• Welcome to 2010!

    As January sweeps across the globe, we wanted to say thank you for a great 2009, and let's get stoked for an even better 2010!

    Every year Vimeo gets bigger and better, and 2010 will be no exception. We couldn't have made it this far without you guys, the best community on the Web. We'll work hard to bring new features and improvements to the site, and we think you're going to love what we have planned so far.

    Let's do this!

  • Welcome to 2010!

    As January sweeps across the globe, we wanted to say thank you to everyone for a fantastic 2009, and let's get stoked for an even better 2010!

    Every year, Vimeo gets bigger and better, and we know 2010 will be no exception. All of you have made this journey so awesome, we couldn't have made it to this point without you, the best community on the Web. We'll work hard to bring new features and improvements to the site, and we think you're going to love what we have planned so far.

    Let's do this!

  • Vimeo's 25 favorite videos of 2009

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!

    Two thousand and nine was without a shadow of a doubt the most exciting year for this little (or not so little anymore!) website. Besides growing our community by more than 1.5 million people just this year alone, Vimeo has grown into the go-to site for the most creative user-generated content on this great planet. And we couldn't be happier with this outcome.

    In celebration of 2009 we have have chosen our top 25 favorite and most creative films and videos of the year. It wasn't easy, but here is our list in no particular order:

    Vimeo's 25 favorite videos of 2009

    We'd like to dedicate this amazing year to all of you. Keep creating, keep enjoying and, as always, keep having fun. Here's to another amazing year in 2010!



    p.s. Here are the favorite videos of Andrew, Casey D, Sean, Kevin, Brad, Dan, Cory, Karen, Sox, Andrea, Steve, dalas, Sam and Blake from the Vimeo staff. We all have different taste, so check 'em out. And we encourage you all to make your own lists with your favorites!

  • This Week in Vimeo - 12/21/09

    Yo Vimeo!

    For This Week in Vimeo, I'd like you all to meet two fellow Vimeans who make up the great motion graphics team that is impactist! Not only do they make awesome content, but they're married too! So, you know it's all love. And that's really what Vimeo is about.

    Take a look at their most recent creation, which was recently featured on The Vimeo HD Channel.

    I also want to give a special shout out to a fledgling group, which I think has loads of untapped potential. Typically, "Post Secret" refers to a project in which participants anonymously reveal secrets about themselves written on postcards, which are displayed in a public space. To shake things up a bit, arienna chamberlain has started a group of "Post Secret" videos on Vimeo. We recently highlighted one such video. There's nothing quite like letting it all pour out on the World Wide Web, is there?

    Lastly, I'd like to draw everyone's attention to the Best of animation/stop motion/puppets channel. This channel, curated by josh lyon is chock full of great content. It is definitely worth a look. To give you a taste, check out this video by Monogrenade.

    As always, whenever feel the urge, a great way to stumble across new material that you're interested in is by taking a look at our Vimeo Categories page. There's even a slew of subcategories to help you zero in on whatever it is you're looking for. Check it out if you haven't already.

    Happy holidays!

  • Blog Badges!

    Hello Sweet Vimeo Community!

    Just a quick blog post to introduce our new widget additions. We created some super-sweet Blog Badges!

    You can embed these bad boys on your blog or website and they will link right to your Vimeo profile. Here's the one I chose:


    So, head on over to the Widget page and check out our cool Blog Badges!

    Have a great weekend!

  • This Week in Vimeo - Dec 14

    Hi Vimeans,

    This Week in Vimeo, I get to highlight some of my favorite Groups and Channels, and one special person.

    Say hello to Lonny Quattlebaum.

    Lonny is from my hometown, Wichita, KS. He's a really cool guy that not only makes fun everyday-life videos, but also makes really amazing, high-quality, professional videos. Lonny is the curator of the Wichita! Channel and is very active in the Vimeo Community. Plus, Lonny has the best surname OF ALL TIME. Chant it with me -- Quattlebaum! Quattlebaum! Quattlebaum!

