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Blogs about: Intelligence

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mikehimley wrote 6 minutes ago: No posts here recently?    New posts on related topics can be found at Eagle Intelligence.   www.eag … more →

Tags: Eagle Intelligence

Video: Red Alert - Intelligence Chiefs Certain Their Bosses Will Stage Terror Attack Soon

sakerfa wrote 3 hours ago: (Infowars) – Using information gleaned from the blatantly set-up underwear bomber patsy Umar A … more →

Tags: Dictatorship, Education/Mind Control, Fascism, Film/Video, Mainstream media, Martial Law/Police State, nwo, Politics/Elect/Corrupt, Terrorism

Meeting God

Monicks wrote 4 hours ago: … more →

Tags: Atheism, agnostic, Agnosticism, atheist, church, Freethinker, freethinking, God, Life

Red Alert: Intelligence Chiefs “Certain” Their Bosses Will Stage Terror Attack Soon

The TruthRadiator wrote 6 hours ago: Paul Joseph Watson & Kurt Nimmo Using information gleaned from the blatantly set-up underwear bo … more →

Tags: false flag terrorism, Police State, War-on-terror, Abdul Muttalab, domestic terrorists, extremist threats, flight 253, Kurt Haskell, Sharp Dressed Man

Intel Chief: U.S. at Risk of Crippling Cyber Attack

Garnet Spy wrote 6 hours ago: In the wake of two recent posts here on the subject of cyber security (“Beck’s Lie … more →

Tags: national security, cyber security, Cyber-warfare, Dennis Blair, Director of National Intelligence

Analysis: The Downward Spiral in US-Pakistan Intelligence Relations

intelNews wrote 8 hours ago: Pragati By JOSEPH FITSANAKIS | intelNews.org | For decades, US geopolitical interests in southern As … more →

Tags: Afghanistan, Analysis, Central Asia, CIA, intelligence cooperation, ISI, Joseph Fitsanakis, Pakistan, united states

New articles Feb 3rd, 2010

Naran S. Balakumar wrote 10 hours ago: 1. Find out how Bach Flower Remedies, Reiki and Angels helped in smooth conduct of the Naran S Balak … more →

Tags: New Blogs, Acu-Reiki, animal spirit guides, Bach, Balakumar, Body, Chennai, connection, EFT

Another army plot discovered in Turkey

Saïd Nassiri wrote 10 hours ago: Yet another underhanded plan allegedly prepared by the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) and aiming to crea … more →

Tags: Politics, Religion, Elite, Islam, military, turkey, Violence

Job Satisfaction

Naran S. Balakumar wrote 10 hours ago: I was Job less for four months and started Chanting Switch Words, ”FIND DIVINE ORDER COUNT NOW DONE” … more →

Tags: Switchword, Switch Word, Naran, Balakumar, Reiki, Yoga, EFT, IEIT, NLP

Red Alert: Intelligence Chiefs “Certain” Their Bosses Will Stage Terror Attack Soon

sakerfa wrote 10 hours ago: (PaulWatson) – Dissatisfied with the botched efforts of underwear bomber patsy Umar Abdul Mutt … more →

Tags: Dictatorship, Education/Mind Control, False flags, Fascism, nwo, Politics/Elect/Corrupt, Terrorism, abdul, agency

News you may have missed #0278

intelNews wrote 12 hours ago: Israelis arrest two alleged Hamas informants. Israeli security service Shin Bet says 24-year olds Mu … more →

Tags: comintern, espionage, hamas, History, Informants, Israel, Japan, News, News You May Have Missed

Beck's Lie7 comments

Garnet Spy wrote 13 hours ago: I’ve been a fan of Glenn Beck’s for about two years – before he moved to Fox News. … more →

Tags: national security, China, CIA, glenn beck, Intelligence Community, Keith Alexander, national debt, National Security Agency, Obama Adminstration

Will "al CIA'Da" (al-Qaeda) Attack in 3-6 Months?

UNETS Detroit wrote 14 hours ago: “The database” is warming up according to “Intelligence” sources: Via Infowa … more →

Tags: 9/11, Afghanistan, america, Awareness, Big Business, Central Banking, central planning, DHS Watch, Dictatorship

The Beautiful Colossus

michael555x wrote 17 hours ago: Everyone’s familiar with the substitution ciphers, in which each letter in a text is replaced … more →

Tags: Cryptography, bletchley, codebreaking, Colossus, Enigma, Lorenz

Did Blackwater bribe Iraqi officials after 2007 shooting?

intelNews wrote 18 hours ago: Blackwater logo By JOSEPH FITSANAKIS | intelNews.org | The US-based private security company Blackwa … more →

Tags: 2007 Nisour Square massacre, Baghdad Iraq, blackwater, bribing, corruption, iraq, News, united states, us department of justice

Chinese Spies Target Executives in China: Sex used to Trap

thaiintelligentnews wrote 18 hours ago: From China with spy love and sex Blog Note: Thailand’s Federation of Industry,a powerful lobby … more →

Tags: Economics, Foreign relations


jOH! wrote 22 hours ago: “In short, in these causal interactions there are no surprises, nothing is produced over and a … more →

Tags: emergence, Evolution


greedygreg wrote 1 day ago:  Senior U.S. intelligence officials told Congress Tuesday: an attack on the United States in the nex … more →

Tags: al-Qaeda, control.frighten, Fear, Panic, Terror, Threats

Senators warned of terrorist attack...

mov4me wrote 1 day ago: It is amazing to me that we may be facing another terrorist attack and our senators are arguing with … more →

Tags: Life, Government, Politics, Congress, Money, Society, Welfare, united states, USA