Be sure to check out the open newswire and vote on stories to promote them to the front page!

Call For Support From Indigenous Resistance Communities of Big Mountain, Black Mesa, AZ

Immediate Call For Support From Indigenous Resistance Communities of Big Mountain, Black Mesa, AZ in their struggle for Life, Land and Dignity. January 18, 2010

Although there’s been a recent victory against the reopening of the Black Mesa Complex, the Kayenta mine is still operating and elders on the front lines fighting the continued impacts of coal mining and forced relocation efforts are still requesting support.

We are writing with a request for direct on-land support on behalf of families of traditional resistance communities of Black Mesa, AZ.. One of the Big Mountain elder matriarchs, Blanche Wilson, the mother of Mae Tso, who hosted the 2008 caravan, passed away yesterday. Please hold her and her family in your thoughts and prayers. Mae and Samuel, two of Blanche’s children, and elders themselves, are living alone at their homesite. They are in much need of support–they will need to take four days away from basic necessities and work for the traditional funeral. Additionally Mae injured her back on Christmas day and has been in pain for the last three weeks and at a limited work capacity; Samuel has been working double what he normally does. There are supporters there now until Wednesday the 20th. The funeral will be after that so, as mentioned, they really need the help at this time.

West Denver Copwatch

 West Denver Copwatch's website is up and running along with our newest addition, a police database.  We hope that this will be a great tool for the community to be able to commend good actions of the police, but also to be able to track and post about their abuses of power and people.  Through this hopefully we can all come together and attempt to hold officers accountable for their actions.

A little about us:


We are a group of individuals who come together in order to attempt to make the police accountable for their actions by videotaping police encounters in the streets.  We predominantly work in the West Denver area, but also are in cooperation with Aurora Copwatch along with other Copwatch organizations around the Metro Area.  

Police are consistently traumatizing and occupying our communities. Something as simple as a video camera, a pen and a pad of paper can significantly help deter the police from violating our community members’ rights.  We collect footage that both holds the police accountable and informs the people of their abuse of power.

Crucial in combatting police abuses is understanding and knowing your rights. However, in no way can this guarantee that violations will still not occur.  We strive to educate the people on their own individual rights and apply them in dealing with close encounters of the po-lice-kind.

The Supreme Court has Given America to the Corporations By Phillip Reynes

We as a nation my well be doomed. By the time I post this many of you here at COIMC and in IndyMedia's around the country will have heard the shocking news. Namely that the Supreme Court today not only reaffirmed that corporations are people, but that corporations may spend an unlimited amount of money to tilt election campaigns. This is an unprecedented turn of events that threatens to make real the crossover of our country into overt corporate fascism.

You and I and all who care about freedom need to fight this perversion of justice. One thing that you can do is go to this site ( )and sign a petition to get a constitutional amendment that would explicitly declare that corporations do not have the rights of citizens and are not people.

Our nation is being taken over by corporations and this court decision will make there takeover complete if left unchallenged. This decision by the Supreme Court will shred any hope of anything but the transition of the United States into a corporatocracy! If unchallenged there will be no hope of any compromise short of violence in defense of our rights as people.

The fact is corporationsare not people. Corporations do not die are not subject to the laws of nature, feel no emotion and worst of all live forever with no soul and a relentless desire to maximize profit. This ruling extends the very rights of a person to all corporations that operate within the United States and so this ruling means that foreign multinational corporations that operate in the United States will have more power over our election system than American citizens themselves.

The Red Pill Vol. 8 No. 1 SIX YEARS IN PRINT!


Secret ICE Detention Centers

Criminalization of the Homeless in Grand Junction

Top Ten Movies to Watch this Winter

War is Peace: Obama Sends More Troops to Afghanistan

March For No More Deaths on The Streets of Grand Junction

Cointelpro: Black Panther Coloring Book

The Boogers: Music Review

Foreclosures Way Way Up in Mesa County

Read and/or Download This Issue at:



DOC Rule Change means longer sentences for Prisoners

A rule change by the Colorado State Department of Corrections could mean offenders with already long sentences, mostly for drug offenses, will be incarcerated longer. Under the new rule, which went into effect on October 1st, 2009, prisoners required to participate in DOC's intensive 9 – 12 month therapeutic community program for drugs and alcohol will not be eligible to do so until they are within 8 years of their mandatory release date.