    Featured Channels:

    Oops is a Channel created to showcase the Vimeo Community's missteps, stumbles, tumbles, and mistakes. Check out some oopses and shout out your own oops vids for consideration!

    Enjoyable Hummingbirds is one of my absolute favorite Channels. User, Russ Thompson, who is so good with hummingbirds, they eat from his hand, curates this Channel and loves to show you a close-up, HD view of hummingbirds. These videos are best watched in fullscreen mode.

    Featured Groups:

    Same Video, Different Use is a Vimeo Group. The idea is that everyone who joins and wants to participate will take the same video, remix, edit, and colorize it anyway they want to create a whole new video! It's a lot of fun to see the results.

    Another interesting Group I'd like to draw your attention to is The Obstructionist. The Group members who upload videos must adhere to a strict set of rules set up before each project. As Paul, the creator of Obstructionist says, they've been "Placing arbitrary restrictions on your creative expression since 2007."

    That's all I have for you this week. Please check out these awesome Groups and Channels and go let Lonny know how cool his name is. And don't forget to submit your questions for Blake to ask at CES!

    Vimeo XOXO,


  • Weekend Project- Memory Bank 2009

    Hello Community of wonderful video creators!

    It's almost the end of the year and you might have a lot of seemingly random footage left over from the grand adventure that was 2009. What to do with all these fragments of your life? Well you could create a memory bank video. A memory bank is sort of video memory scrapbook to look back on and reminisce about days now past. Here are some examples made by your friends in the Vimeo Staff.

    Andrea put one together last spring, Steve got all kinds of sappy about his summer, Karen wowed us all with her great video skills, and Brad created a unique video all his own. We encourage you to explore the music resources available here and to use the original sound of the video with thoughtful editing.

    Try to keep your video under 4 minutes or so and make sure to submit your video to the Weekend Project Group. Please only add videos that were made for this project specifically.

    The most thoughtful, well crafted video will be chosen for the following prizes- Plus account (for Basic users) or 25,000 HD Embeds (for Plus members.) The runner-up gets an extra 1 GB of upload capacity (for Basic users) or 10,000 HD Embeds (for Plus members.)

    Submissions are due on Tuesday (12/15) at 11:59 PM (EST).

    Have fun with this one!

    Extra, extra!

    Remember to swing by Brooklyn Bowl, tomorrow, December 12th at 9PM, for our meet up and Eye Candy for Strangers event. For details see here.


    Thanks to everyone for their submissions it was very cool seeing a whole years worth of events told by so many storytellers.

    This week's winner is Fredrick Limi with his unique submission 100 yard dash. Congrats Fredrick, you get a shiny new Plus account! The runner-up is Josh Reichlin with his 2009 Memory Bank. Enjoy those extra HD embeds Josh.

    Thanks again for all your submissions. Here's to an awesome year of rich memories in 2010!

  • Digging in deep at CES

    CES, or the Consumer Electronics Show, is one of the world's largest technology showcases for all the coolest new gadgets and gizmos hitting the market in the near future. It's an insanely large tradeshow where all the top manufacturers of all consumer electronics go to push their newest and best stuff.

    We've decided that this year our crack team of investigators (moi) will be scouring the tradeshow floor to give you guys the inside scoop on what's happening and what's coming out. As a highly trained investigative reporter, I'll be asking the hard questions that everyone want to know. Then, each day, we'll be producing entertaining little reports recounting the latest and greatest news from top camera and gear manufacturers as well as meeting friendly community members we're sure to run into along the way.

    We'll be updating more on the blog here before we go, but we wanted you guys to start thinking about specific questions you might have for companies that will be at the show. Are there any specific cameras you want to know more about? Any new technology that filmmakers must know about? Any gear you want us to test and check out? Ask your questions here in the comments section and we'll try to get all the juicy info for everyone!

    And while you're at it, might as well subscribe to the CES - behind the scenes channel we created for the show for all the updates.

    Stay tuned for more updates and list your questions below!