
Against Amnesia

against amnesia-1.jpg

On amnesia and the colonization of memory, abandoning imagination and the misery that accompanies it. For online reading and source see link below.

The zine should be printed on a single piece of paper. Fold it half twice (long-ways first), staple it and use a letter opener or something to cut open the unstapled fold.

negativity is the new posi



Salt Lake City, Utah, US
November-December 2008



This is about things that make us angry. It designed to be printed on one page and cut and folded into a tiny eight-page zine. There's a version with assembly instructions to help people figure it out and one without that looks a bit nicer. This CC BY-NC-SA licensed work was produced by kids on the Steal This Wiki forums ( R3s!st, Vov35, Zac Osborn, Dan Copulsky, Glorfon, and Jalor.

Funboat diplomacy


'Funboat diplomacy' is a short satirical fact/fiction about the UK government's latest proposals to counter Internet piracy. This work builds on some of the rumours that were flying around the story.

Format: PDF booklet
Dave Miller (Summer 2009)

(A)BC'S Mini Guide To Protesting by the Imagination Justice Front


A smaller version of the soon too come (A)BC'S Guide to Protesting. A useful guide put together by veteran activists and direct action enthusiasts and other rad folks for everyone. Provides a useful list of things to bring and things to avoid plus some really awesome links. The full version has way more info and links.  read more »

At the base of the mountain

zine on mixed race-5.jpg

Quarter-page zine... so there is some cutting involved if you print it.  read more »


Pechyvo #1

It is a literary-graphic almanac.
Languages are ukrainian, russian and english,
but the main language, by the way the oldest language of civilisation is a graphic.
You can download 10 issues at

A week issue 2


this is the second issue of a week for march 2009

A week issue 1


this is a zine about The social hierachy and other important things about middle school

how to public transit: vancouver bc to portland or


tiny color one page (front and back) zine on taking public buses to travel up/down western washington connecting vancouver bc & portland or * includes times maps directions prices alternative routes ~ enjoy

A Beginner's Feminist Pocket Dictionary [illustrated]


This zine is great for people who are interested in feminism, but are intimidated by the jargon.  As it is a mini-zine, they have to be cut and folded beforehand.  If you don't know how to fold a mini-zine, there should be plenty of online videos showing you how.

Words included are: Feminism, gender, gender role, misogyny, patriarchy, queer, sex, & sexism (hey, it's mini!)

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