Last updated: January 26, 2010

Weather: Sydney 23°C - 31°C . Chance afternoon shower or thunderstorm.


Thought for the day 26 January 2010

The 'big story' of 2010 involves an unusual pattern in the sky. Roughly, this shape will resemble a set of old-fashioned weighing scales. In one 'pan', we'll have Jupiter. Saturn will be over on the other side. If we were simply weighing these planets, Jupiter would count for far more. But what hangs in the balance here, is 'influence'. Saturn and Jupiter represent contrasting forces. Jupiter is about freedom of choice, Saturn symbolises inevitability. Jupiter represents opportunity. Saturn stands for limitation. In this respect, they're evenly matched. But Saturn carries extra weight this year. I'll explain more tomorrow.

2010 is here... do you want to know the secrets of the future? You can find out, right now, what's ahead for you. Just download a personal chart based on your exact date, time and place of birth. You'll find in-depth predictions for the coming year, plus an overview of all your biggest astrological opportunities. Be ready for your chances and your challenges! Get your Year Ahead Guide NOW!

Jonathan Cainer

Jan 21 - Feb 19


Are you feeling cheerful? You should be. Things are trundling along about as well as they can be expected to. We can't (and won't) deny the existence of certain tricky problems. We shall (and must) give due deference to the enormity of the discovery you are starting to make. We have to (and will) allow a little justified anxiety about this. But then, nothing ventured... nothing gained. You are venturing a lot more than nothing now. In the long run, it's going to give you back an awful lot more than just a 'little something'.

I've got so much more to tell you in your new spoken forecast. You can hear it by joining the free trial of my 5 Star service. You can cancel easily at any time and you can still continue to hear your forecasts for 14 days. But of course I hope you'll stay longer.. it's worth it! Have a listen to a sample.


Feb 20 - Mar 20


When something is really right, your toes tingle. A very natural form of inner sensitivity can detect how positive and perfect a possibility is. You are starting to experience a profound psychological response that seems, on the surface, a little like 'hope' yet is actually a mood of deep certainty. The difference between 'this is what's supposed to happen' and 'this is what I wish could happen' is the difference you need to watch for. Never mind what you want, look at what you've got. Then work out why you're so lucky to have it.

I've got so much more to tell you in your new spoken forecast. You can hear it by joining the free trial of my 5 Star service. You can cancel easily at any time and you can still continue to hear your forecasts for 14 days. But of course I hope you'll stay longer.. it's worth it! Have a listen to a sample.


Mar 21 - Apr 20


Even if there are moments this week, when you feel stuck, you won't really be in a sticky situation. Take precautionary steps but don't be so guarded and so careful that you end up unable to take any action at all. There's a big difference between a true threat and an irritating impediment. You can get past whatever is standing in your way, as long as you don't take just one look at it and decide you may as well give up. If you really have to be cross, let anger be what makes you move, not what makes you go on strike!

I've got so much more to tell you in your new spoken forecast. You can hear it by joining the free trial of my 5 Star service. You can cancel easily at any time and you can still continue to hear your forecasts for 14 days. But of course I hope you'll stay longer.. it's worth it! Have a listen to a sample.


Apr 21 - May 21


You suspect that there's no way to escape a stressful situation or to avoid an imminent problem. You are bracing yourself for a conflict or a confronting experience. That's like sitting at home, watching through the window as an unwelcome visitor approaches your front door. You, though, have the option to slip quietly out the back and go somewhere else. Is that running away? Yes. And it may be a very good idea. There's nothing cowardly about summoning common sense and picking your moments more carefully.

I've got so much more to tell you in your new spoken forecast. You can hear it by joining the free trial of my 5 Star service. You can cancel easily at any time and you can still continue to hear your forecasts for 14 days. But of course I hope you'll stay longer.. it's worth it! Have a listen to a sample.


May 22 - June 22


Will they manage, one day, to genetically modify human beings? Who will decide how 'perfect' any individual person needs to be - or even what constitutes an improvement on the original design? We all have faults, foibles and 'failings', which are an integral, endearing part of our personalities. You don't want to get rid, this week, of whatever makes you special. You just want to be a little less sensitive to criticism, from others and from yourself. A large number of apparent 'problems' will disappear as soon as you relax.

I've got so much more to tell you in your new spoken forecast. You can hear it by joining the free trial of my 5 Star service. You can cancel easily at any time and you can still continue to hear your forecasts for 14 days. But of course I hope you'll stay longer.. it's worth it! Have a listen to a sample.


