Last updated: February 08, 2010

Weather: Sydney 22°C - 27°C . A shower or two.

Cops play robbers in bandit bungle


POLICE are in strife, accused of dressing up as bandits to stage a prank robbery, leading to a tense gunpoint stand-off.

Louts loot lorry load of Lego


THIEVES stole a truck-load of Lego after tying up and gagging the driver, British police said.

Stalker pheasant terrorises children

news image pesant 20100204

A PHEASANT is wreaking havoc on a peaceful town forcing residents to flee for cover indoors.

15 comments on this story

We're all aliens, says British scientist


THE human race began as "microbes brought to Earth by comets millions of years ago".

169 comments on this story

Stab victim didn't notice blade in neck


A MUGGING victim was in such deep shock that she walked home not realising she had a knife in her neck and a bloody back. 

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Coach fined for giving fans the finger

New York Jets

CRUDE taunting of rival US football team's fans lands boss with $55,000 ticking-off.

Pool party for wild animal cut short


A 400kg water buffalo has been photographed doing laps in a backyard spa pool.

Police run over dog, bill owner

Australian Shepherd

POLICE have deliberately run over a woman's dog, sending her a hefty bill for the trouble.

Abbott breaks Speedos ban promise

Tony Abbott

TONY Abbott has broken his first big promise, once more parading in his budgie smugglers.

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Churchill's cigar stub sells for $8138

Sir Winston

A CIGAR stub Winston Churchill left unfinished in 1941 has been sold for £4500 ($8138).

Fishos fight off croc to save prized catch


FIVE fishermen have fought off a hungry crocodile to defend their prized shark in a daring battle.

Hospital for man who lost fight with train

Queensland train

A MAN has come off second best after reportedly trying to karate chop a moving train last night.

You have to hand it to doctors ...

Geoff McLaren

GEOFF McLaren has given the thumbs up - well, a toe and a thumb - to his reconstructed hand.

Settle for Mr Second Best to be happy

Comedian Janet McLeod

WOMEN searching for Mr Right should do it in their 20s or risk ending up lonely in their 30s.

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Art student trips, tears $143m Picasso

Picasso's The Actor

A CLUMSY art-lover damaged a rare Picasso painting after losing her balance and tripping onto it.

Stuck on the phone, literally

Gye Gardner

A TRUCK driver managed to accidentally superglue his phone headset to his ear.

China eager for our cane toads

Cane toad

FIRST it was coal, then gas, and now China wants another natural resource ... cane toads.

$2m suit after candy mistaken for cocaine


TWO men jailed after police mistook coconut candy for cocaine will file a US$2 million lawsuit.

Bear birth beamed live on internet

Bear Birth

A RARE black bear with 40,000 friends on her Facebook page will give birth live on the internet.

Conman poses as female swimsuit model

news image model 20100121

A CONMAN posed as a female swimsuit model to trick males into sending him gifts and money.

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Man opens bag of chips, finds one

Cheese Ring

A MAN who found a single cheese ring inside a packet of chips is philosophical about his loss.

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Heart-shaped strawberries ripe for launch


WHAT began as heart-shaped strawberries for a girlfriend is now a commercial crop.

Cops nick-er bare couple

Random breath testing

A QUICK drive in their undies was embarrassing for one couple when the police showed up.

Labrador in a twist after retrieving snake

Labrador and snake

LABRADOR gets in a bind with deadly copperhead snake, but survives thanks to his training.

34 comments on this story

Boffins aim to shear sheep gas emissions


AUSTRALIAN scientists hope to develop burp-less sheep to help take on climate change.

Weight Watchers group falls through floor

Weight Watchers

'SEWAGE smell' rises after floor collapses under group of Swedish Weight Watchers at weigh-in.

'Mystery object' has astronomers stumped


ASTRONOMERS will tonight get their best look at a "mystery object" orbiting the Earth.

Women set to road test 500 boob styles

news image boobs 20100113

WOMEN wanting bigger breasts can now test drive a new pair before going under the knife.

Woman drives home with body in screen


A WOMAN drove home with the body of an 80-year-old pedestrian lodged in her windscreen.

Robber hides in see-through plastic bag

plastic bag

A ROBBER wearing a transparent plastic bag over his head has held up a service station.

Speeding millionaire cops $315,000 fine

news image ferrari 20100108

A MULTI-millionaire was fined a staggering $315,000 for trying to evade a hefty speeding fine.

Man's Happy Birthday wish - in manure


ASK one wife if she got the perfect birthday present and she'll tell you her hubby "dung good".

Machine is a real turn-off - literally


IT'S made of wood and has a switch on top. That's it really. So what is the appeal of this box?

Bungling bank robbers top Darwin Awards


TWO robbers who blew themselves up trying to make an ATM "withdrawal" win awards.

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Mysterious G-spot just a myth - study

Girl in red lingerie

A SEXUAL quest that has for years baffled millions of women, and men, may have been in vain.

Illusionist emerges from ice cube

Hezi Dean

AN Israeli illusionist gave an icy reception to the New Year, emerging at midnight from 66 hours in an 8-tonne block of ice.

68kg stuffed moose fell on my head - diner

Stuffed moose head

A NEW York woman is suing a restaurant after claiming a large moose head fell on her.

Man 'staged kidnapping to fund party trip'


A YOUNG man with a taste for the high life wanted money to party in Macau - so he staged his own kidnapping, reports say.

Car park caters for women's special needs

Rearview mirror

SHOPPING centre opens car park that offers women drivers extra-wide parking spaces.

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Squirrels feast on town's Christmas lights


SQUIRRELS ruin Christmas in a Canadian town by eating all the festive lights - except the reds.

The Environment


THE future of our environmental health becomes more urgent while the worst drought on record wipes billions from the economy and leaves farmers in despair.

Darwin explosion

Darwin explosion

UP to 13 people are in hospital after a man pushed a shopping trolley containing three jerry cans...

Major quake hits Haiti

Haiti Twitter picture

Hundreds feared dead after a 7.0 earthquake hits the Caribbean country of Haiti.

The Pin-Up Prince

Prince William of Wales

From childhood to his visit latest visit to Australia, we look back at the life of Prince William...

World's tallest and shortest men meet

He Pingping and Sultan Kosen

THE world's tallest man and the world's shortest man have finally met each other.

Wild winter weather

THE northern hemisphere is battling one of the worst winters in decades.

NYE celebration preparations

Peru New Year

Cities around the world prepare to celebrate the New Year


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Suicide waitress's bullies fined

Bullying panlock

FOUR men have been fined a total of $335,000 over the bullying of a young waitress who killed herself.

JB Hi-Fi reports record first half profit

JB hi-fi

RETAILER JB Hi-Fi has announced a 29 per cent increase in first half profit and flagged that its CEO will retire.

Bank shares may offer happy returns


STOCKBROKERS are tipping a prosperous five years ahead for the banks that everybody but their shareholders love to hate.

Jetstar passengers' plane panic


PASSENGERS "upset and nervous" at being stuck on a hot plane while a pilot repeatedly attempted to start it, leading to lengthy delays.

No need for file-sharing laws, says Conroy

Senator Conroy

COMMUNICATIONS Minister Stephen Conroy says he won't push for new piracy laws while the movie and internet industries aren't talking.