Archive for the ‘Celebrity’ Category

OK, not that new - I know.

Here is a picture of her.

This summer she said to Hollywood Life: “I’ve been in the business most of my life. You get to a point where you learn to only show people what you want them to talk about or see.” - Hmmm, I guess that’s showbiz. Is it that we literally force people to become less naturally? From what I heard/read she still finds it weird finding people screaming when she shows up somewhere. Hey, she’s twenty. She’s a great actress IMO. But I like to add a little controversy here. She likes her job and she knows very well how to show people what they want to see. Sometimes I like to get “behind the scenes” of some peoples psyche but often enough I am just one of the crowd enjoying what the bring to us.

I was lurking some sites about John Leguizamo and ended up with “The Diving and The Butterfly” - I am normally not into this kinda movie, but after watching the trailer, I am really thinking now. I also found a nice slideshow with photos from the premiere… :-)

And the slideshow: