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alternative media 21-Jan-2010 16:01

Long Time Community Activist Passed Over Tuesday

From the open publishing newswire: Long time community activist Paul McAdams passed over this week in Medford Oregon.

Paul has been active in the Portland community for at least 30 years, participating in protests and working with community media. He photographed for the Portland Alliance and crewed for too many programs to mention at both Portland Community Media and Metro East Community Media.

Most noteworthy was his support and contributions to Native American issues and culture through the years.

There will be a memorial pot luck dinner at Portland Community Media tomorrow evening, January 22, 2010 from 7 - pm. Everyone is invited to attend and share in the memorial. Portland American Indian Movement drum will be in attendance.


environment | police / legal 19-Jan-2010 12:26


BOYCOTT (ST)UMPQUA BANK From the open publishing newswire: On Thursday, January 14, Josh Schlossberg and the Civil Liberties Defense Center filed a lawsuit against Eugene Police Department Officer Bill Solesbee, Chief of Police Pete Kerns, and the City of Eugene regarding a March 13, 2009 incident where Schlossberg was falsely arrested, injured, and jailed by Eugene Police Department Officer Bill Solesbee while Schlossberg was legally distributing brochures from the edge of a public sidewalk in front of Umpqua Bank in downtown Eugene.

Link to Utube Video


actions & protests | police / legal 18-Jan-2010 14:52

Students and Faculty Occupy Building in opposition to SWAT POLICE training on WSUV campus

MLK picture with WSUV SWAT training From the open publishing newswire: We the student and faculty members of the Center for Social and Environmental Justice and Social and Environmental Justice Club on the campus of Washington State University Vancouver are now meeting in our building of work and learning.

We are here today as a direct response to the police, sheriff and SWAT training that has been scheduled to occur in our building concurrent with the campus's prescheduled Martin Luther King Day events happening elsewhere on campus.

We feel that this training is in direct opposition to the strategies and philosophy of Martin Luther King. We know that if he were here with us today Martin Luther King would challenge the claim that this type of militaristic civil drill is an effective avenue for addressing acts of violence.


anti-racism 18-Jan-2010 14:49

Pacifica Forum: Nazis & Anti-Semites Off Campus!

From the open publishing newswire: An anti-Semitic and neo-Nazi sympathizing group called the Pacifica Forum uses a loophole that allows them to meet on the U of O campus. Now a group of students and community members is standing up and saying enough - get this organized hatred off our campus! On January 8, 2010, University of Oregon students, activists and community members confronted and demonstrated against the Pacifica Forum, a documented extreme right wing hate group, during one of their meetings on the U of O campus.

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center which monitors hate groups nationwide, the Pacifica Forum was founded nearly 17 years ago by longtime pacifist and retired U of O professor Orval Etter. The Pacifica Forum started as an informal group whose stated aim was to "provide information and points of view" on "war and peace, militarism and pacifism, violence and non-violence." The group was considered to be left wing.

See this related article "Local NAZI hand out flyers"


corporate dominance | environment 18-Jan-2010 14:45

Video: Bark Hike To Proposed Nestle Bottling Plant

Osbow Springs at Oxbow Fish Hatchery, Nestle Proposed Tap Source From the open publishing newswire: Currently, Nestle is proposing a new bottling plant in the town of Cascade Locks on the Columbia River, capturing the pristine water of Oxbow Springs. This video is from the January 2010 Bark Field Trip to the proposed Nestle bottling site. Hike is led by Loriann Burd of the forest advocacy group Bark and Julia DeGraw, of Food and Water Watch

Food and Water Watch Fact Sheet

24 minute Video Of Bark Hike
Sign the petition!

Article from the Bark Site

Bottling a hundred million gallons annually, Nestle is seeking to turn a profit on our most valuable public resource. There are several groups working together to support the residents of Cascade Locks who don't want a multinational bottling plant in their community; low-wage jobs or not. If you are interested in getting involved in this effort, contact amy@bark-out.org and stay tuned to Bark for upcoming actions you can take.


gender & sexuality 15-Jan-2010 19:55

Help Organize the 2nd Annual Cascadia Trans & Womyn's Action Camp!

From the open publishing newswire: This year will be the 2nd Annual Trans & Womyn's Action Camp in Cascadia.

The Trans' and Womyn's Action Camp (TWAC) is a annual gathering of activists with a diversity of backgrounds, but who have a focus on radical feminism, environmentalism, challenging gender oppression, and bringing down patriarchy. TWAC is for folks who identify as any variety of womyn, transfolk, genderqueer or intersex. This will be safe(r) space camp in the woods to share skills in a supportive, empowering and encouraging environment.

Last year was the first Trans'& Womyn's Action Camp (TWAC) in Cascadia, where folks from all over the country traveled to participate in over 40 workshops. Here, it was decided to host this as an annual event in Cascadia, in coordination with other TWAC's happening around the country during the same time.


animal rights | government 15-Jan-2010 19:45

Southeast Oregon Plans a Coyote Killing Derby this Weekend

From the open publishing newswire: "That a state government agency would foster such a puerile, violent form of entertainment is morally unacceptable, and the logic behind it is nonsense. No one has undertaken a scientific study on the effects of the random killing of coyotes. In fact, as coyotes flee human threat, they regroup and reproduce, without the natural selection and competition of a large community of coyotes."

Beginning this weekend, hunters in southeast Oregon will host a killing derby, where "as many coyotes as possible" will be killed for prizes such as rifles, binoculars and scopes.

According to a 13 January Big Game Hunt notice, the derby will run from 16 January through the 17th throughout Lake, Malheur, Harney, and Klamath counties. The event will be headquartered in Silver Lake, Oregon, where the final winners will be determined.


animal rights 15-Jan-2010 19:36

Primate Center Expansion Protest

Monkey Behind Bars From the open publishing newswire: OHSU is trying to expand their Primate Center and In Defense of Animals is working to stop them. Please join us to protest this proposed expansion and to inform the public about the primate center's history.
What: Demo against OHSU expansion project
When: Thursday, January 21, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Where: In front of the main hospital at OHSU - Marquam Hill Campus
Why: Because the monkeys need our help!


environment | green scare 14-Jan-2010 06:40

Steve Murphy Update - Plea Agreement

From the open publishing newswire: Steve Murphy has plead guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit arson. Today [1/11/10] court documents were filed in which Steve Murphy plead guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit arson. The charge carries the Terrorism Enhancement. Steve is now facing 5 years in prison. The documents filed today mention an unindicted co-conspirator.

At this time, there is no reason to believe that Steve is cooperating, and he still needs your support. More information will be posted as it becomes available.

pdf of plea agreement

Steve's support site is: supportsteve.org


homelessness 13-Jan-2010 18:38

Portland's Mercy Corps accepting donations for Haitian earthquake relief

From the open publishing newswire: A major earthquake struck Haiti's capital, collapsing buildings and disrupting communications. As the devastation comes into focus, Mercy Corps is deploying an emergency team.


Mercy Corps is a great, local, four-star charity. Their website makes it easy to donate to Haitian earthquake relief. Haiti has suffered for years as the poorest country in the western hemisphere. They need our help now more than ever. Donate now and spread the word!


energy & nuclear | indigenous issues 11-Jan-2010 05:48

Censored: Forgotten People on Black Mesa

Photo: Hopi and Navajo protest Peabody permit in Denver. From the open publishing newswire: January 10, 2010 - The mainstream media continued aiding and abetting the dirty coal industry this week, in the genocidal targeting of American Indian lands for toxic and polluting industries that the rest of the world doesn't want in their backyards.

Hopi and Navajo fighting Peabody Coal mining on Black Mesa celebrated a victory this week when the US Interior Dept. rejected a mining permit for Peabody Coal. It is a victory that the majority of the mainstream media is ignoring. Hopi and Navajo have made it easy for even the laziest journalist, or the newspaper without a dime for travel, to cover the story. There are press statements online with abundant quotes from the Hopi and Navajo who took the action and live on the land. Their phone numbers are also on their press statements, so the mainstream media has no excuse. Censored News will even send the judge's order by e-mail to anyone that requests it.

It seems the mainstream media doesn't want to admit the truth about mining on Black Mesa. Journalists do not want to take the time to understand the facts.

 link to narcosphere.narconews.com


anti-racism 11-Jan-2010 05:45

A Workshop on the Construction of Whiteness, White Privilege, and Settler Privilege

From the open publishing newswire: Gayge of Setting The Record Straight will be facilitating a workshop on the construction (and deconstruction!) of whiteness, white privilege, and settler privilege. The workshop will utilize participatory learning and guided discussion.

The workshop will be at the Piedmont Deli at 7 pm on Monday the 11th, and is hosted by the STRS collective.

The Piedmont Deli is located at 441 N. Killingsworth, across the street from the North Portland Library.

Setting The Record Straight Calander of January Events


anti-racism 07-Jan-2010 10:06

This Friday! January 8th! Protest Nazi supporters!

From the open publishing newswire: This Friday, January 8th at 3:00 p.m in the Walnut room of the U of O campus will be host to a Pacifica Forum meeting.
This group in particular has been labeled as a white supremacist organization and not without reason. In the past they have hosted Holocaust deniers and supporters of the "National Socialist Movement" a known Neo-Nazi organization.
In they're last meeting, speaker Jimmy Marr invited all those in attendance to join him in giving the Sieg Heil salute. Marr also showed video footage from a National Socialist Movement demonstration in Phoenix, Arizona.


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