


We present this publication attempting to answer the questions that first arise around antitechnology and also with the aim of raising awareness on the subject.

We recommend you read these texts in the woods, where the fanzine and we belong.

Make as many copies as you want, send it to anyone to whom it may interest.

Distribute it if you wish. Antitechnology is a non-profit publication, the price, if any, can’t exceed printing costs.

Road to Revolution, The -- Ted Kaczynski


by Ted Kaczynski (Unabomber)

Zine Library Torrent

Download and seed the whole zine library.

August 2009 (5.06 gigs)

Funboat diplomacy


'Funboat diplomacy' is a short satirical fact/fiction about the UK government's latest proposals to counter Internet piracy. This work builds on some of the rumours that were flying around the story.

Format: PDF booklet
Dave Miller (Summer 2009)

Os Cangaceiros - La Domestication Industrielle


Ce texte revient sur deux siècles d’une industrialisation menée à grand train dans le processus d’expansion du capitalisme moderne, de son accompagnement par l’idéologie du progrès et du travail, ses multiples apôtres et relais, notamment parmi les souteneurs auto-proclamés de ceux et celles qui devaient faire les frais de cette domestication, les classes laborieuses. Il nous parle de la perte progressive d’autonomie, des diverses résistances à la construction de la société carcérale dans laquelle nous vivons, et contre laquelle d’autres se sont battus avant nous.  read more »

RTC Installfest Manual

Digital Anarchist Flag

The Radical Technology Collective is a group dedicated to advocating free software in the anarchist community, in order to transfer anarchist ideals to the digital age and to promote effective, safe activism.

This zine is a manual for installing Ubuntu on a computer and subsequently installing and configuring various privacy-enhancing technologies. It is intended to be used by the uninitiated and by the experienced, as a guideline to creating a secure system.  read more »

Digital Security

Digital Anarchist Flag

The Radical Technology Collective is a group dedicated to advocating free software in the anarchist community, in order to transfer anarchist ideals to the digital age and to promote effective, safe activism.

This zine is an introduction to the concepts of cryptography and anonymity, and presents technologies which implement these concepts. If anarchism is to survive state repression on the Internet, a virtual space essentially controlled by the state, these technologies will become vital.  read more »

An Anarchist's Guide to Free Software

Digital Anarchist Flag

The Radical Technology Collective is a group dedicated to advocating free software in the anarchist community, in order to transfer anarchist ideals to the digital age and to promote effective, safe activism.

This zine is an introduction to the Free Software movement from an anarchist perspective.
For up-to-date information on the RTC, check our website, currently at .

GNU Radical, The Vol. I

Digital Anarchist Flag

As anarchism moves with the rest of the world into the 21st century, it is imperative that we as a movement adapt and evolve, without abandoning our principles.

Written by the Radical Tech Collective, the GNU Radical is meant as a guide for anarchists entering the digital age. It includes everything from how-to's regarding privacy and encryption technology to essays regarding the Free Software movement and anonymity as an organizing tactic.

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