Frequently Asked Questions

Your official stop for help on MySpace


Thank you for visiting the MySpace Help Center. We’ve put together a list of answers to the questions you’ve asked most. Chances are you’ll find the information you need directly below, just click on a question below.

For more in-depth help, visit

Your account

How do I retrieve my forgotten password?

If you can't remember your password, we're here to help (not judge).

To retrieve your password, here's what you do:
1. Click here
2. Type in your email address (the one you used to sign up for MySpace) and click Find
4. You will get an email from MySpace with your password!

How do I add, change or delete my email addresses?

If you want to add email addresses so your friends can find you, here's what you do:

1. Make sure you're logged in
2. Click My Account (in the upper right corner)
3. Scroll down to the section with the header Email Address and IM Information and add the new email address to box labeled Other E-Mail 1 and click Save Changes
4. An email will be sent to the new email address asking you to click through and verify

Important stuff to know:
MySpace doesn't support email domains ending with .edu (schools), .mil (government) or .gov (for safety and security reasons)

Why can't verify my email addresses?

If you've just signed up for MySpace, we'll be sending you an email to verify your email address. You'll need to click on the link to complete the sign-up process (this tells us you're a real person and not a robot). We do this to protect your safety and security.

If you don't get the email, when you log into MySpace, you'll see two options:
1. Wrong Email address? -> Edit your email!
2. Can't find the Email? -> Click the link to for the email to be send to you again
3. Just pick the one that applies and we'll send you another email.

Important stuff to know:
MySpace doesn't support email domains ending in .gov, .edu or .mil (for safety and security reasons)

How can I cancel my account?

1. Make sure you’re logged in
2. Mouse over My Account on the top right
3. Select Account on the upper left
4. Select Delete Account and follow the instructions.

Profile design

How do I customise Profile 1.0?

There are lots of ways to customise your MySpace profile so it reflects your unique sense of style. If you're using profile 1.0, you can choose from a variety of themes to dress up your profile.

To get started, here’s what you do:
1. From your homepage, mouse over Profile (in the upper nav bar) and choose Edit Profile (from the drop-down menu)
2. Click on Profile Editor (located in the upper right corner)
3. Preview the ever-expanding theme library (on the top of the left column)
4. When you find something you like, click Save & Publish

If you want to get really creative, you can edit colors, theme positions or even add your own images by clicking Edit Theme (on the top of the left column)

Remember, you can change your theme as often as you change your clothes (although wearing the same theme for a while is way less hygienically challenged).

What is profile 2.0 and how do I get started?

Profile 2.0 is a newer and sleeker version of MySpace profiles, including a robust profile editor that allows you to customise your profile easily, with drag-and-drop editing directly on the page! You can change the page with easy one-click theme options, or customise fully and change every aspect of the page, from fonts, colours, to uploading your own background image. Add songs, videos, photo slideshows, apps, blog entries to dazzle your friends and see them leave you comments. With Profile 2.0, your creativity can be limitless, but ease and effort can also be as minimal as you’d like.

Here are some basics to get started:
1. Make sure you’re logged in
2. Mouse over Profile (in the upper nav bar) and choose Customise Profile (from the drop-down menu)
3. Click Select Theme (the first item in the second column from the left on the top of the page)
4. Preview different themes to see how they look (select No Theme for basic blue)
5. If you want to get really creative, you can edit theme colours, change layout positions (you can drag and drop modules)
6. Once you like what you've got going on, click Publish (on the upper right corner) and you're done!

To select a photo for your background, here's what you do:
1. Make sure you’re logged in first
2. Mouse over Profile (in the upper nav bar) and choose Customise Profile (from the drop-down menu)
3. Choose Appearance (in the first column on the left), Advanced Edit (third down in the second column) and Background (first item in the third column)
4. Type in the URL of the photo or image (that's the http:// address that appears in the web browser bar when you click on the image); you can choose a photo from your MySpace profile, a Photobucket account or another web site or photo site, such as Flickr
5. Select a background colour and decide if you want the photo to be fixed or scroll and whether you want it to appear once or repeat
6. Once you like what you see, click Publish (the yellow button on the upper right corner) and you're done!

How can I switch back to Profile 1.0?

If you've upgraded to 2.0 and you wish to return to Profile 1.0, you can switch back for up to 90 days.

One important caveat: If you signed up for MySpace after April 1, 2009, you are automatically using Profile 2.0, which offers advanced design and privacy functions. You cannot switch to Profile 1.0.

