NISA  Nordic International Studies Association
Executive Committee
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About NISA
Membership benefits

About NISA

The Nordic International Studies Association (NISA) was founded in October 1991 to promote research, advanced study and contact among academics and practitioners in the field of international studies in the Nordic countries. The Association encourages the advancement of knowledge across disciplinary boundaries, analytical approaches, institutions and nations. NISA facilitates contacts with international studies research communities outside the Nordic area.

Towards these ends, NISA has taken responsibility for the premier scholarly journal in the field: Cooperation and Conflict, published by SAGE Publications. NISA arranges Nordic conferences of international studies and graduate student training workshops and is committed to continuing the invaluable networking activities facilitated for many years by the former Nordic Cooperation Committee for International Politics (NORDSAM).

NISA is based on individual membership and must draw member support to achieve its objectives. A strong NISA membership base will ensure a lively community of international studies scholars in our area of the world.

To join, please contact: Henri Vogt (President), Centre for European Studies, Department of Political Science, P.O.Box 17, 00014 University of Helsinki, Finland, Tel: +358-9-19128818, Fax: +358-9-19128885, Email:

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Benefits of NISA membership include:

FREE subscription to NISA's official journal Cooperation and Conflict · subsidized participation in international studies conferences, symposia, and workshops arranged by NISA · possibility to propose panels to major IR conferences, such as ISA or WISC, via NISA · possible funding for organizing doctoral student workshops or other relevant events · networking with Nordic IR scholars

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