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Senate Speech Heralds New Social Movement

O U T * W I T H * T H E * O L D * a n d * I N * W I T H * T H E * N E W, 23.12.2009 - 17:29
Senator Bernie Sanders If you do only one more political thing this year as we put 2009 to bed--RIP, let it be to listen to Bernie Sanders on the floor of the United States Senate speak about Health Care Reform which boots out corporate greed! Sanders speech is being heralded the "New Social Movement" and this couldn't come at a better time...

For 2009 reflect for just a minute on all the garbage we have been subjected to pertaining to Health Care Reform and realize that from the start the campaign has been designed by the corporate greedy who literally buy reform that makes them lots & lots more money. Profit over people wins again. The campaign for healthcare reform loses, but out of it we have the "New Social Movement"

So let us do put 2009 to bed and permanently behind us. It has been a horrible year, however we deserve to end it on a high note. We need this. If you do only one more political thing this year listen to Bernie Sanders uplifting speech describing a wonderful vision for 2010. Not a campaign, a movement!--In solidarity, Wes Brain, Chair, Southern Oregon Jobs with Justice, CARRY ON!

The Bernie Sanders speech is at:  http://www.c-spanvideo.org/congress/?q=node/77531&id=9083042

Following distributed by "All Unions Committee For Single Payer Health Care--HR 676" "Senate Speech Heralds New Social Movement" by Margaret Flowers and Andy Coates. Keep on reading....
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Eagle Point School Board Trashes Workers

Sodexo successfully gets the Eagle Point School Board to turn over its nine food service managers to this greedy company who makes money by paying workers less, decreasing their benefits and taking away their voice at work. This is what union busting is all about.

The December 17, 2010 School Board meeting was timely for union busting since a new Oregon State law (HB2867) about "transparent outsourcing contractual requirements" does not take effect until January 1, 2010. This is just plain sleazy!

Wow--this is what being a Grinch looks like, trashing workers just before Christmas. The vote was divided with 3 voting for Sodexo and 2 voting for the workers. Three lumps of coal for the three Board Members who voted to trash workers!
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P E T E R * B U C K L E Y - intro by RIMC vol, 12.12.2009 - 21:42
Peter listens @ townhall in Talent, OR Peter Buckley, Oregon State Representative District 5, has always reported to his constituents and he keeps an open door to hear the needs and concerns of ordinary people, not just the ones with the big bucks. In this report Peter lays out FACTS about Measures 66 & 67. With a vote coming later in January it is incredible some of the lies coming from the corporate right.

Nearly a million households in Oregon received the "Letter from Leuthold Dairy Farm on M 66-67" and the smell of an underhanded campaign was quickly sniffed out. The Rogue IMC was one of the first in Oregon to quickly call attention to Leuthold Dairy's twisting of the truth with this story:  http://www.rogueimc.org/en/2009/11/15624.shtml

So check out FACTS about M 66 & 67 with the following report from Rep. Peter Buckley--above introduction provided by a Rogue Indy volunteer
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Medford Walmart heads towards Oregon Supreme Court

Medford Citizens for Responsible Development, 11.12.2009 - 23:21
Superstore = Supertraffic Medford, Oregon, December 11, 2009--Medford Citizens for Responsible Development (MCRD) has not given up on the fight against powerful Walmart's legal team and the Superstore planned for South Medford. The fight continues and so do the worries about traffic congestion. Building such a monster store will bring on a super traffic nightmare, yet Medford refuses to do a traffic study which is required in their code. The area is already becoming a traffic nightmare even without building a Walmart Superstore.

MCRD has now petitioned the Oregon Supreme Court requesting a review of the earlier Court of Appeals Decision to Overturn a LUBA Ruling in the Matter of Requiring a Traffic Study for the Wal-Mart Superstore. (LUBA is Oregon's Land Use Board of Appeals)

We anticipate a decision by the Court to consider our appeal within 30 to 60 days.