Under Colorado statute, prisoners are eligible for early release (discretionary parole) after serving 50% of their sentence, and receive 10 days a month earned time if they are charged with a non-violent offense. Violent offenders receive only 6 days a month 'earned time', and are required to serve 75% of their sentences before being paroled. For a non-violent offender serving a 30-year stretch, that means that he or she is parole eligible after 12 years, if they have complied with all conditions of confinement.

In practice, however, such discretionary paroles are seldom granted. Even the Governor's plan to rease prisoners 6 months before their mandatory release date has run into fierce, and very public, opposition from the parole board itself, which remands prisoners to their mandatory release dates more than 90% of the time. On a 30-year sentence that means spending 23 years behind bars.

Censorship on Colorado Indymedia?

The Red Pill has been active on the Colorado Indymedia site now for about five years.  Never it that time have we ever seen any censorship or suppression of debate. But today we are very concerned that photos attached to the announcement that Bash Back's 2010 Convergance is going to be held in Denver have been removed, and comments disabled. We would like to see a full explanation of why the photos were removed, and comments reactivated on that post. That is not too much to ask for an open publishing site that is supposed to be non-hierarchical. 

Thank You

Bash Back! 2010 Convergence in Denver!

bash back denver is pleased to host the twenty-ten bash back! convergence from may twenty-seventh to thirtieth.


rsvp >
more pics >



have pics 2 trade? > bashbackdenver |at| gmail |dot| com

see you in denver
<3 <3 <3


New Community Radio Station in Grand Junction!

There's one last chance to start a full power community radio station in the Grand Junction area!  The FCC has set aside specific frequencies across the country from the commercial bandwidth to be used for non-commercial community broadcasting.  One of these very rare licenses will broadcast into Grand Junction, and will reach over 200,000 people in the area.  Applications for this new station will be accepted February 19th-26th, 2010.  Now is definitely the time to get an application together if you think your group/organization might be interested!  We've worked a lot with different organizations in the past to build radio stations to use as a tool for organizing, from farmworkers unions to environmental groups to civil rights groups. What do most of these organizations have in common? Using radio as a tool to make change! This is a HUGE opportunity, and is a great way to get really involved in media activism!  Please contact the Prometheus Radio Project ASAP if you think you might be interested or just want to find out more : megan (at)  OR 215-727-9620 x0

Noah "Rockslide" Weiss released from jail

From Cop15 Prisoner Support:

Two activists who have been in custody since the UN climate summit in Copenhagen in December, has been released. It is the Australian Natasha Verco and American Noah Daniel Weiss.

They had been remanded in custody with a deadline of today, when they appeared in the Copenhagen City Court, they were told that there is a charge made against them and that their case comes to court 16th and 19th March. Then they were freed, the police lawyer Dorrit Borgaard, the Copenhagen Police.

The two are accused by clauses in the penal code that deals with violence against an official, disturbance of public order, disruption of communications and vandalism.

Noah Weiss is an American citizen, but resident in Denmark, while Natasha Verco is an Australian citizen and married to a Danish citizen. She resides in Sweden.

Natasha Verco was arrested the day before the big “Reclaim Power” demonstration during the COP15 climate summit. Her imprisonment has caused great outrage in Australia.

Monday morning showed a small group of people in front of the Danish consulate in Sydney and demanded her release. The demonstrators appealed to the Crown Princess Mary, who is of Australian origin, to go into the matter for the Australian woman.

Wild Roots Feral Futures 2010: Dates & Call for Workshops

The 2010 Wild Roots Feral Futures will take place for a seven-day duration, a quarter moon cycle, from June 19th-26th (from the First Quarter Moon on the 19th through the Summer Solstice on the the 21st to the Full Moon on the 26th) in the foothills of the mighty and wild San Juan Mountains of Southwest Colorado.

