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Blogs about: Ehud Barak

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Game-Changer: Nasrallah Announces a New Hezbollah Deterrence Strategy189 comments

Qifa Nabki wrote 1 week ago: What began as an apparent mistranslation of Ehud Barak’s remarks regarding Israel’s peac … more →

Tags: Hezbollah, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Bashar al- Assad, Iran, middle east, Nasrallah, Walid al-Mouallem

Democracies in U.S., Israel tend to pull politicians to the center

dhharrison wrote 1 week ago: By Rabbi Dow Marmur  JERUSALEM –We may be forgiven if we decide that it almost doesn’t matter … more →

Tags: Brazil, cuba, Iran, Israel, palestinian authority, Rabbi Dow Marmur, Russia, United States of America, Venezuela

Cite: Inbar, The Decline of the Labour Party

Aryeh / אריה עמיחי wrote 1 week ago: ————– Inbar, Efraim. "The Decline of the Labour Party." Isra … more →

Tags: bibliography, Journal Article, Israel politics, Elections, Elections: 2009, Labour Party

Cite: Gerstenfeld, A Political History of the 2009 Campaign

Aryeh / אריה עמיחי wrote 1 week ago: ————– Gerstenfeld, Manfred. "The Run-Up to the Elections: A Polit … more →

Tags: bibliography, Journal Article, Israel politics, Elections, Elections: 2009, Labour Party, Likkud Party, Kadima Party, Israel Beiteinu Party

An Arrest of Jews Through The Eyes of Beatles

solflofromisrael wrote 2 weeks ago: Imagining History, Imagine the Present Imagine. It is 1938. Thousands of synagogues are torched and … more →

Tags: beattles, Austria, Jerusalem, Mosque, zvi sukkot, shlomo gelbrad, eliran algali, Imagine, Jew

Barak calls on Syria to negotiate

Rosanna Rafel and Tom Wilson wrote 3 weeks ago: Israel’s defence Minister, Ehud Barak, has called on Syria to enter into peace negotiations with his … more →

Tags: Syria, Assad, Spain, Damascus

Ehud Barak says the word "apartheid"

Max wrote 3 weeks ago: Didn’t I tell you the Israel-as-South-Africa narrative was picking up steam and the Isarelis a … more →

Tags: Israel-Palestine, apartheid

News you may have missed #0276

intelNews wrote 3 weeks ago: CIA mum on Panetta’s trip to Israel. Politico’s Laura Rozen reports that the CIA directo … more →

Tags: intelligence, Benjamin Netanyahu, CIA, Israel, languages, Leon Panetta, Meir Dagan, Mossad, News

Growing influence of Haredim changing character of Israel1 comment

dhharrison wrote 3 weeks ago: By Rabbi Dow Marmur JERUSALEM– I should perhaps be out on the barricades protesting against th … more →

Tags: Israel, Rabbi Dow Marmur, haredim, James Parkes

Now, why would anyone be pessimistic in Israel?1 comment

dhharrison wrote 4 weeks ago: By Rabbi Dow Marmur JERUSALEM–For a short while I thought that as a result of sober analysis I … more →

Tags: Israel, United States of America, palestinian authority, West Bank, Gaza, Holocaust~Shoah, Iran, Anti-Semitism, Egypt

Israeli left says Gaza entitled to Haiti-style aid1 comment

dhharrison wrote 1 month ago: By Ira Sharkansky JERUSALEM–Media in Israel and overseas have described in the most positive o … more →

Tags: Ira Sharkansky, Israel, United States of America, palestinian authority, Gaza, Haiti, Haaretz, bil'in, Israel Defense Forces

The Cabinet and marital influences shape Bibi's policy

dhharrison wrote 1 month ago: By Rabbi Dow Marmur JERUSALEM–Despite his occasional strong-man bluster, or perhaps because of … more →

Tags: Israel, turkey, Rabbi Dow Marmur, Barack Obama, shimon peres, Avigdor Lieberman, Danny Ayalon, Binyamin Netanyahu, Sarah Netanyahu

Giant Erdogan Dwarfs Barak2 comments

Edna wrote 1 month ago: Giant Erdogan Dwarfs Barak Edna Spennato 2010. Photomontage made on 17 January 2010 Click on image t … more →

Tags: Lieberman, turkey, Israel, Barak, Erdogan, Ayalon, Çelikkol

Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas must wait until Israel is ready

newmiddleeast wrote 1 month ago: By Amos Harel – Ha’aretz We will go into a war three years down in better shape The defe … more →

Tags: News, Israel, Haaretz, Iron Dome, IDF, Gas mask, Iran, Lebanon, Palestine

Barak Faces Arrest for War Crimes

Edna wrote 1 month ago: Barak Faces Arrest for War Crimes Edna Spennato 2009. Photomontage made on 10 January 2009. Click on … more →

Tags: Gaza, War crimes, Operation Cast Lead, genocide, IDF, Crimes Against Humanity, Ehud Olmert, The Hague, hamas

The Rat Patrol

Edna wrote 1 month ago: The Rat Patrol Edna Spennato 2009. Photomontage made on 9 February 2009. Click on image to enlarge O … more →

Tags: Gaza, War crimes, zionism, Israeli Elections, Netanyahu, Lieberman, Palestine, Israeli Election, Israelis

Ayalon has embarrassed Israel in handling of Turkey's ambassador1 comment

dhharrison wrote 1 month ago: By Rabbi Dow Marmur JERUSALEM (Press Release)–Like most people whom I’ve talked to, I’m ignora … more →

Tags: Anti-Semitism, european union, Iran, Israel, Sweden, turkey, Aba Eban, Avigdor Lieberman, Danny Ayalon

Ayalon apologizes for discourteous treatment of Turkish ambassador1 comment

dhharrison wrote 1 month ago: JERUSALEM (WJC)–Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon has apologized to Turkey over what Ankar … more →

Tags: Israel, turkey, Benjamin Netanyahu, Danny Ayalon, Ahmed Oguz Celikkol

Iran's Underground Tunnels

The Envoy wrote 1 month ago: Iran has constructed a labyrinth of underground tunnels to shield its nuclear facilities from attack … more →

Tags: Nuclear Weapons, Iran, missile defense, Israel-Palestine, defense spending, energy policy, weapons proliferation, middle east, Special Operations

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