To switch back to 1.0, here's what you do:
1. Log Into MySpace
2. Mouse over Profile (in the upper nav bar) and choose Customise Profile (from the drop-down menu)
3. If you're using Profile 2.0, you'll see Profile 2.0 - Customise Profile (on the top left corner of the page) and Go Back to Profile 1.0 (on the top right corner of the page to the left of Control Panel)
4. Click Go Back to Profile 1.0 and choose whether you want to redesign your entire 2.0 Profile from scratch or Switch to Profile 1.0 (on the pop-up)
5. Confirm your selection and you're done!

P.S. Hey, if you change your mind, you can always follow the same steps and Upgrade to 2.0 (and back again).

How do I set my profile to private?

1. Make sure you’re logged in
2. Mouse over My Account on the top right
3. Select Privacy (upper left)
4. Modify your settings and select Save All Changes
Please note that this is a public website, and you should be careful about what information you put on the internet. Please check out our Safety Tips section for more information about safety on the internet!

Important for Profile 2.0 users:
With Profile 2.0 you can change the privacy settings of each module directly on your profile page. Just select Customise Profile from the top navigation under Profile, hover over the module and select Visibility to customise the settings for each module individually.

How do I hide my age, location, real name, mood status or last log-in?

1. Make sure you’re logged in
2. Mouse over Profile (in the upper nav bar) and choose Customise Profile (from the drop-down menu)
3. Scroll over the area or module containing your profile photo and basic information
4. Click on the wrench icon (that's the settings key)
5. Uncheck the boxes by the stuff you don't want to show on your profile
6. Click Apply Changes (at the bottom of the pop-up)
7. Click Publish (in the upper right corner)

How do I change my homepage and profile themes?

Your homepage is your private space to read bulletins, blogs, review comments, and more. It is different from your profile, which can be fully customised, made public and viewed by all. Did you know you can add themes to your private homepage?

To update the theme of your homepage, here what you do:
1. Make sure you’re logged in and go to your homepage
2. Click Page Themes (on the upper right corner)
3. Click a theme to preview
4. When you like the way it looks, click Save

How do I add my real name to my profile?

Adding your real name to your MySpace profile makes it easier for your friends to find you.

To add your real name to your profile, here's what you do:
1. Make sure you’re logged in
2. Click on My Account (on the upper right corner)
3. Check the box labeled Show my full name wherever my name and photo appear on MySpace
4. Type in your real name
5. Click Save Changes (at the bottom of the page)

Important stuff to know:
• Don't use repeated characters (aaaaa), symbols or numbers
• We'll automatically capitalize the first letter of your first and last name
• It may take up to a week before our search engine finds you when your friends search for your real name on MySpace
• This will not change your display name, which you can change just as often as you like

Manage friends

How do I search or invite friends to MySpace?

1. Mouse over Friends (in the upper nav bar) and choose Find Friends from the drop-down
2. From the top box, you can easily search for your friends by their name, MySpace display name or email address
3. From the top right box (Find People You Email), you can search for your friends on Gmail, AOL, MSN, or Tiscali with 2 steps (don't worry, MySpace won't automatically shoot off a bunch of invitations, just check off the people you want to invite)
4. We may also suggest people you may know. If there are suggestions, you will see them on this page as well. You can add them quickly by clicking on Add to Friends.

How do I find new friends on MySpace?

1. Mouse over Friends (in the upper nav bar) and choose Browse People from the drop-down
2. You can search based on gender, geography, age and more
3. Select Add to Friends , customise your invitation and hit Add to Friends on the bottom of the invite

How do I search for friends who share my taste in music?

1. Search for the musician or band you’re interested in to find their profile page on MySpace
2. Scroll down to the comments section on the musician/band profile
3. Click on the photo of the MySpace member you'd like to add
4. Under their contact section, click Add to Friends

How do I check status of my friend invitations?

1. Mouse over Friends (in the upper nav bar) and choose Invite Friends (from the drop-down menu)
2. Click on the right tab labeled View Sent Invitations

How do I categorize my friends?

You can group your friends into categories to make it easier to find them!

1. Make sure you’re logged in
2. Scroll to your Friends Space box on your homepage
3. Click on View All at the bottom of the box
4. Click on the second tab, My Categories
5. Here, you can create as many categories as you like to group your friends
6. You can also edit your groups, add and remove friends as often as you like
7. The third tab, Categories I’m In, shows you the categories your friends have added you to

MySpace Mail

What is MySpace Mail?

