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Money & Me:

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What cost true love?

Monday, February 08, 10 (11:39 pm)

Valentines Day. The chocolate shops and newsagencies are ready with the hearts and cards, and with slogans like: “Order now before it’s too late and get some lovin’ in return …” and the even more blunt: “Give her what she wants this Valentine’s or she may just dump you,” the flower industry is leaving nothing to chance (or imagination).

It’s a profitable day for retailers, with Ibisworld estimating that spending last year was around $44 million on flowers, $29 million on dining, $274 million on chocolate and confectionary and $384 million on romantic getaways. The best things in life may indeed be free – but other stuff can cost a fair bit!

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Meet Justine Davies

Justine is a finance writer, author and mum of three. With a decade of financial planning experience her mission is to make family finances easier.

Money Stuff:

How financial news affects you

Interest rate rise hits hips pocket

Monday, February 01, 10 (05:06 pm)

HOMEOWNERS will have to find an extra $341 a month for mortgage repayments by the end of the year, if interest rates rise in line with economists’ forecasts.

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Money Stuff

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The Barefoot Investor:

Investing Advice

Help yourself to a piece of happiness

Saturday, December 19, 09 (09:26 am)

KATE calls me, drunk, from the back of a taxi. “I’m 30-something and over it,’’ she announces.

It’s Monday. It’s 4.30pm. With yet another boozy business lunch under her belt, Kate was in a philosophical mood.

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Meet Scott Pape

Scott is a syndicated columnist, bestselling author, radio host, television presenter, and owner of a car that doesn't need to be locked. He is a licensed financial advisor, and director of Barefoot Investment Management (AFSL) 302081.

Smart Investing:

Investing Advice

Why no extra contributions? It’s no mystery

Monday, February 08, 10 (10:43 am)

If you regularly make voluntary contributions to your super fund, the following statistics may take you by surprise.

Just 22% of Australia’s paid workforce age 15 and over make voluntary super contributions – whether salary-sacrificed contributions or personal after-tax contributions – into their super funds, according to Trends in Superannuation, a report by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (March 2009).

And 44% of the workforce relies solely on Superannuation Guarantee (SG) contributions while the remaining 34% is not making contributions from any source. That’s right, 34% – more than a third of the workforce!

Continue reading 'Why no extra contributions? It’s no mystery'

Meet Robin Bowerman

Robin Bowerman discusses personal finance strategies and issues that can make the difference between success and failure. Learn from his 20 years experience in the finance industry.


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