Attached below is the petition for review delivered by MCRD's attorney to the Oregon Supreme Court earlier this week.
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New Report--Tax $$ goes to Sweatshops

Rafael Irizarry works for Propper International "Toxic Uniforms: Behind the ‘Made in USA’ Label" is a new report released on December 10, 2009, International Human Rights Day

This report is highlighted by the Ashland Sweatfree Campaign who successfully worked with the City of Ashland, which first adopted a sweatfree resolution and followed up with a no-sweat-shop policy for the procurement of uniforms & garments for city employees. In April, 2009 the campaign brought to Ashland a speaking tour with Rafael Irizarry, a garment worker at Propper International in Puerto Rico, who is featured in this new report. Photos of Irizarry taken during his Ashland visit can be viewed below.

Ongoing educational work by the Ashland Sweatfree Campaign has included an art exhibit of women garment worker paintings on display in the Ashland Council Chambers in November, 2009. The Campaign is a project of Southern Oregon Jobs with Justice and its ad-hoc committee is composed of the following Ashland residents: Pam Vavra, Rich Rohde, Brenda Gould, Steve Ryan, Eric Navickas, Jason Houk and Wes Brain.

Two photos taken April 4, 2009 during the speakers' tour at Southern Oregon University-  http://rogueimc.org/en/2009/03/14781.shtml In the first photo Rafael Irizarry holds up a garment made in his Puerto Rico workplace for the United States military. The second photo shows Rafael Irizarry front row on the far right.

Click photo to make it larger
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GAZA: a Grass-roots Report

Ashland, 06.12.2009 - 00:00
GAZA: a Grass-roots Report

Lynn MacMichael, long-time peace and justice activist from the Bay Area, will present a first-hand report from Gaza on Wednesday December 9 at 7 pm in the Rogue River Room, Stevenson Union, at SOU.

She has just returned from spending about a month in the Middle East with the Interfaith Peace Builders. The group assisted Palestinians with the olive harvest, and planned to accompany children so they can go safely to their school outside of Hebron.

Lynn has made at least eight trips to the Middle East, including Israel/Palestine and Iraq, with various peace and justice groups in the past 20 years.
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D5 Mobilization to Portland against the WTO

Vans & Autos will car-pool up and back the same day ($30. roundtrip in a van includes pizza).
Call NOW to reserve a seat 541-482-6988 or email  brain@mind.net

D5: Mobilization Against the World Trade Organization

Saturday, December 5th * March & Rally * Downtown Portland

12:00 Noon - Gather at Tom McCall Waterfront Park (under the Hawthorne Bridge)
1:00 pm - March to the World Trade Center, Federal Building and Wells Fargo Building
2:00 pm - Indoor Rally and Concert at Portland State University
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Walking The Talk

Pogo, 02.12.2009 - 21:49
Women In Black standing silently for peace on December 2, 2009.
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Letter from Leuthold Dairy Farm and M 66-67

David Delk -- Alliance for Democracy-Portland, 30.11.2009 - 21:07
* Just Learn The Facts! * I just received today's USPS mail and got this letter from Leuthold Dairy Farm and owner Carol Marie Leuthold. A second letter also from Leuthold is addressed to my wife and step-daughter. WOW, they must have really done some outreach. Then I look at my email and get this message from a friend upstate in Oregon who sends out a warning about this mass mailing which has been delivered to my home in Ashland.

The message from David Delk exposes this campaign to hurt Oregon. I'm forwarding important information below for you to see.

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Rally for Peace in Medford

Allen Hallmark & Ivend Holen, 30.11.2009 - 03:40
Dear Friends of Citizens for Peace & Justice,

President Obama's expected message to the nation next Tuesday that he will escalate the war in Afghanistan by sending tens of thousands more US troops there has had one positive effect -- it has re-energized the peace movement.

For perhaps the past five years or so, CPJ has sponsored a Rally for Peace from 12 noon to 1 pm on the 4th Saturday of each month in Medford. Often, only three to six people attend these rallies for peace and to protest the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. But this month was different. On Saturday some 25 to 30 folks turned out (there was some coming and going during the hour). Check out the attached photos by Ivend Holen, who is a constant participant in almost every progressive activity in this valley.
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