Mail on MySpace is a unique email experience that lets reserve an @myspace email addres which you can use to send messages to your friends, whether they are on MySpace or not.

Important stuff to know: • Mail on MySpace features virus protection with automatic scanning of all emails, attachements and spam
• Privacy controls allow you to only get email from people you know
• There's a security enforcement team working around 24 hours, 7 days a week to identify hackers
• We use state of the art technology to stop spammers and phishers from getting to your mailbox
• If you click on a message from a MySpace friend, their activity stream will automatically appear in the right column.

How do I pick my email address?

1.  Log into your profile
2. Click the set-up link on the upper right to chose a signature email address (if you've already picked out a MySpace URL, the associated email address has been reserved and will be suggested.
3.Choose one of the names suggested or pick somethign new (You can use only letters, numbers, plus one special character)
4. When you find something you like, click OK to confirm

How do I add friends to my address book?

1. Log into MySpace
2. Mouse over Mail (in the upper nav bar) and choose Inbox from the drop-down menu
3. Click Address Book
4.Your MySpace friends have already been added to your address book
5. Choose the external email address book that you'd like to upload
6. You can also add individual contacts from inside or outside of MySpace
7. To delete people from your address book, check the box besides their names and click the Delete (on top) when you are done.
8. We do not support email addresses that end in .edu, .mil, or .gov for safety and security reasons.
9. If you receive abusive email messages from users outside of MySpace (who write to you from their external email account, such as Yahoo! or AOL), please report the abusive conduct to their email service provider rather than MySpace.

How do I compose a new email message?

1. Log into MySpace
2. Mouse over Mail (in the upper nav bar) and choose Inbox from the drop-down menu
3. Click Compose
4. Begin typing a name and your address book will try and locate a match
5. Add a Photo or Add a Link by clicking on the appropriate link at the bottom of the email message

How do I control the privacy of my emails and block individual senders?

1. Mouse over Mail (in the upper nav bar) and choose Inbox from the drop-down menu
2. Click Settings
3. Choose Only people I know if you only want people in your address book to contact you
4. Choose Open if you want anyone (inside or outside of MySpace) to be able to contact you (don't worry, we'll still filter spam!)
5. Choose Off if you only want to receive emails from other MySpace users
6. You can also add Trusted Senders to make sure you get important messages
7. Add individual email addresses of people you wish to block from sending you email messages (please note that they will not be blocked from any other area of your MySpace profile)

How do I report spam or abusive email?

1. Mouse over Mail (in the upper nav bar) and choose Inbox from the drop-down menu
2. Click on the message you wish to report
3. Mouse over Junk
4. Choose Junk to report spam or choose Report Abuse to report a suspicious or offensive email to law enforcement for further review

Syncing on MySpace

How can you simultaneously post status updates to MySpace and Twitter?

We’ve been asking our users about the products and features they want most. In response to user demand, we’re excited to launch a new MySpace feature that lets you post status updates on either MySpace or Twitter and syndicate to both automatically.

To get started, here’s what you do:
1. Log into MySpace
2. Click My Account (in the upper right corner of the page)
3. Choose Sync (from the central nav bar)
4. Under Sync to Other Services, click Get Synched (to the right of the Twitter logo)
5. This will take you to Twitter’s account confirmation page, where you’ll be asked to confirm which account you want to sync your updates
6. Check the boxes to select whether you want status updates on Twitter to update to MySpace and/or status updates on MySpace to update to Twitter (we recommend both, so you can instantly update both from either site)
7. You’ll see your updated settings (if you see a double arrow between MySpace and Twitter that indicates your status updates to either will be syndicated to both; if you see an arrow from MySpace to Twitter, your MySpace updates will syndicate to Twitter, only; if you see an arrow from Twitter to MySpace, your Twitter updates will syndicate to MySpace, only)
8. If you decide you want to modify your settings, you can visit My Account and click Sync to edit your settings anytime

Once you’ve enabled status updates to post from MySpace to Twitter, what happens when you post a status update on MySpace?

Once you’ve set up syncing updates from MySpace to Twitter, whenever you post a status update on MySpace, it will be sent to Twitter. A link will be added to the end of the status update so your friends can click to view the full status on MySpace and add comments, provided they have a MySpace account. (If they don’t have a MySpace account, we’ll give them a link to set one up.)

