
lowtecTo help readers we have created a text-only news page that is easier to load for users from Iran who have slow internet access due to the government limiting internet access and speed during the current protests.

All out for the Iranian movement!

Hands Off the People of Iran is launching a week of action in solidarity with the grassroots opposition movement in Iran, running from February 13-20 2010.

This will see fundraising events, protest actions and meetings. Comrades around the country are coming forward with ideas for activities that range from pickets and petitions, to benefit meals for a few comrades and friends. We want to mobilise every Hopi supporter to participate in the week, at whatever level their circumstances and time constraints allow.  For more information and the first confirmed events, please click here

The video on the left explains the politics behind the activities.

Support for the mass protests against Ahmadinejad’s re-election!
But we should have no illusions that Massouvi would have been any better


Click for video of the protests

Yassamine Mather, chair of Hands Off the People of Iran, assesses the highly fluid situation in Iran:

It is no surprise that the highly contested results of the presidential elections in Iran have sparked unrest in Tehran and other cities across Iran. The level of cheating on display seems crazy even by the standards of Iran’s Islamic Republic regime. Clearly, the results are the final proof that confirms that the whole electoral process is deeply undemocratic and rigged from top to bottom. Read full article

bulletIran – a society in rebellion

This was recorded at a meeting organised by Hands Off the People of Iran in London on July 4. The speakers are John McDonnell MP and Yassamine Mather (chair, Hopi)

bulletVideo: What’s the behind the crisis in Iran?

Click here for the footage, filmed at a Hopi meeting on June 2009 in London

bulletSign the petition: Protest against repression in Iran

Support for the mass protests against Ahmadinejad’s re-election! But we should have no illusions that Massouvi would have been any betterYassamine Mather, chair of Hands Off the People of Iran, assesses the highly fluid situation in Iran:
It is no surprise that the highly contested results of the presidential elections in Iran have sparked unrest in Tehran and other cities across Iran. The level of cheating on display seems crazy even by the standards of Iran’s Islamic Republic regime. Clearly, the results are the final proof that confirms that the whole electoral process is deeply undemocratic and rigged from top to bottom. Read full article

Iran – a society in rebellion

This was recorded at a meeting organised by Hands Off the People of Iran in London on July 4. The speakers are John McDonnell MP and Yassamine Mather (chair, Hopi)

Video: What’s the behind the crisis in Iran?

Click here for the footage, filmed at a Hopi meeting on June 2009 in London

Sign the petition: Protest against repressions in Iran

Iran, Protests 18 June 2009
The dramatic events in Tehran and other major cities following the June 12 presidential election in Iran are clear manifestations of the anger and frustration of the majority of Iranians with political Islam. The election campaign of the four presidential candidates was largely ignored by the majority of the population until early June, when a series of televised debates triggered street demonstrations and public meetings. Ironically it was Mahmood Ahmadinejad’s fear of losing that prompted him to make allegations of endemic corruption against some of the leading figures of the religious state, including former president Ali Akbar Rafsanjani and Ali Akbar Nategh Nouri, former interior minister and adviser to supreme leader ayatollah Khamenei. . Read full article

Iran, May Day 2009
Demand the release of May Day detainees!

On May Day, workers and their families who had gathered at Tehran’s Laleh Park, following a call by the May Day Organising Committee (made up of Iran’s independent labour organisations), to voice their demands and to commemorate this day, were attacked by the police and security forces and plain clothes officers. A number of people who were in the park were also attacked. Using various brutal means and instruments, the security forces seriously injured a large number of people and arrested and put in jail over 150. Of these, around 100 are still in prison. Click here for more information on how to protest

March 21 2009
Much has been made of Barack Obama’s Newroz message, which is supposed to represent a “new beginning” for relations between the US and the Islamic Republic.

But we should take a closer look at Obama’s project in the Middle East and what he is looking to gain from Iran.

Read statement in full.

March 25 2009, Manchester Students’ UnionHopi members in Manchester co-organised a demo in solidarity with imprisoned Iranian students belonging to the group Students for Freedom and Equality. These students have been arrested and imprisoned for protesting against the Iranian regime, and are facing torture and even execution.

March 16 2009: National launch of HOPI’s ‘Smash the Sanctions’ campaign

Click here for more info on the campaign.

Listen below to the speeches given by Yassamine Mather (chair of Hands Off the People of Iran) John McDonnell MP and Jenny Jones (London Assembly member, Green Party)

Iran, February 1979: A revolution betrayed

The Iranian Revolution is often portrayed as an uprising led by Islamic fundamentalists against the discredited regime of Mohammed Reza Pahlavi. This is a misconception. Read three articles that outline the genuine social dynamics of the mass democratic movement that rose against the Shah and the leading role of progressive women’s and workers’ organisations within it. In the video below, filmed on February 25 2009, Torab Saleth speaks about the betrayal of the revolution and the failures of the left.

Islamic revolution or counterrevolution

On the 30th anniversary of the Iranian revolution, Torab Saleth examines its historical roots (published in the Weekly Worker)
Women of the revolution
Thirty years after the toppling of the Shah in Iran, Hands Off the People of Iran supporter Azar Sheibani looks at how Iranian women have defied the reign of misogynist terror (published in Red Pepper)

After the revolution
When Ayatollah Khomeini arrived in Tehran on 1 February 1979, a brief period of freedom for Iranians came to an end. Hands Off the People of Iran chair Yassamine Mather looks at the development of the Islamic Republic’s suppression of dissent (published in Index on Censorship)

Hands Off The People Of Iran fights against the threat of any imperialist intervention, war or sanctions against Iran. It looks to build active, practical solidarity with grass-roots radical secular forces in Iran, the militant women’s, workers and students movements. We want regime change, both in Iran and in the imperialist countries. But we know that change must come from below – from the struggles of the working class and social movements – if it is to lead to genuine liberation.

Our campaign demands:

No to imperialist war! For the immediate and unconditional withdrawal of US/UK troops from Iraq and all the Gulf region!

No to any imperialist intervention. The immediate and unconditional end to sanctions on Iran.

No to the theocratic regime!

Opposition to Israeli expansionism and aggression!

Support to all working class and progressive struggles in Iran against poverty and repression!

Support for socialism, democracy and workers’ control in Iran!

For a nuclear-free Middle East as a step towards a nuclear-free world!

For the full statement click here.

Please support Hopi financially and by becoming a member.

January 31 2009
Labour activist Behzad Sohrabi arrested
January 2009
Gaza: End the siege! No to Zionism’s onslaught!
December 2008
John McDonnell MP launches Hopi’s anti-sanction campaign

Israeli socialist Moshe Machover spoke at the occupation of King’s College in January 2009 on the question of ‘Gaza: what’s going on?’ This is a 10 min extract from his talk. Moshe is a member of the steering committee of Hands Off the people of Iran

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