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More FAQ

  • Why are all of my links not showing on your analysis?

    We're still in the early phases of development and are working to index the entire internet, which is by no means a small task. You can help the process along by making sure you're registered and validating your site. Over time, as our spiders progress and scan for new links, your database will begin to see a great deal of growth.

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  • Do I need to keep the owner verification link on my website in order to continue receiving reports?

    For tracking purposes, it's necessary that you keep the link on your website at all times.

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  • How do I verify my site?

    Verifying your site with WhoLinksToMe.com is easy and can be done in any of these three ways:

    • You can embed our image code into your site,

    • You can upload an HTML file into your site,

    • or add a WhoLinksToMe.com metatag to your site.

    Once you've finished with this part of the process, click the "Verify" button at the bottom of the verification page and complete the process. If you have any trouble, you can Email our customer service. They'll be happy to assist you with any additional questions you may have.

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  • After I post the code on my site, how soon should I check back for activation of my account?

    Your account information and personal link profile should be up and running almost immediately.

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  • How long does it take to show all my backlinks?

    We begin researching links to your site as soon as your verify your account. If that's not fast enough, importing Google webmaster tools CSV's does work to expedite the process.

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  • What do I do if I experience trouble logging in?

    If you experience any difficulties during the log in process, send an send an email to our customer support team to our customer support team. We're happy to help with any trouble you may be having.

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  • SEO

  • What are the benefits of SEO?

    SEO is the science of improving your website’s visibility in search engines for specific keywords and phrases. As a result of a successful SEO effort, there will be a very noticeable increase in traffic to your site as well as intangible benefit that comes from branding when your site shows up for top terms.

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  • Why do links matter to my site’s ranking in search engines?

    It's been proven over time that the most reliable metrics in determining a website's relevancy are the quantity and quality of inbound links to a site. Analyzing and building your website's link popularity is a major part of the SEO process.

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  • What is “page rank” based on?

    Page Rank is a term that represents Google's general evaluation of a domain's importance. In reality, it means little as a metric but remains a valuable criteria in SEO algorithms.

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  • How important is my domain name in SEO?

    Your domain name is not the largest factor in determining your ranking in the Search Engine Results Page (aka: SERP) for a particular keyword, but it's a pretty solid start. Inbound links and pages of fresh content will always trump a solid domain name, though click-through rates skyrocket when your domain name contains all - or a part - of a particularly popular search query. When users type in a keyword that exists in your domain name, that part of your domain name will be in bold on the SERP. Users are more likely to click on a domain when they see their search query in the domain name.

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  • What are the best tools to check a site for optimization?

    There are many great resources when it comes to checking a site for optimization. Here are our favorites:

    • w3c.org - evaluates XHTML/1.0 stripped validation preferred
    • zenu
    • seo for firefox
    • aaron walls plugin
    • http://whyslo.com
    • http://chrispederick.com/work/web-developer/
    • firebug for firefox (prereq for http://whyslo.com)
    • Google.com/analytics
    • Google.com/webmasters/tools
    • yahoo pipes
    • webmasterworld.com

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  • How long does an SEO campaign need to run to see results?

    It depends on the quality of your efforts, and there are several factors that can come into play. We recommend you check with a qualified consultant regarding specific SEO practices and strategies. A representative at Star Nine Marketing, Inc. can help you at www.starnine.com.

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  • Are there SEO practices that can get you banned from search engines?

    Yes. Once again, we recommend you check with a qualified consultant regarding specific SEO practices and strategies. A representative at Star Nine Marketing, Inc. can help you at www.starnine.com.

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  • What are the different types of links?

    Links aren't delineated into different “types” on, per say. From an SEO perspective, however, there are many factors that distinguish certain links from others. The different characteristics related to a link imply the power of that particular inbound link from a domain. An inbound link refers to any link to your website from another site.

    Inbound links from sites that are trusted by Google and Yahoo! are incredibly valuable and can contribute immensely to your high ranking in SERPs. That's why links from .gov and .edu sites are so desirable. These extensions after the “.” portion of your URL are referred to as Top Level Domains (aka: TLD); other examples include .com, .net, and .tv. Looking at the TLD is one major factor in differentiating between links.

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  • What is the best way to build links?

    There is no universal secret to link building, but, if you are focusing on only building links, you are addressing a short term solution. The best way to build links is to create valuable, fresh, unique content - like articles, songs, and videos - which will cause natural link building to your site. There are also more targeted approaches you can take to your link building efforts. Fortunately, this is another way WhoLinksToMe.com can help.

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  • How do I request a link to my website?

    First of all - outstanding question! More so than ever, this is the most pertinent question when it comes to website development, marketing teams, sales teams, and bottom-line ROI. Recently, it's become a more segmented answer than it used to be for three specific reasons:

    1. spam filters are at their most effective
    2. webmasters have never been more discriminating
    3. good faith efforts have never been so ignored/shot down.

    These days, truly genuine outreach efforts have less efficacy than they used to. That said, sending the webmaster, or website owner, a personalized message with a title that gets their attention is a solid start. Reference their previous or current work to show you are familiar with their website. You want to utilize your relationship building skills; on the other end of the website is a person – find a way to authentically engage them and you will increase your odds of establishing a mutually beneficial linking opportunity.

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  • Which types of links tend to yield the most monetary results?

    WhoLinksToMe.com does not condone or encourage paid link building efforts in any way, shape or form. Regarding links leading to increased monetization of your website, it depends entirely on your average customer value and will vary greatly from campaign to campaign. In general, links from highly trusted, authoritative sites - such as those from .edu and .gov sites - provide the most value to a website in SERPs, which can ultimately increase your traffic and impact your bottom line.

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  • What factors do search engines use to determine ranking on SERPs?

    There are several factors involved in SEO that can help your ranking in SERPs, both on the page and off it.

    On-page factors include clean, up-to-standard code, appropriate titles and metatags, number of pages of keyword rich content, and extensive intra-site navigation.

    Off-page SEO factors are dominated by the quantity and quality of your inbound link popularity. WhoLinksToMe.com is an extremely valuable tool in this arena, providing individuals and organizations with the research tools to develop a blueprint for their online marketing success.

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  • How often do I need to revise my SEO to increase my ranking?

    Often this challenge is never-ending since most verticals have competition. SEO campaigns require constant attention, sometimes weekly or even daily monitoring and management in order to maintain top-level rankings and effectiveness. As your competitors improve their search visibility, yours will be affected as well. We recommend you find an effective way to implement your SEO practices or utilize the services of an experienced SEO consultant with a successful track record.

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  • Will updating my site design affect my website ranking in search engines?

  • Will changing my domain name affect my website ranking in search engines?

  • Does changing servers affect SEO?

    For each of these three of these questions the answer is “Yes, possibly, but it depends.” Once again, we recommend you speak with an experienced consultant regarding your SEO practices/strategies. A representative at Star Nine Marketing, Inc. can take care of this for you at www.starnine.com

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