Once you’ve enabled status updates to post from Twitter to MySpace, what happens when you post a status update on Twitter?

Whenever you tweet, your status will be automatically updated on MySpace. MySpace users will see a Twitter icon with a timestamp.

Once you’ve enabled status updates to post simultaneously on Twitter and MySpace, will your friends know where you status updates originate?

Absolutely! If you post to Twitter, it will be syndicated to MySpace with a Twitter timestamp. If you post to MySpace, it will be syndicated to Twitter with a MySpace timestamp and a link that takes them to your status page (so they can add comments, provided they have a MySpace profile).

How do you cancel your Twitter account information from MySpace?

Note: By removing your account information, you will also disable all settings for syncing updates.

You can cancel (and reactivate)syncing status updates anytime you like.

To cancel syncing, here’s what you do:
1. Log into MySpace
2. Click My Account (on the upper right corner of the page)
3. Choose Sync (from the central nav bar)
4. Scroll down beside the Twitter line and click the link labeled Edit (on the right)
5. To cancel syncing, check the box labeled Remove at the bottom of the pop-up
6. Your updated settings will show Disabled (in gray) indicating syncing status updates has been successfully deactivated 7. If you wish to reactivate syncing status updates, click the link labeled Get Synced

How do you modify your syncing settings?

You can update your syncing settings anytime you wish. So, if you decide that you only want your MySpace status updates to post to Twitter, that’s cool. On the other hand, if you only want your Twitter updates to post to MySpace, that’s fine too.

To update your syncing settings on Sync, here’s what you do:
1. Log into MySpace
2. Click My Account (on the upper right corner of the page)
3. Choose Sync (from the central nav bar)
4. Scroll down beside the Twitter line and click the link labeled Edit (on the right)
5. Check or uncheck the boxes to indicate whether you want your Twitter updates to post to MySpace or your MySpace updates to post to Twitter
6. Click Confirm at the bottom
7. You will see a green text box indicating that your settings have been saved
8. Your new syncing settings will be displayed (the direction(s) of the black arrow on the right will indicate which directions your posts will syndicate)

MySpace Music

What is the artist dashboard?

The artist dashboard provides a comprehensive set of statistics to help you learn more about your fans and the activity surrounding your profile and content. It is available to all musician profile owners on MySpace.

What's the difference between visitors and friends on Artist Dashboard?

Visitors are people who viewed your MySpace artist profile over the last 30-day period (they may or may not be registered MySpace users). Friends are the MySpace users who have specifically added you as a friend on their MySpace profile.

How are the streams in the trends module calculated in Artist Dashboard?

Streams represent all global plays 1 second or greater.

Can I access this Artist Dashboard information on my mobile phone?

The artist dashboard is not yet available on mobile. We’ll keep you posted on new developments in this area.

When is the full version of MySpace Music coming to my country?

The honest answer is "as soon as we possibly can!" We’re excited about the possibility of bringing MySpace Music to all of our users! We are actively planning how to provide the MySpace Music experience to each of our markets. There are many tasks, including sorting through various legal and business matters, which must be completed before the MySpace Music platform can become available in your country. In the meantime, we will continue to make incremental improvements to the current music offering, as well as work towards releasing MySpace Music to all of our markets.

Why am I able to see User Profile Playlists on other people’s profiles, but I cannot create one for my profile?

Only users who live in countries where MySpace Music is currently available are enabled to select the new player design, listen to authorized music for their country, as well as create and manage playlists. You will be able to utilize all of the great features on MySpace Music as soon as it is available in your country.

Why can I play some songs on my friend’s User Profile Playlist, but not others?

MySpace Music gets permission from the music rights holders to authorize the song to be played on the internet. We don’t always have the permission to authorize a song to be played in your country. We are working on getting these song rights for your country. Once we have these rights, we will be able to release MySpace Music to your country.

When will I be able to create my own playlists?

You will be able to create your own playlists as soon as MySpace Music is released in your country.

What is new about my Artist Profile Player?

Great new features, including the ability to create a featured playlist of up to 6 songs. MySpace Music wants you to know you are still in total control of what appears front and center on your player. Note: If you are an international artist signed with a record label who has licensed your songs to stream commercially, those songs will be available to stream in all countries where MySpace Music has been fully implemented.

Can I sell my Music on MySpace?

Not yet, but we are working on a solution to let you sell your music on MySpace.


How do I add a new photo to my profile?

