
Civil Disobedience is a Terrorist Threat

The Observer’s publication of a scare-story about the threat of ‘eco-terrorists’ – citing an ‘unnamed source in the security services’, deliberately conflating civil disobedience with terrorism – marks a new area of state attacks on environmental activists.

Anti-Iran propaganda gets a free pass

A recent Daily Telegraph article alleging that enriched uranium has gone missing from the Iranian facility at Isfahan has been slammed by the IAEA as “fictitious”, but the Telegraph has refused to publish a correction or a letter to the editor and no other mainstream outlet has reported the story.

5,000 march against the war at Labour Party conference

Stop the War Coalition: 5,000 protestors marched to the Labour Party Conference on Saturday demanding an end to the government’s slavish support for Bush’s wars.

Coal train bailbreakers openly enter Climate Camp

Climate action prisoner Paul Morozzo (prison address included) was one of seven activists to publicly defy a bail order banning them from this year’s Climate Camp. The others entered the camp openly through police lines, due to police confusion and poor intelligence.

Climate Camp Taken!

Around 20 sheep have been relocated for the duration of the climate camp. They were rounded up by activists when their field was taken (temporarily) in order to ensure a coal-free future for all sheep (and humans)

Rights and Writers

Amnesty’s response to Media Lens’ latest alert is a welcome step in the campaign for fair representation of Western foreign policy’s “unworthy victims”.

Kamal Begi: deportation

Kamal Begi is a 16 year old student at an east London school, Afghani by birth. His father was killed by the Taliban, he himself was held at gunpoint, and his family brought him to the UK for his own safety. But the Home Office has turned down his appeals and is threatening him with deportation.

Guardians of (coal-fired) power


Next wednesday, the Guardian will be collaborating with prominent fossil fuel industry sponsors in its “Climate Change Summit 2008”. If the paper’s own marketing hype is anything to go by, however, this latest venture appears simply to be building on earlier projects subsidised by the industry.

UNISON passes boycott resolution

UNISON, the UK’s largest public sector union, recently passed a resolution promoting solidarity with the occupied Palestinians and calling for divestment from companies complicit in Israel’s occupation. Here is the full text of that resolution.

The Elephant in the Room


Plane Stupid Scotland shocked delegates at the Edinburgh Caledonian Hilton with a giant inflatable elephant-in-the-room – a reminder of the aviation emissions that are still missing from the Climate Change Bill

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