog Network, corruption

J D WETHERSPOONS BANS THE EDL - my @rse lol this will cheer you up

casualsunited wrote 3 hours ago: FOUND ON A DERANGED COMMIE WEBSITE Wetherspoons ban the English Defence League J.D. Wetherspoon has … more →

Tags: Antifa, Casuals United, English Defence League, Geert Wilders, Islam, Political Correctness, Scottish Defence League, ulster defence league, Clowns

Navy Seals - What the hell is our government thinking???

dancingczars wrote 4 hours ago: Thursday, January 14, 2010 This was sent to me in an email, but I wanted to share it with all of you … more →

Tags: Navy Seals - What the hell is our government thinking??, Conservative Blog Network, Socialism, janet napolitano, Sarah Palin, facebook, Technorati, Congress, Obamacare

UC San Diego Threatens to Punished Students for Protected Speech!

weroinnm wrote 5 hours ago: Question: Could it be true that UC San Diego recently threatened punished students for protected spe … more →

Tags: constitution, Education, First Amendment, main stream media, President, http://americangrandjury.org/, http://freedomeden.blogspot.com/, http://rubinreports.blogspot.com/, http://sunlituplands.blogspot.com/

On the Destruction of Everything

chicagoimaginaryparty wrote 6 hours ago: How to? How to? The image. Just an image? Perhaps an isolated gesture, or a network of becomings. . … more →

Tags: News, Agamben, Anarchy, appropriation, Benjamin, Imaginary Party, MAKE TOTAL DESTROY, The Coming Insurrection, tiqqun

This is a time when what we saw was not what we received:"The Great Orator" and Mobile Gaffe Machine

dancingczars wrote 8 hours ago: In an attempt to prove that the email below was a PhotoShop job I began searching the usual suspects … more →

Tags: Lies about Obama using a teleprompter in a sixt grade c, bebo, Blogger, box net, Chris Matthews, Congress, Conservative Blog Network, Democrats, facebook

Impeach Obama!

godlesspaladin wrote 8 hours ago: Impeachment is a formal process in which an elected official is accused of unlawful activity, and wh … more →

Tags: Politics, bush, crimes, Democrats, DNC, Gitmo, GOP, Impeach, Liberals

Beaubourg 268: The Communist Utopia?

beaubourg268 wrote 9 hours ago: beaubourg 268 The Communist Utopia? Thur 1:10-3:00 Gina Clark Office Hours: Wed 8-Midnight 268 Saint … more →

Tags: Albert Meister, Art & School, Beaubourg, Cinema, Commune, Criterion Collection, Critique of Political Economy, Deleuze, dimensions of dialogue

"Ax" Not What Your Country...

dancingczars wrote 9 hours ago: February 22, 2010 Far be it from me to add anything to the man! Enjoy reality! Rush Limbaugh Transcr … more →

Tags: "Ax" Not What Your Country..., Conservative Blog Network, Socialism, janet napolitano, Sarah Palin, facebook, Technorati, Congress, Obamacare

EPA lays out timetable for regulating greenhouse gas emissions

dancingczars wrote 9 hours ago: // By Juliet Eilperin Washington Post Staff Writer Tuesday, February 23, 2010 I guess we can’t … more →

Tags: EPA lays out timetable for regulating greenhouse gas em, bebo, Blogger, box net, Chris Matthews, Congress, Conservative Blog Network, Democrats, EPA Timetable

ACORN's alias con game for money and power73 comments

VotingFemale wrote 11 hours ago: Did you notice? …when a Socialist ‘Brand’ gets in trouble, the Democrat Party thro … more →

Tags: ACORN, Democrat Party, ACORN, Barack Obama, Conservative Blog Network, Democrats, Harry Reid, Liberalism, Nancy Pelosi

Political Correctness Must Be Used By Elites: Herbert Marcuse - Soviet Marxist: Obama's Internet Patriot Act - Censorship

volubrjotr wrote 12 hours ago: Herbert Marcuse Soviet Marxist - Must Use Political Correctness By Elites A pair of bills introduced … more →

Tags: censorship, free speech, Internet, marcuse, Marxism, Marxist, Political Correctness, Rockefeller, Subversion

MIRACLE History - Part 2

George wrote 13 hours ago: Cover of the March 1980 issue of Sports Illustrated (credit: Heinz Kluetmeier) Little did Heinz Klue … more →

Tags: Hockey, Movies, Politics, Washington, 1980, Al Michaels, Disney, ESPN, herb brooks

Glenn Beck is a communist and other inconvenient truths

badphonekarmagirl wrote 13 hours ago: I so love this clip from the Daily Show.  Satire is such a wonderful tool to point out how utterly r … more →

Tags: 1, New York Times, The Daily Show, jon stewart, glenn beck, Paul Krugman, Bankruptcy Boys