1. Make sure you’re logged in, go to your homepage
2. Click the photo upload link beneath your default photo
3. Find the picture on your computer and select the one you want to upload or click on the webcam link to activate your webcam and take a photo (upper left)
4. When you're done editing (you can add tags, captions and share the picture with your friends), click the photo and choose Set as Default (above the photo)
5. Hit OK to confirm and you're done!

How do I choose a photo from my photo album?

1. Make sure you’re logged in, then go to your homepage
2. Click Edit link beneath your default photo
3. Click on the album containing the photo and then click the photo
4. Click Set as Default (above the photo)
5. Hit OK to confirm and you're done!

How do I use a webcam to take a new photo?

1. Make sure you are signed in and have a webcam attached to your computer
2. Mouse over Profile (in the upper nav bar) and choose My Photos (from the drop-down menu)
3. Click Upload Photos (in the upper left corner below the blue nav bar)
4. Find the Webcam icon and link on the upper left corner, click to activate your webcam and take a photo!

How do I tag my friends in photos?

1. Make sure you are signed in
2. Mouse over Profile (in the upper nav bar) and choose My Photos (from the drop-down menu)
3. Click the album in which the photo you want to tag appears
4. Click the photo
5. Click Tag Photo (under the photo)
6. Move the box to where you want to add a tag
7. Type in a name, email address, or click on a MySpace friend
8. Click Save or Add Another Tag
9. Select Finished

How do I search for photos on MySpace?

1. The search box is on most MySpace pages (go to your homepage to find it now)
2. Choose Images in the drop-down
3. Type in anything you want to find and click Search

How do I edit my photos within MySpace like change color, add special effects and crop?

1. Make sure you are signed in
2. Mouse over Profile (in the upper nav bar) and choose My Photos (from the drop-down menu)
3. Click the album in which the photo you want to edit appears
4. Click the photo
5. Click Customise Photo underneath the photo
6. From here, you have a range of editing options from basic editing like fix red eyes and resize, to beautify editing like fix blemishes and smooth out wrinkles!
7. When finished, you can click Save to save all the changes, or click Save A Copy to save changes to a new photo without altering the original.
8. Tag and share your creation with friends after!


How do I checkout and download apps on MySpace?

From poker games to celebrity look-alike quizzes to interactive maps that show off all the places you've travelled, MySpace apps are created to make your MySpace experience more fun.

To check out and download MySpace apps, here's what you do:
1. Make sure you’re logged in
2. Mouse over More (in the upper nav bar) and choose Apps Gallery (from the drop-down menu)
3. Scroll through apps or search by category (in the left column) or by keyword (for example, MySpace Comedy) in the search box (on the upper right corner of the page)
4. Feel free to check out the different application by clicking on the apps in the results
5. When you find something you like, click Add this App (usually on the top or below the app you want to add)
6. Check the boxes to choose if you want the app to appear on your profile (where your friends will see it) and/or your homepage (for your private amusement) and whether you want your friends to be alerted that you've added the app and click Add

How do I use MySpace Toolbar?

MySpace Toolbar allows you to keep connected your friends and all that’s happening on MySpace anywhere you surf on the web. Once you download the toolbar, it sits quietly beneath your browser bar, so you can:

• Update your mood and status
• Check email
• Respond to friend requests
• Read blog posts
• Review comments
• Instant message with MySpace friends
• Run MySpace and Google searches

How do I find, join and user groups?

Whatever you’re into, chances are pretty good that there's a group on MySpace that's just right for you. Joining a group is a great way to meet people from around the world who share your unique (and/or bizarre) passions. And if there's no group on MySpace, you can create one!

To find and join groups on MySpace, here's what you do:
1. Make sure you’re logged in
2. Mouse over More (in the upper nav bar) and choose Groups (from the drop-down menu)
3. Type in what you’re interested in in the Keyword search box (at the bottom of the page) or click Advanced Search (on the bottom right) to search by location, number of members, level of activity and more!
4. Click the groups you want to check out and when you find something you like, click Join Group (on the upper right corner of the page) and click Join to confirm

To create a new group on MySpace, here's what you do:
1. Mouse over More (in the upper nav bar) and choose Groups (from the drop-down menu)
2. Click Create Group (from the right column) and follow the easy prompts (all you need is a location, a brief description and a group name)
3. Once you've created your group, you can come back to add images, post bulletins, invite friends or change privacy settings by clicking More (from the upper nav bar), choosing Groups (from the drop-down menu), clicking My Groups (from the left column) and clicking the group you want to update
4. Click Edit Group (to change privacy settings for the group)
5. Click Privacy (to change privacy settings for moderator posts)
6. Click Invite Others, Post Image or Post Bulletin to grow your new group!