We are looking for folks of all sorts to join us and help facilitate workshops, conflict resolution and management, direct action and medic trainings, wild food walks, and much more! We will be focusing on many things, including but by no means limited to anarchist theory and praxis, rewilding, ancestral skills, indigenous solidarity, direct action, forest defense, security culture, civil disobedience, hand to hand combat, survival skills, evasion tactics, green anarchism, anti-civ, post-civ, star watching and navigation, maps and orienteering, shelter building, and whatever YOU care to bring and provide. But we need everyone's help to make this as safe, positive, and productive a space as it can be. Our own knowledge, skills, and capacities are limited. We need YOUR help!

Roles we REALLY need filled:

• Kitchen! (we've reached out to Everybody's Kitchen and Seeds of Peace)

• CRAM team (conflict resolution and management: we need people of diverse gender/sexual orientations who know how to give support to survivors of sexual assault and to people with PTSD)*

Denver: Peace and Justice for Gaza New Year's Eve


Yesterday evening a group of conscience-driven souls gathered in a glowing room inside a Unitarian Church on 14th and Lafayette in Denver, Colorado, to hear a dark and passionate reading and to send support, solidarity, and prayers to the people undergoing the ongoing blockade of Gaza, Palestine, by the Israeli government, and in continued protest of Israeli war crimes during the siege of Gaza nearly a year ago, which a United Nations commissioned report by Richard Goldstone, the South African jurist in recent headlines, documents in detail.

The indoor vigil and march to the capitol, under the title Peace and Justice for Gaza, December 31, 2009, was organized by the Social Action Counsel of First Unitarian Society of Denver in concert with the many marches, demonstrations and vigils held around the world this week on the one-year anniversary of the siege, and drawing pressure-building attention to the ongoing blockade, described by the Goldstone report as "collective punishment."

The pamphlet handed out at the indoor vigil, which included the program for the evening's activity, in recognition of the violence of denying medication and food to civilians as a form of 'collective punishment' condemned the blockade and siege as one in the same.

"The law is clear. The conscience of humankind is shocked. Yet, the siege of Gaza continues. It is time for us to take action!"

The words used are those of the global call to action for human rights and justice for Gaza, taken from the Gaza Freedom March pledge, circulated online by International Solidarity Movement (ISM):

Secret ICE Detention Centers in Grand Junction and Elsewhere in Colorado

In the newest edition of The Nation there's a story profiling the existence of 186 Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) Sub-Stations were people are "Disappeared."      


National List of Detention Centers      
The Nation Article.

From the Nation..."According to Aaron Tarin, an immigration attorney in Salt Lake City, "Whenever I have a client in a subfield office, it makes me nervous. Their procedures are lax. You've got these senior agents who have all the authority in the world because they're out in the middle of nowhere. You've got rogue agents doing whatever they want. Most of the buildings are unmarked; the vehicles they drive are unmarked." Like other attorneys, Tarin was extremely frustrated by ICE not releasing its phone numbers. He gave as an example a US citizen in Salt Lake City who hired him because her husband, in the process of applying for a green card, was being held at a subfield office in Colorado. By the time Tarin tracked down the location of the facility that was holding the husband when he had called his wife, the man had been moved to another subfield office. "I had to become a little sleuth," Tarin said, describing the hours he and a paralegal spent on the phone, the numerous false leads, unanswered phones and unreturned messages until the husband, who had been picked up for driving without a license or insurance, was found in Grand Junction, Colorado (emphasis ours), held on a $20,000 bond, $10,000 for each infraction. "I argued with the guy, 'This is absurd! Whose policy is this?'" Tarin said the agent's response was, "That's just our policy here.""

Here are known substations in our region.

Ariel Attack Still Livin' (at) Large

Today in Denver, we have cause to celebrate as one warm body became secure in its relative freedom--the sort of freedom that reminds us of what we still must do in order to be free. Yesterday morning Ariel Attack plead to Class 2 Misdemeanor (Criminal Mischief) in return for the dropping of the original Felony charge, and the court set the sentence at 11 months (?!?) of unsupervised probation and full payment of $5,600 restitution, allowing Ariel to stay on the streets and in the arms of friends. This is much better than the possible 2-6 year bit they were facing. The restitution had to be paid in full and up front (by taking out a loan) for the deal to go through.

