Who we are...

The Pittsburgh G-20 Resistance Project is a space where folks can come together and collaborate on ways to resist the G-20 Summit in Pittsburgh, PA. Our goals are to lay the groundwork, provide an information clearing house, create & distribute publicity and educational materials, build momentum for the mobilization, engage in local, regional and national outreach, and develop an action framework. We seek to help coordinate efforts among like-minded people in order to create a just and sustainable world. More...

Pittsburgh G-20 Resistance Project

The G-20 Is Here!

We're all busy at all of the events and happenings going on in our city right now.

If you'd like to keep up to date with the latest news, check out Pittsburgh Indymedia's G-Infinity Project for the latest news. Be sure to check out their live radio stream for coverage from the streets as it happens.

Below is the call to action from the Action Framework Working Group.

Call to Action - Resist the G-20!

September 22-25, Pittsburgh, PA

Leaders of 20 of the most powerful governments in the world, representing 19 countries and the European Union, are descending upon Pittsburgh in late September. We, concerned residents of Pittsburgh, are asking for individuals and organizations that are seeking a better world to come and show their opposition to these undemocratic, closed meetings. Our future belongs to us, not to our governments!

We are asking you to join us from September 22 through September 25. We are calling for a diversity of actions throughout the week, and we hope that you can join us for some or all of these actions, as you are able.

On Tuesday, September 22, neighborhoods in Pittsburgh will be having community picnics, where long-time residents, short-time residents, and the early-bird protesters can share a meal and talk about the better world that they want to live in. The G-20 tries to present itself as leaders getting together, but whenever they meet it seems to cost millions and involve police hitting people over the head with batons. Let's show them how a real civil gathering works: good people, good food, good times. Locals in the East End have already confirmed an Anti-G-20 Community Gathering in Friendship Park from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm Besides food, music and conversation, Rustbelt Radio, a project of Pittsburgh Indymedia, will be on hand collecting stories for its G-Infinity Media Project. The live, streaming audio project is a non-corporate, participatory media forum for the voices of the people who will not be in the room during the summit, who are affected by the G-20 economic policies but whose stories go largely untold.

Wednesday night, September 23, at 7:00 pm, there will be a spokescouncil meeting for information sharing and coordination at our convergence space, located at 4374 Murray Ave. The spokescouncil is a place for affinity groups to share decisions that they have made and identify things that they need to do and decisions that they need to make. If you are planning on attending, PLEASE READ this page on the spokescouncil format.

Thursday, September 24, will feature a People's Uprising, a mass march to disrupt the G-20 summit. We'll be starting at Arsenal Park at 2:30 pm in Lawrenceville, a vibrant working class community in the city, and marching to the G-20 summit downtown. Our theme is "Power from Below, Not Impositions from Above." Our only permit is our feet and voices. The G-20 is in the house, throwing a party. Let's crash it.

Friday, September 25, we'll be working to undermine the G-20 summit by attacking their power, making connections to the local manifestations of their neoliberal agenda. The folks that gather in the convention center represent large governments that draw their power from collusion with powerful corporations, governments that draw their wealth from resource extraction and destruction to our world, and governments that maintain their forces through the direct violence of police forces and militaries. Without these structural supports, their power will disintegrate. The G-20 is in a house of cards: let's shake the table.

The action working group of the Pittsburgh G-20 Resistance Project has drawn up a list of 100 potential targets, and many groups will be claiming a destination somewhere in the city. We call for these coordinated actions to end at 11:30 am in which we will demonstrate: we do not need to be together physically to be together in struggle.

We encourage people to form affinity groups with those that they know and trust, to have a familiar faces to stick with in the streets and people to organize and take action with. An affinity group is when you get together with folks who are on the same page as you about what kind of action you want to do. Maybe they're your friends from work or school, maybe they're your marching band mates. What each group’s action will be on Friday is up to that person or affinity group. We ask that each affinity group send one member of that group to our spokescouncil on Wednesday night to share information, coordinate and to pick a focus for Friday, if one is not already chosen.

After the actions end at 11:30 am, there will be an anti-authoritarian contingent in the Thomas Merton Center Anti-War Committee's state-sanctioned People's March to the summit site. This contingent will adhere to the Pittsburgh Principles, respecting the tone and tactics of the march organizers.

We are working hard with many groups and individuals in order to ensure there is a solid foundation for all of these actions to be a success. We ask those who are able to contribute more than their bodies – those who are interested in helping to provide legal support, scouting, staffing the convergence center, medical support, food, housing, etc. — to do what they can to help the resistance. If you see a need that you can fill, fill it. You don't need our permission, nor should you be asking for it, to resist. If you're not exactly sure how to do that but want to try, get in touch.

Pittsburgh G-20 Resistance Project

Using this site

The Pittsburgh G-20 Resistance Project website is meant to be an information clearinghouse for people trying to find out more about resistance to the G-20. It will contain info from the PGRP's working groups as well as information on events, posters, flyers, videos, zines, statements, news articles and much more that is created and submitted by YOU. We will post anything sent to us that doesn't go against our points of unity.

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Latest Updates


Over 190 people were arrested in connection with the mass protests and overwhelming use of police force during last month’s G-20 summit in Pittsburgh. Although all those arrested have been released, nearly all still face charges, including sixteen individuals facing felony charges (including several people who were brutalized by police and then charged with “assaulting an officer”).

Updated Information from the Pittsburgh G20 Resistance Project Legal Working Group

We have committed to providing legal support for protests against the G-20 Summit in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on September 24-25.

If you are arrested or witness an arrest please dial: 412-444-3553

During the actions, to report surveillance, harassment, brutality or any other incidents please contact the ACLU at 412-562-5015.

With any other inquires please e-mail legal@resistg20.org

Pittsburgh G-20 Resistance Project Space and Sexual Assault Policies

PGRP's policies regarding our Convergence Space and Sexual Assault.

Ride Board Errors

Due to technical errors, we lost some of the data from the Ride Board. If you submitted a ride offer or request, please check the Ride Board and see if it is still there. Everything is working now, so you can resubmit.

Spokescouncil Information Updated

About this Site

Resources, events and other content posted to this website does not imply endorsement by the Pittsburgh G20 Resistance Project.