Demand justice for Oscar Grant and the last two of the Oakland 100

Meet former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney and see a screening of ‘Operation Small Axe’ Wednesday, Jan. 13, 7 p.m., Black Dot Café, 1195 Pine St. West Oakland. Come and support Minister of Information JR and Holly Works, who still face charges from the Oakland Rebellions that secured the indictment of Johannes Mehserle, the triggerman who executed Oscar Grant.

Behind Enemy Lines

Dec 31, 2009

The struggle ain’t over

The struggle ain’t over. Those who’ve given in to the euphoria of the moment need only speak with young people in the hood. Try telling them how far we’ve come from the lynchings, trained attack dogs, our leaders murdered and shut up in these pens on trumped up charges. Those youngsters will tell you that’s the same shit they see every day.

Dec 17, 2009

Unsupervised prisoner release imminent

California state prisons are to begin implementing a plan for the unsupervised release of up to 40,000 non-violent inmates and are required to train staff on non-revocable parole eligibility by Jan. 21, according to a memo sent from the State Department of Corrections.

Dec 9, 2009

Twenty-eight years falsely accused: an interview wit’ journalist, author and political prisoner Mumia Abu Jamal

Dec. 9 will mark the 28th year that former Black Panther and present day political prisoner and prolific journalist Mumia Abu Jamal has been locked up for the murder of a Philadelphia police officer, although the evidence points to his innocence. After nearly three decades, many of Mumia’s supporters around the planet believe that he is closer than ever to being assassinated by lethal injection on Pennsylvania’s death row. We are asking everyone who reads this piece to get involved in freeing this man.

Dec 8, 2009

America’s supermax prisons do torture

President Barack Obama has clearly stated, “We don’t torture.” Oh, yes we do. Big time. A myriad of studies have clearly shown that human beings are social creatures – making prolonged isolation torture.

Dec 7, 2009

The meaning of Lucasville

On Easter Sunday, April 11, 1993, a riot broke out at the infamous Southern Ohio Correctional Facility at Lucasville. Lucasville had a reputation as one of the most violent and predatory prisons in the country. The prison and the atmosphere at the prison had become extraordinarily tense since the arrival of Warden Arthur Tate Jr. in 1990.

My blood is a million stories
What good is a jury?
Two poems by Jalil Muntaqim: ‘Chairman Fred & Captain Mark’ and ‘Big Brother Speaks’
Mumia Abu-Jamal could face death any day now
Perpetrators and enablers of torture in the U.S.
Letters of support needed immediately for Jalil Muntaqim’s parole hearing
Pen Pals: Find a friend behind enemy lines
Life, health care, prisons and cutting costs
Prison guards avoid cost-cutting, rip off taxpayers
Update on ‘Bay View First Amendment Campaign’
To serve the people: Angola 3 celebrates common cause with Common Ground
Racial profiling briefly acknowledged … now what?
Vision of a Black nation’s struggle
Violence between Raza and African prisoners
Attorney salutes Bay View’s stand on ‘Black August’

News & Views

Jan 9, 2010

LA demands justice for Oscar Grant

On Friday’s Hard Knock Radio and Flashpoints shows on KPFA at 4 and 5 p.m., Minister of Information JR reported straight out of Los Angeles on the first pre-trial hearing since the murder case of Johannes Mehserle, the BART police officer who executed Oscar Grant, was moved there from Oakland.

Jan 6, 2010

Political lawyer Lynne Stewart unjustly held captive: interview with her political partner Ralph Poynter

Lynne Stewart is one of the last of a dying breed of political lawyers who represent victims of government tyranny as her quest in life. Now she is one of America’s newest political prisoners. She represented people like Larry Davis and members of the Black Panther Party and the Black Liberation Army, among other high profile cases.

Jan 6, 2010

Why are no Blacks working?

Craft labor unions since 1865 have been ambivalent about their racial policies. They were inclusive for a time. But in the 1900s through 1970 craft unions became virulently anti-Black. Because of public pressure and court actions, craft unions’ discrimination has become subtler. In coalition with large white contractors, they control training and work in the construction industry.

Jan 6, 2010

Black businesses shorted on stimulus contracts

Since President Barack Obama signed his stimulus package into law in February, the U.S. Department of Transportation has handed out more than $150 million in contracts to companies for street, highway and bridge construction. New statistics released by the Transportation Equity Network (TEN) show that from that pot of money not a single dollar had been allocated to any African-American owned business.

Jan 6, 2010

Sophie Maxwell: Why recall? Why now?