Jun 23 - Jul 23


A wide-brimmed hat, a pair of dark glasses... and a smart, pin- striped suit. Or maybe, an old-fashioned suit of armour, complete with helmet and chain mail. The actual outfit is irrelevant. What matters is that you'd like others to see you as the kind of person who can't be messed with. A character who rarely takes orders... but often gives them. The truth, though, is very different. You will often go miles out of your way to help someone you don't even know. You are very sensitive. Be soft by all means now. But don't be a sucker.

I've got so much more to tell you in your new spoken forecast. You can hear it by joining the free trial of my 5 Star service. You can cancel easily at any time and you can still continue to hear your forecasts for 14 days. But of course I hope you'll stay longer.. it's worth it! Have a listen to a sample.


Jul 24 - Aug 23


Why don't people understand? Why can't they see your point of view? Why won't they remove a few obstacles as a mark of respect to the merit of your plan? Or even just out of a gesture of friendliness? Don't ask! You deserve assistance, support and encouragement. That doesn't necessarily mean, though, that you're going to get any. You may find, this week, that the only 'helping hand' you can completely rely on is the one at the end of your own arm. But as long as you use it, it's the only one you'll need.

I've got so much more to tell you in your new spoken forecast. You can hear it by joining the free trial of my 5 Star service. You can cancel easily at any time and you can still continue to hear your forecasts for 14 days. But of course I hope you'll stay longer.. it's worth it! Have a listen to a sample.


Aug 24 - Sep 23


Prepare to discover how much strength and influence you have. This should prove to be a most fruitful week. You are in a fine position to assert yourself, without the need for struggle or battle. All you really have to do is smile sweetly and let what needs to happen, happen. You don't think it can possibly be so easy? Give it a try. Neptune suggests that in one moment of inspiration, you can find a way past many old obstacles. You may first have to hold a crucial conversation. But that will prove easier than you think.

I've got so much more to tell you in your new spoken forecast. You can hear it by joining the free trial of my 5 Star service. You can cancel easily at any time and you can still continue to hear your forecasts for 14 days. But of course I hope you'll stay longer.. it's worth it! Have a listen to a sample.


Sep 24 - Oct 23


It is one thing to feel unhappy because something in your world is genuinely bad, sad or regrettable. It is another to feel blue because you don't think you're entitled to feel any other way. I'm not trying to suggest that you are inflicting an unnecessary punishment on yourself - but there is a part of you that half expects things to go wrong and thus almost 'welcomes' disappointment. This week, you need to conquer that fearful, pessimistic aspect of your personality. Reach for the brightest and the best - and you'll yet get it.

I've got so much more to tell you in your new spoken forecast. You can hear it by joining the free trial of my 5 Star service. You can cancel easily at any time and you can still continue to hear your forecasts for 14 days. But of course I hope you'll stay longer.. it's worth it! Have a listen to a sample.


Oct 24 - Nov 22


Think back please, to some of your 'greatest mistakes'. Remember the moments when you found yourself 'on the wrong side of a threshold', 'past a point of no return' or 'in a pickle you couldn't get out of'. Now recall the way those situations turned themselves around. Which of them would you now seriously undo, unpick or alter, even if you could? These weren't mistakes; they were essential steps. What you are doing now is something that is every bit as positive. Don't fear the challenge that lies before you. Embrace it.

I've got so much more to tell you in your new spoken forecast. You can hear it by joining the free trial of my 5 Star service. You can cancel easily at any time and you can still continue to hear your forecasts for 14 days. But of course I hope you'll stay longer.. it's worth it! Have a listen to a sample.


Nov 23 - Dec 21


Total certainty is something only fools and maniacs experience. If you are sane and sensitive, you will always be a little unsure. Yet we all have to make assumptions sometimes. We also have to give commitments. These don't have to be sustained by a sense of complete conviction. It's sufficient to have faith and flexibility. Your determination is admirable - but, if you want success, temper it with a little humility. Events, this week, are urging you to think again about a matter you think you already understand.

I've got so much more to tell you in your new spoken forecast. You can hear it by joining the free trial of my 5 Star service. You can cancel easily at any time and you can still continue to hear your forecasts for 14 days. But of course I hope you'll stay longer.. it's worth it! Have a listen to a sample.


Dec 22 - Jan 20


You can't get it right unless you're brave enough to risk getting it wrong. That's why you need to be adventurous. Often, we leap without looking and then find out, the hard way, why it's wise to take more precautions. Chastened by such experiences we then swing to the other extreme and become overly reticent. Yet the opportunity before you now is one that deserves to be seized. An imminent alignment from Saturn to Pluto implies you're thinking more than you need to about an idea that just ought to be trusted.

I've got so much more to tell you in your new spoken forecast. You can hear it by joining the free trial of my 5 Star service. You can cancel easily at any time and you can still continue to hear your forecasts for 14 days. But of course I hope you'll stay longer.. it's worth it! Have a listen to a sample.

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