Other Avenues, worker-owned cooperative3930 Judah St. - SF, CA 94122
 organic · vegetarian
 groceries · bulk · personal · household · gifts 
Jen and Shanta and everyone at OA thanks you for helping make World Vegetarian Day a success.

Colorful mask
Seen in the Other Avenues window, this mask is one of several creative invitations to come inside and shop.

Organic groceries
at Ocean Beach

Juicers and Other Kitchen Appliances

We can order several brand name juicers and
other kitchen appliances such as pressure cookers.

A Champion Juicer, considered the best juicer by many health practitioners,
is available here at a price that is lower than at any other
retail store in San Francisco
It will arrive within a week of ordering.

Our Location

© 2005 Other Avenues Food Store Cooperative Inc., except where otherwise noted.
Email us at info@otheravenues.org Phone Other Avenues at 415-661-7475