
Some Recent Actions Of The Imaginary Party


A zine from the NW, detailing the recent actions of the 'Imaginary Party'

zephyr: love & lessons on anatomy, autonomy and anarchy


zephyr, vol. 1: love&lessons in anatomy, autonomy, and anarchy
(now without technical difficulties)

inaugural issue, yo!
short nuggets on the finer things in life, namely:

stealing, sleep deprivation, sin,
politics, poetry, pretty pictures
awkwardness, anger, alcohol
existential crises, etc, etc, etc

there are no answers here. but there are guava trees and gender issues. read it already!

Love Manifesto by Crystal Folz


My original plan was to write an essay about women and their relationships.

The more I studied, the more questions I asked my friends, the more I realized I am probably more upset about the state of women’s relationships than they are.

I’m not sure how many issues of this zine there will be.

I only know they will all question what I have been taught to believe about men, what I have learned from women, and my observations and experience with both genders.  read more »

most beautiful word in the english language is... resist


poems by ellen marie hinchcliffe

Essentialism and the Problem of Identity Politics


by Lawrence Jerach

from Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed Fall/Winter 2004/05

Beyond Amnesty


from 325 Distro

Against Amnesia

against amnesia-1.jpg

On amnesia and the colonization of memory, abandoning imagination and the misery that accompanies it. For online reading and source see link below.

The zine should be printed on a single piece of paper. Fold it half twice (long-ways first), staple it and use a letter opener or something to cut open the unstapled fold.

negativity is the new posi



Salt Lake City, Utah, US
November-December 2008

Timtum: A Trans Jew Zine


The scan job is sloppy. A friend did it for me and I don't have a printer but this zine is well worth the work to get it printed right. It's good for anyone who wants to understand Jews, transfolx, genderqueers, or those who are some mix of the three, better.

N'Drea: One Woman's Fight to Die Her Own Way


Andrea (N’Drea) was involved with Os Cangaceiros, a group of social rebels who refused the slavery of work and mercilessly attacked the prison system of France in the 1980’s and 90’s. In 1985, she learned that she had cancer. She underwent surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatment. Then in 1990, she walked out of the medical world for good to grasp her life and her death as her own.  read more »

Councilism, Solutionism & The Communist Critique


A collection of excerpts by Frere Dupont.

Subversive Submissive #1


Short collection of essays on coming to terms with my submissive sexual identity, critiques of the mainstream BDSM scene, connections between my masochism and self-inflicted pain, and my struggle with "coming out" as kinky to other anarchists and feminists.

(First PDF for online reading; second is for printing.)

At the base of the mountain

zine on mixed race-5.jpg

Quarter-page zine... so there is some cutting involved if you print it.  read more »

Prescription for Change: Community Response to Substance Use

prescription for change2-1.jpg

This is an excellent zine talking about addiction, from all sorts of perspectives. It goes into the author's own experiences with addiction and kicking a heroin habit and most importantly talks about how communities can respond to someone struggling with addiction in a way that is helpful and non-judgmental. (Along the way, it offers radical/anarchist critiques of AA and 12-step programs, the moralism often attached to other people's substance use, and lots of other things.) Chock fulla insights and one fine zine.

Ladders and Hips: An Open Letter to the Boys in My Life


A zine on self-injury, eating disorders, and sexualized violence. This zine lays open the author's struggle with internalized sexism by looking at the ways patriarchy has manifested itself in the author's body. Other articles connect her personal experiences with a broader, intersectional exploration of power within activist and punkrock communities she both embraces and attempts to hold accountable.

TRIGGER WARNING: this zine deals explicitly with self injury, eating disorders, and sexual assault. read with care.

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