Featured Article

U.S. Stimulus Plan to Boost Geothermal Energy Prospects

By Kimberly N. Chase |

by Kimberly N. Chase
- USA -

Steam rises from a fumarole at The Geysers, the
30-square-mile steam field about 70 miles north of San Francisco. Photograph by Kimberly N. Chase.
In an unmarked meadow by the side of the road at The Geysers, the 30-square-mile steam field about 70 miles north of San Francisco, California, the air smells like sulfur. Clouds of steam drift up from fumaroles, or open holes of rapidly boiling brown water, and waft across the landscape carrying the smell of rotten eggs.

These well-hidden hot springs offer an excellent way to comprehend the massive strength of the energy that lies just below the Earth’s surface. Located on the Pacific’s Ring of Fire and over the fault between the Pacific and North American tectonic plates, here the Earth’s latent heat bubbles up from beneath California’s earthly crust - a perfect place for a power plant.



2010 Sundance Film Festival: A Cinematic Rebellion

Jessica Mosby
by Jessica Mosby - USA - Rebel was the theme of the 2010 Sundance Film Festival. The message was everywhere:...

India Sets Its Sights on Higher Education

Priyanka Bhardwaj
by Priyanka Bhardwaj - India - Education remains an emotional subject in a poor and developing country like India, where...

California’s Prison Spending Grows While the State Budget Shrinks

Rachel Meyer
by Rachel Meyer - USA - As I sit and write this, a young man sits in County Jail awaiting...

Afghanistan: Vultures in the “Graveyard of Empires”

Wazhmah Osman
by Wazhmah Osman - Afghanistan - While reports of systemic corruption and fraud are just beginning to surface in the...

India's Women Find Empowerment in Exotic Dance

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by Mandy Van Deven - India - Anyone who has ever sat through the frequent and painstakingly choreographed musical numbers...

Making Farms Friendlier: Watchdogs Expose Myth Behind “Humane” Food Labeling

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by Michelle Chen - USA - A typical suburban supermarket aisle today will feature free-range turkeys and grass-fed steak glistening...

Proceed and Be Bold: Director Laura Zinger and Subject Amos Paul Kennedy Jr. on Art, Life, and Independent Filmmaking

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by Jessica Mosby - USA - Amos Paul Kennedy Jr. is living the dream. After discovering his love of letterpress,...

Defending Human Rights in Colombia is a Deadly Job

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Another 5 years of Karzai: An Afghan-American Perspective from Kabul

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Half the Sky: Why You Must Join the Global Movement to Emancipate Women

Katharine Daniels
by Katharine Daniels Executive Editor, The WIP - USA - For me and my colleagues, Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn’s...

Compassion, Courage and Hope: Creating Peace in the New Year

Sarah McGowan
by Sarah McGowan Features & Photo Editor, The WIP I was called a prostitute, I was called a thief…I was...

A Turbulent Year for California’s Cormorants

Kimberly N. Chase
by Kimberly N. Chase - USA - Once one of the world’s most notorious prisons, Alcatraz is now home to...

Grassroots Climate Justice Groups Work for Results in Copenhagen

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by Brittany Shoot - Denmark - Copenhagen is an odd mix of frustrating inertia and vigilant protest as week two...

20 Years Later, Germany Struggles with “Annexation, not unification”

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by Vera von Kreutzbruck – Germany - They were East Germany’s dream couple in the eighties. But shortly after the...

Video Testimonials Document Politically Motivated Sexual Violence in Zimbabwe

Abigail Wendle
by Abigail Wendle - USA - According to the Zimbabwe Rape Survivors Association, during last year’s highly contested presidential election...


Costa Rica Elects First Woman President, Inspiring the Region

by Chrissie Long and Sara Miller Llana, Christian Science Monitor, USA - Laura Chinchilla won Costa Rica's presidential election in a landslide victory Sunday that...

What Will Deal with Taliban Mean for Afghan Women?

by Olivia Ward, The Star, Canada - Women's rights would face challenges in a Western peace deal with the Taliban....

In Bad Faith

by Sarah Posner, American Prospect, USA - At yesterday's National Prayer Breakfast, President Obama revealed that he still falls prey to the idea that religious...

DRC’s Magic Dust: Who Benefits?

by Khadija Sharife, Pambazuka, Kenya - Will a new concession with China enable the Congolese to ‘really feel what all that copper, cobalt and nickel...

Islamic Agencies Tackle HIV Stigma

by Helen Mould, Al Jazeera, Qatar - People living with HIV are often discriminated against because the condition is associated with so-called 'immoral' behaviour, such...


Iran 'to ratchet up enrichment'

(BBC) Iran announces immediate plans to increase levels of uranium enrichment, further heightening tensions with the West....

In Brief: Afghan floods, avalanches leave 20 dead - IRINnews.org

In Brief: Afghan floods, avalanches leave 20 deadIRINnews.orgKABUL, 8 February 2010 (IRIN) - Flash floods killed at least 10 people and destroyed hundreds of houses...

DRC: Security beefed up for North Kivu IDPs - IRINnews.org

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TIMOR-LESTE: Water supplies running on empty - IRINnews.org

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Costa Rica elects female leader

(BBC) Costa Ricans elect Laura Chinchilla as president, the first woman to occupy the post in the Central American nation....

AFGHANISTAN: Fleeing on foot at night - IRINnews.org

AFGHANISTAN: Fleeing on foot at nightIRINnews.orgThe offensive is expected to drive Taliban insurgents out of Marjah, which has an estimated population of 80000 people, according...


Those American Missionaries in Haiti

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Whiteboard Report: Schools that Work

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Sundance 2010 Comes to an End: What I Saw and What I Missed

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Urban Migration: Searching for a Better Life

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Is There a Future for Haiti

“Did you see this?” My colleague asked me in a hospital in Port-au-Prince, Haiti’s capital, in 2005. Regrettably, I had seen it. She was referring to a dead child covered by a sheet, flies buzzing around the corpse, seemingly abandoned...


India Sets Its Sights on Higher Education
parwatisingari said: this is an very lopsided article, Kid, there are many factors when you talk of education. Most India...
California’s Prison Spending Grows While the State Budget Shrinks
RachelM said: Reading the comments above, it is clear that both greater transparency and more accountability are r...
Haiti Womens Micro-Lending Bank Brings Big Cash to Rescue
Elisa said: Everyone please read. Micro-lending to women is definitely the way to bring families out of poverty...
India's Women Find Empowerment in Exotic Dance
Maguire said: I am glad to see that it has finally made its way to India though. Being more in tune with ones sexu...
Making Farms Friendlier: Watchdogs Expose Myth Behind “Humane” Food Labeling
Lisa Kacz said: I have heard about this before recently. What is leaves me wondering is: is there a way to easily de...


The WIP Featured on Movable Type

Six Apart interviews Kate and features The WIP on The Movable Type Blog.

Conversations with Riane Eisler

Founder Kate Daniels joins Dr. Riane Eisler on Women's Radio for a conversation about world politics, human rights, and global news.

Iraqi author and activist Haifa Zangana visits The WIP

and is interviewed by the Monterey County Weekly.

Women's Wear Daily contacts The WIP

for comment on women candidates and style. Referencing Golda Meir and Indira Gandhi, Louise Belfrage calls the modern obsession with female politicians' clothes absurd. "In India, do you think they talked about Indira Gandhi's clothes?"

The WIP Joins America Back on Track

to discuss the latest news about Haleh Esfandiari, Director of the Middle East Program at the Smithsonian Institute's Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Esfandiari was recently released after being held at Tehran's Evin prison for months.