Sorry for the inconvenience

November 13th, 2007

Hello to all.

First off, sorry for the bad start. You may have experienced some errors when trying to access the third party news on this site. It appears that this is a cross-browser problem. Therefore, I pulled down everything which has been written here and I am starting things all over. You may flame me now ;-) Sorry again, but I will get everything back together, promised.

Anyway. I found it the best solution to “outsource” the third party content and use the good old blogger platform. From now on there you will find any news I pull from external sources, such as articles and videos. You find them in the links menu. Bare with me though… ;-)

Your NewzJunkee

P.S. Feel free to contact me via email or in the forum.

2 Responses to “Sorry for the inconvenience”


November 15th, 2007 - 12:37 am

Hi Junkee,

what happened, man?! Heard it over at the forum… all the news are gone or what? You messed some things up the last days, eh…

But OK, I am looking forward to get my daily dosis of the junkee.

By the way, nice move with the blogger solution.

CU next week, pal!



November 21st, 2007 - 12:06 am

Hey honey,

sorry to hear about that. Could you please send or upload the story about Ozzy which you added two or three weeks ago? My friend didn`t believe when I told him and I can’t find it anywhere else.


Li”zz”a :-)

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