A year unsupervised is not a bad deal considering the circumstances of Ariel's arrest and their refusal to name the 'accomplice'. In case you're just tuning in, Ariel was involved in an attack against the Colorado Democratic Party Headquarters in August by means of hammers and the resulting media clusterfuck. We feel there has been a lot of luck mixed up in this situation, but we'll publish a narrative of the events so that anarchists out there can see if there's anything they can learn. Look out for that in the next couple of weeks.

Meanwhile, friends close by and far away are feeling the cold grip of state repression, and the struggle continues. There are two Denver-based anarchists facing felony charges and massive legal fees, and we extend our solidarity to Jeff and Noah, along with Carrie and Scott, David Japenga, the RNC8, all of our imprisoned comrades; the list is far too long to finish.

While Ariel's legal battle has wrapped up, we are making one last request for donations to help cut away at Ariel's debt--about $6,000--and we still have some of these fly Hammer Time t-shirts to move. to get hooked up.

broken glass with other dreams

We smashed up a Wells Fargo bank last night in Fort Collins, Colorado.  We don't really need to explain our reasons--you probably already know them.  But we'll share a few things.

We are enemies of capitalism. 

We are sick and tired of people being locked in cages.

Wells Fargo is the single largest investor in the Geo Group, which owns many I.C.E. detention facilities--private prisons--around the U.S.  The Geo Group and Wells Fargo profit from imprisoning people in Colorado.

We want smashed prisons and the destruction of capitalism, not just windows--the question is how do we create moments in which insurrection is possible?

We are everywhere.

Strength to us all!

Olympia Hackbloc to Lead Workshops on Security, Communications Next Week!

Oly Hackbloc to Lead Security, Communications Workshops Next Week

"This holiday season you have the chance to give a great gift to someone you love. That gift being security and peace of mind. This is a great chance for you to hone your skills and develop them if you feel overwhelmed by the topic. Two year ago I took Ringo's workshop and have taken one since then. Thats two and this one will be my third."

Next Tuesday and Wednesday, December 22nd and 23rd, the Olympia Hackbloc (on tour!) will be leading a workshop series on security culture, computer security, encryption, and anonymity. These workshop is targeted towards activists, journalists, and members of the general public. We will also be giving a workshop on using Twitter as a communications system for actions. This system was used during the most recent RNC and the last two rounds of Port Militarization Resistance.

All participants will receive digital copies of the presentation materials. To help cover costs, participants are asked to bring $5 with them or donate whatever they feel is fair. Nobody will be turned away because they don't have money. For more information about Hackbloc, please see the Oly Hackbloc website at or the main Hackbloc site at

1. Security Workshop

Tuesday Dec. 22nd 5-8PM
Wed Dec. 23rd 1-2PM
700 Kalamath St
Unlike many other workshops put on by radicals, this one will start on time so don't be late.

Denver anarchist held without bail in Copenhagen: Call for Solidarity!

Today we learned that an anarchist comrade and dear friend of ours has been arrested on two charges at the ongoing Cop15 actions in Copenhagen, Denmark and will be held without possibility of bail for at least three weeks. Solidarity in the form of letters of support (free to send), as well as legal donations, is urgently needed.

Grassroots Homeless Organization to March for No More Deaths on the Streets of GJ

 Grassroots Homeless Organization to March for No More Deaths on the Streets of GJ

Local grassroots organization, Housing First! No More Deaths!, will be holding a March for No More Deaths on the Streets of Grand Junction on December 20th. The march will gather at 1pm at Whitman Park and march at 1:30pm to Hawthorn Park. At 3pm at Hawthorn Park the Grand Valley Coalition for the Homeless will be having their annual memorial for those who have died in our community without homes.

“We need to be both sad and angry,” said HF! NMD! organizer Mallory Rice. “That’s why were marching.”

