wpTune – Wordpress theme

January 21, 2010 by admin 3 Comments »

A new clean and modern wordpress theme.

wpTune is compatible with most browsers, tested in Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome, IE6, IE7, IE8.

Check it on wordpress.org : http://wordpress.org/extend/themes/wptune

wpTune Screenshot

wpTune Screenshot

Download v1.1.2 | Demo

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wpBurn Blue Theme

October 19, 2009 by admin 16 Comments »

wpBurn Blue

Clean web 2.0 wordpress theme developed by wpburn.Valid XHTML, tested in IE6+, Firefox, Safari, Chrome.
Version: 1.2
Tags: blue, black, white, two-columns, fixed-width, right-sidebar, theme-options

Screenshot :

wpBurn Blue

wpBurn Blue

Demo: http://wp-themes.com/wpburn-blue

Download: wpBurn Blue v1.2


WP FollowMe plugin

September 30, 2009 by admin 308 Comments »

WP FollowMe is a wordpress plugin that allows you to add a twitter “Follow me” badge on your wordpress blog.

Get what version you like more :

Update v2.0.4 :

  • 404 not found error for css file fixed
  • minor bugs fixed

Update v2.0.3 :

  • The badge is completly in flash.
  • The text is displayed sideways.
  • Added border color option.
  • “I love it ” icon and question mark removed

Update v2.0 :

  • Choose from 16 twitter icons or use your own.
  • Edit the icon background color.
  • Edit the “Follow Me” text.
  • Change text color.
  • Change font size.
  • Change font family.

If you found a bug or if you have a twitter icon that you want to share with all other users of this plugin let me know on comments section.

What you need to use this plugin :

  • a wordpress powered website (blog)
  • a twitter.com account (obviously)

How to use it :

Get Adobe Flash playerPlugin by wpburn.com wordpress themes