Top MySpace Questions

  1. How do you add your school to your profile?
  2. How can you switch back to Profile 1.0?
  3. How do you customize profile 1.0?
  4. How do you add photos to your profile?
  5. How do you make a salute?
  6. How do you request an email reminder to log into MySpace?
  7. How do you add songs to your profile or private homepage playlists?
  8. How can you delete the contents of your son's or daughter's MySpace profile?
  9. How do you change your email address?
  10. How do you update your profile photo?

Contact MySpace

We'll need a valid Email address to respond.


Be a hero: Report site issues!

Report site issues!
Found a bug?

If something isn't working the way it usually does, that's a bug! We want to know so we can fix it, FAST!

To report a bug, click Contact MySpace (above) and select Report site bug (from the drop-down menu) to tell us what's going on. We'll check it out and keep you posted!

Current issues: It's not you, it's us!

If something suddenly stops working, that's a bug. Please use the Contact MySpace form to let us know. Check below for current issues.

  • MySpace Games:
    Yes, MySpace Games has gone away. You can now find app games on MySpace Apps!
  • Deleted comments:
    If you delete a comment from a friend's profile, it may delete another instead. We're on it!
  • Your homepage looks different:
    We've upgraded user homepages to make them faster and easier to navigate
  • Missing trash, saved & draft folders:
    They're there! Click the small triangle to the left of Inbox & Mail Center 

For detailed info on current bugs, click here.

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