The exact moment in time has arrived to pull down the veil of the corrupt, ethics depleted political status quo being perpetuated at City Hall via Supervisor Sophenia Maxwell, who represents District 10. Her controllers do not want to see her moved from that seat one second before January 2011. They have a well established relationship and flow with Ms. Maxwell right where she is. Putting the sledge hammer of RECALL to that coup will speak volumes to that power structure.

Showdown Hunters Point Shipyard 2010: A good offense is the best defense!
This bailout’s for Lennar
Berkeley’s public housing residents oppose privatization
Minority businesses shut out of stimulus loans
‘Operation Small Axe’: Organizing LA for the trial of cop who killed Oscar Grant
The war on the poor from San Francisco to South Africa has a new foe!
Egyptian security forces attack Gaza protesters
Jesus would not be a Zionist
Students protest fee hikes: an interview wit’ journalist Dave Id of Indy Bay Media
Globetrotter: an interview with former presidential candidate and Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney
Save Wesley United: 8th oldest Black church in U.S. threatened with demolition
International Revolutionary Day: the 40th commemoration of the assassination of Chairman Fred Hampton and Defense Captain Mark Clark of the Black Panther Party
‘House Keys Not Handcuffs’: Homeless families denied a home even for their convergence
BART lynches Blacks with the gun and the law
A luta continua: Our international struggle for climate justice, environmental restoration and reparations continues!

Culture Currents

Upcoming Events

 » Full event list and descriptions
  • Mon Jan 11 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM: KPFA Local Station Board Meeting (Humanist Hall, 390 27th St., Oakland )
  • Tue Jan 12 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM: Assembly Hearing on BART Civilian Oversight (State Capitol, Room 126, Sacramento )
  • Tue Jan 12 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM: Free Afro-Cuban Drumming Classes for Youth 7-13 (Bayview Opera House, 4705 Third St. at Newcomb, San Francisco)
  • Tue Jan 12 6:00 PM - 8:30 PM: Alliance for A Better District 6 celebrates (Community Room, 201 Turk St. at Jones Street, San Francisco)
  • Wed Jan 13 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM: Anniversary of the Arrest Of Johannes Mehserle (Black Dot Cafe, 1195 Pine St., West Oakland)
Jan 4, 2010

Trouble at the East Bay Express

Due to the recent reconstruction of solidarity with, and change in perception of, the local progressive/liberal radio community as displayed in the recent article about 94.1FM KPFA written in the East Bay Express, I am hereby forfeiting and de-recognizing my 2005 East Bay Express Award for “Most Listenable Radio DJ” for my weekly program, The Friday Night Vibe, which is broadcast at 94.1FM KPFA.

Dec 31, 2009

‘Black is the New White’: an interview with legendary comedian and writer Paul Mooney

Bay Area native Paul Mooney is one of the most legendary comedians in this country to touch a mic, not just because he can make his audience laugh, but because intertwined in his jokes there is a certain amount of political commentary and social criticism. Just like his buddy, the late great Richard Pryor, his pro-Black perspective and wittiness can never be deemed irrelevant.

Dec 30, 2009

Indio music: an interview wit’ rapper Deuce Eclipse of Bang Data

I have been a fan of my homeboy Deuce Eclipse’s music for years. Now Deuce is involved with a new hip hop rock group called Bang Data. Here’s the newest info on them and their new record. “The name Bang Data means to bang out information. Music is information and we want to put it out,” says Deuce Eclipse.

Dec 30, 2009

‘Back to the Future’ mixtape: an interview wit’ R&B; singer Dasha Chadwick

I learned about the Los Angeles based singer Dasha Chadwick from Facebook. The first time I heard her music was a few months ago, after I looked her singing up on YouTube. Before she was Dasha, the woman, I knew her when she was in the first grade when I used to walk her to school.

Dec 29, 2009

Track coach teaches kids, one step at a time

A year ago, head coach Ralph Walker revived the Berkeley East Bay Track Club, a club which he said was a community staple in the 1970s and 1980s that served to encourage children to be healthy. “I don’t want no kids to go through the stuff I went through,” said 54-year-old Walker, who is paralyzed in the left side of his body. “I want them to grow up, go to college and be productive citizens.”

‘Be Well’: Oakland mother Jamilia Ashworth featured in book about raising healthy kids
Paul Mooney back at the Black Rep now through Jan. 2 – three shows New Year’s Eve
Vocalized town bizness: an interview with the vocalist Deja Bryson
Massacre on Monroe
As it should be
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