help : channels : servers : security : translate : ircd : imc

Indymedia operates several 24-hour channels for discussion and technical support. To see a list of channels and topics, click the channel link above. We use Internet Relay Chat (IRC) for our channels. You can access the chat with your own client program, or use our web-based interface in your browser.

If you do not already have an IRC client, you can download one. This is a program that runs on your computer and allows you to connect to our chat server. Refer to this list of downloadable IRC clients.

IRC Server Name:

Access the old chat system
Add sound, emoticons and other nice things Secure chat connection Remember your choices
If you would like your channel listed below, please contact the ircd working group (ircd at indymedia dot org).
#indymedia General Indymedia channel
#communication Internal Indymedia matters
#womyn Safe space for womyn in Indymedia
#tech General tech channel
#ircd Channel for the IRCd working group and help with IRC
#sf-active Channel for the sf-active software
#mir Channel for the mir software
#dada Channel for the dada software
#oceania Regional channel for Australia, NZ, SE Asia etc
#argentina Channel for Argentina
#colombia Channel for Colombia
#sfkids Social channel for san fran IMC
#brasil Channel for Brasil
#nl Channel for Dutch speakers
#de Channel for German speakers
#uk UK indymedia.org.uk
#marseille Channel of IMC Marseille
#liege Channel of indymedia Liege
34 posting news on euskal herria indymedia doesn't work for technical reasons
53 lists are back!
49 the topic is not correct
33 kfogel is a high-quality monitoring service | nut up or shut up
23 released! | XSS fix in | http://crabgrass.riseup.net/download/ | Issue tracker: https://labs.riseup.net/code/projects/show... | CI server: http://munia.riseup.net:3333 | this channel is logged: http://logs.riseup.net/crabgrass
19 Koumbit.org :: Drupal :: Montréal :: L'autonomisation technologique par l'innovation collective
15 vpn.aktivix.org with full bandwidth again :-) :: All Systems Go http://tash_photo.blogspot.com/2002_06_30_... :-)
15 Chat for anarkister, socialister, feminister, esperantister, cyklister, aktivister og hangarounds | Skal vi ikke snart på vegegården? | LS har fået klistermærker, se http://libsoc.dk/?page_id=253 |
15 http://weblogs.vpro.nl/dorst/kleine-krakers/ | http://www.multipleks.org/zandhack/ (2010-10-23)
14 To get a cloak: 1. register w/ nickserv: "/msg nickserv register <newirconlypassword>"; 2. say the host you want in here and wait- we'll add it when we can | force channel to be ssl-only, redirecting non-ssl users to another channel: /mode #channel +f ##channel +iI $z | note that invite lists aren't permanent | guide: http://ln-s.net/3YX3 | Who can help you? Type: /stats p
14 all systems go | contact: <tachanka-collective@lists.tachanka.org> , gpg fingerprint = ED02 DA4D F6CD EB08 81C1  4504 64BF E970 A454 BF76
13 Welcome to #listwork, the channel about the lists.indymedia.org mailing lists and indymedia.org email address administration | Please read the FAQs on top of http://lists.indymedia.org | Send your requests to listwork@sos.indymedia.org
12 Hyperactive CMS | http://projects.escapegoat.org/projects/hy... | http://asofterworld.com/index.php?id=583
Only the 15 most popular channels are listed.
Please visit the full channel list for less popular channels.

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