Important stuff to know:
• As the group moderator, you can choose to make the group private (which means you must invite friends to join) and control who can post images and other content

How do I post a blog?

1. Make sure you’re logged in
2. Mouse over Profile (in the upper nav bar) and choose My Blog (from the drop-down menu)
3. Click Post New Blog (in the left column under your profile photo)
4. Add a subject for your blog post
5. Start writing (you can also add photos, links and embed podcasts)
6. Choose who can see each blog post by setting the privacy level (at the bottom of the page) to Diary (only you can see it), Friends (just your MySpace friends can see it), Preferred List (only those friends or MySpace users you add to your preferred list can see it) or Public (the world is your audience)
7. If you want to customise the look of your blog, click Customise Blog (at the bottom of the left column under your profile photo)
8. Hit Preview & Post to see how it looks
9. Click Publish when you're ready to publish!

Important stuff to know:
• If you want to edit, remove or comment on blog posts (whether it's your own blog or other blogs on your subscription list), click View Blog (at the bottom of the left column under your profile photo) and follow the easy prompts

How do I upload videos to MySpace?

If you have home videos you want to share, MySpace is the perfect place to get digital with your friends.

To upload videos, here's what you do:
1. Log into MySpace and click Videos (on the upper nav bar)
2. Click Upload (typed in red on the upper right corner of the page)
3. Use the browse function to search for videos (under 500 MB) on your computer
4. Click Upload again to confirm
5. Check the box beside I agree to MySpace Terms & Conditions
6. Click Optional Settings (on the bottom of the page) to customise your privacy (you can set privacy for each video you upload to Friends only or Private)
7. Indicate whether or not you want to allow other MySpace users to embed the video on their profile

Important stuff to know:
• You can share videos with the entire world, just your friends or keep them private
• Videos uploaded by MySpace users who are under 16 years old cannot be set to public (to protect the safety, privacy and security of our younger users)
• We carefully screen all videos and reserve the right to delete your videos or your profile if you upload content that violates our Terms & Conditions: This means NO nudity, obscenity, violence, gang-related, racist or hate-related content or copyright-protected property

How do I record a video and upload to MySpace?

To record videos, here's what you do:

1. Log into MySpace and click Videos (on the upper nav bar)
2. Click Record (typed in red on the upper right corner of the page)
3. You can use your webcam to record up to 20 minutes without leaving MySpace!
4. Click Optional Settings to customise your privacy (you can set it to Friends only or Private)
5. Decide whether or not you want to allow other MySpace users to embed the video on their profile

Important stuff to know:
• You can share videos with the entire world, just your friends or keep them private
• Videos recorded by MySpace users who are under 16 years old cannot be set to public (to protect the safety, privacy and security of our younger users)
• We carefully screen all videos and reserve the right to delete your videos or your profile if you upload content that violates our Terms & Conditions: This means NO nudity, obscenity, violence, gang-related, racist or hate-related content or copyright-protected property

How do I subscribe to videos?

See a video on MySpace that you like? Don’t miss out on new videos posted by the same person and add them to your subscription. You’ll be alerted to their video updates!

To subscribe to MySpace videos, here's what you do:
1. Make sure you’re logged in
2. Go to Video from the top nav
3. Watch any clip you like and hit the yellow 'Subscribe' button on the right side of the page

What is MySpace Schools?

Colleges & schools on MySpace help you to connect with classmates or make new friends. You can discuss what is happening at school in the schools forums.

How do I get my school added?

1. Mouse over More (in the upper nav bar) and choose Schools from the drop-down
2. Use the School Finder search box on the top right to search for your school
3. If you cannot find the school you're searching for in the results for your search you will find a blue button 'submit your school' on the bottom right - Fill out the form and submit it to get your school added
Tip: Some cultures like Ireland for example also have the option to add a school in the drop-down of the school finder search box

Be a hero: Report site issues!

Report site issues! Found a bug?

If something isn't working the way it usually does, that's a bug! We want to know so we can fix it, FAST!

To report a bug, click here and select Site Errors in the subject menu of the contact request form and Report Site Error as the subtopic to tell us what's going on. Send an email to customer service and we'll check it out and keep you posted!