Last updated: February 11, 2010

Weather: Sydney 22°C - 29°C . Fine. Mostly sunny.

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The Environment


THE future of our environmental health becomes more urgent while the worst drought on record wipes billions from the economy and leaves farmers in despair.

Amazing photos of 9/11

9/11 from the air

Never-before-seen photos of the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001 have been released to the ABC i...

Darwin explosion

Darwin explosion

UP to 13 people are in hospital after a man pushed a shopping trolley containing three jerry cans...

Major quake hits Haiti

Haiti Twitter picture

Hundreds feared dead after a 7.0 earthquake hits the Caribbean country of Haiti.

The Pin-Up Prince

Prince William of Wales

From childhood to his visit latest visit to Australia, we look back at the life of Prince William...

World's tallest and shortest men meet

He Pingping and Sultan Kosen

THE world's tallest man and the world's shortest man have finally met each other.

Wild winter weather

THE northern hemisphere is battling one of the worst winters in decades.


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