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Blogs about: Neo Socialism

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State Supported and State Associated Gangs: Credible "Midwives of New Social Orders"

BBVM wrote 1 year ago: From the Strategic Studies Institute,United States Army War College Added May 22, 2009 Type: Monogra … more →

Tags: Guns, drugs, free speech, military industrial complex, Immigration, Civil Liberties, Prison Industrial Complex, Information, Army

Indigenous Mobilisation for Life - CONAIE Communiqués1 comment

colona wrote 1 year ago: colonos is here reproducing two CONAIE (Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador) update … more →

Tags: Ecuador, Anti-Capitalism, South America, Amazonia, capitalism, Anti-militarism, Direct action, "road protest", Environmentalism

Constitution and Change

gray3 wrote 2 years ago: Those who read this blog know I’m a strong Constitutionalist and dislike those who would chang … more →

Tags: News, Politics, Life, History, obama, US Government, constitution, Law, Politcal Commentary

John McCain on Gun Rights

Patrick Sperry wrote 2 years ago: I keep hearing from conservative gun owners about how great John McCain is on gun rights. Well folks … more →

Tags: News, Politics, Gun Control, Education, Local Politics Colorado, Editorial | Opinion, wordpress political blogs, Election 2008, Gun Owners of America

Corridors of destruction and other neo-socialist "progress"1 comment

colono wrote 2 years ago: Six months before the colonos blog came into being the article below – here translated into En … more →

Tags: Anti-Capitalism, South America, Amazonia, rain forest, corridors, Rafael Correa, UNASUR, deception, indigenous movements

Miembros del Centro de Medios Independientes: Arrestados en Ecuador!3 comments

colono wrote 2 years ago: Four independent media activists from Indymedia-Ecuador have been arrested without charges, making t … more →

Tags: Politics, Ecuador, Anti-Capitalism, South America, Globalisation, Police State, police violence, police brutality, strategy of tension

Marlon Santi on Correa's government and the Constituent Assembly1 comment

colono wrote 2 years ago: Interview with Marlon Santi, New President of Ecuador’s Indigenous Confederation Written by Pa … more →

Tags: Amazonia, Anti-Capitalism, capitalism, capitalism is murder, CoNaIE, constitutent assembly, ecological justice, Ecuador, Environmental Destruction

More repression in Ecuador..

colono wrote 2 years ago: When Rafael Correa came into government he soon announced that he was investing more powers in the p … more →

Tags: Amazonia, Anti-Capitalism, capitalism, Ecuador, Environmentalism, Globalisation, Grass roots, Green Politics, Inconvenient Truth

The struggle of the Achuar in Peru

colono wrote 2 years ago: Dan Collyns for BBC News writes about the struggle of the Achuar in Peru that their “story is … more →

Tags: Ecuador, South America, Amazonia, Globalisation, Environmentalism, eco-socialism, Green Politics, Tree-hugging, Perú

Climate Change, bio-cultural diversity and livelihoods: the stewardship role of indigenous peoples and new challenges1 comment

colono wrote 2 years ago: These are the conclusions of a report on the “IMPACT OF CLIMATE CHANGE MITIGATION MEASURES ON … more →

Tags: Amazonia, Collective Bio-Cultural Heritage, ecological justice, Ecuador, Environmental Destruction, Environmentalism, Globalisation, Grass roots, Green Politics

Current political crisis in Latin America: Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela.1 comment

colono wrote 2 years ago: There has been many news reports – often tied to the terms “terrorism” and “ … more →

Tags: Politics, Ecuador, South America, Life, News, Amazonia, Globalisation, Environmentalism, eco-socialism

Abducting and torturing: Carrying out the orders of Rafael Correa?1 comment

colono wrote 2 years ago: This is a shocking story – if it is not an ultra right wing conspiracy to discredit Correa it … more →

Tags: Politics, Ecuador, South America, Life, News, Amazonia, constitutent assembly, Asamblea Constituyente, Rafael Correa

Correa threatens to resign

colona wrote 2 years ago: If the Ecuadorian president won’t get his way with regard to the recent protests, repression a … more →

Tags: Amazonia, "road protest", Asamblea Constituyente, Rafael Correa, strategy of tension, state of exception

Governor of Orellana arrested under terrorism charges - repression continues5 comments

colona wrote 2 years ago: Guadalupe Llori, governor of the Amazonian province of Orellana, was seized from her home and arrest … more →

Tags: Politics, Ecuador, Anti-Capitalism, South America, Amazonia, Anti-militarism, "road protest", eco-socialism, Rafael Correa

Correa's idea of saving the Amazon: a new airport?

colono wrote 2 years ago: Rafael Correa is being billed as a great hope for his own version of “21st century socialism … more →

Tags: Politics, Anti-Capitalism, South America, News, anarchism, Amazonia, capitalism, Green Politics, Rio Napo

Leave the Oil in the Soil: Yasuni, ITT, the Huaorani people and the Amazon.1 comment

colono wrote 2 years ago: There is a potentially radical process unfolding - keep the oil in the soil: “In the heart of … more →

Tags: Politics, Ecuador, South America, News, Amazonia, Globalisation, capitalism, ayahuasca, "road protest"

A Network of Sub-Empires: Babylon Under Siege?

colono wrote 2 years ago: Rafael Correa is in China – signing with Chinese President Hu Jintao “14 bilateral accor … more →

Tags: Politics, Ecuador, Anti-Capitalism, South America, Amazonia, Globalisation, capitalism, "road protest", Environmentalism

Rafael Correa: With God On Our Side

colono wrote 3 years ago: In the same week as Rafael Correa announced that Ecuador would eradicate illiteracy by 2009 he also … more →

Tags: Politics, Anti-Capitalism, South America, Amazonia, Globalisation, capitalism, Anti-militarism, rain forest, fundamentalist christians

A summary of the Ecuadorian revolution: the rise of the Constituent Assembly

colono wrote 3 years ago: Roger Burbach’s informative piece called “Ecuador’s Popular Revolt: Forging a New Nation … more →

Tags: Politics, Ecuador, Anti-Capitalism, South America, anarchism, Amazonia, Globalisation, capitalism, Anti-militarism

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