With the economy sinking to new lows, a record number of foreclosures in the community, and a tightest job market in years homelessness is a problem that is not going away.
In 2008, sixteen people died houseless in Grand Junction. In 2007, eleven people died. Many died alone in the cold on the streets of downtown.

“Homelessness is an issue that is not going away. The city has tried to ignore and police away homelessness, and it hasn’t gotten any better. Its time the city becomes part of the solution not part of the problem,” said HF! NMD! organizer Jacob Richards.

Many who will be marching have lost friends and family to the streets of this city. Many are marching in their friend’s memory. Many facing full shelters and the cold streets are marching for their very lives.

“When is the city going to do something?” asked HF! NMD! member Towtruck.

“Cities that have become proactive about the issue of homelessness are seeing amazing results using housing first models,” said Richards. “The real solution for Grand Junction’s homeless problem is housing. We hope the city will soon step up to its responsibility.”


Earth First! Action Alert: Stop the Swap at Wolf Creek! Oppose Legislative Land Exchange

The Durango chapter of High Country Earth First! (Colorado) is calling upon ecodefenders to contact officials and rally at the December 8th, 10th, and 15th meetings in Pagosa Springs to oppose the Village at Wolf Creek and the legislative land exchange (more information below).

Unlike our compromise-based counterparts, whose paper-wrenching efforts we do not take for granted, Earth First! takes the stance of NO COMPROMISE! which in turn means NO VILLAGE AT WOLF CREEK! We are prepared to take direct action to stop development if and when it goes forward. We hope you will join us, if you can, and stand in solidarity with us if you can't. SPREAD THE WORD!

12/8 Rally at Archuleta County Court House: Oppose Legislative Land Exchange at Wolf Creek!

12/10 Rally at Pagosa Springs Town Hall: Oppose Legislative Land Exchange at Wolf Creek!

12/15 Rally at Archuleta County Court House: Oppose Legislative Land Exchange at Wolf Creek!

May the forest bewitch you,

— High Country Earth First! (Durango) & Ancient Forest Rescue

Stay in touch!

PS if you are on Facebook (yeah yeah) please help us spread the word!

The Archuleta BOCC is tentatively scheduled to vote on whether to support the Legislative Land Exchange at Wolf Creek on Tuesday, December 15th at 1:30pm at the County Court House BOCC public meeting.

The Occupation Movement: Take Back The Land Call To Action For Mayday 2010

The USHRN Land and Housing Action Group is calling for a month of direct actions throughout the country, commencing on May Day 2010 (May 1st, 2010) to reclaim our homes and communities from the banks, speculators, and gentrifiers. Join us by organizing actions in your city and region, designed to meet your own local conditions and needs. We also ask everyone who supports this initiative to spread the word and help the campaign reach the critical mass necessary to effect change.

Building a Movement

A severe housing crisis exists in the United States. All across the country, despite courageous struggles against divestment, land speculation and gentrification, public housing communities are being permanently displaced as developments are razed to the ground. Millions of families have been dispossessed of their homes, wrongly evicted and displaced from their communities by the escalating foreclosure crisis. Homelessness is escalating to levels unseen since the 1930’s as a direct result of the various forces of displacement stated above and economic dislocation from increased automation, deindustrialization, and the globalization of production.

Historically oppressed peoples and women are bearing the brunt of the housing crisis. Working class African Americans in particular are being devastated by the destruction of public housing, evictions from foreclosures, the record loss of home equity, and spiraling homelessness.

"Die-in" Against Coal at Department of Public Health

Denver, CO – This morning, approximately fifteen local citizens, representing a diverse coalition of groups, demonstrated at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (DPHE) to demand the denial of the Cherokee coal plant’s permit to pollute. The early morning protest greeted DPHE employees as they arrived for work and called on the department to close down Cherokee. Protestors did a ‘die-in’ in front of the building’s main entrance to highlight the grim consequences that coal has on our lives and those of future generations. At the same time, other activists in hazmat suits roped off the area with “Global Warming Crime Scene’ tape and chanted against coal plants.

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