The AvatarBlocks Module


The AvatarBlocks module provides a collection of blocks for use on a Drupal social networking site. The avatars act as click-able links to the profile pages for your site's users.

  • Who's Online Avatars - a block that displays the user pictures of online users, and optionally a text summary of online users. This block is a visual version of the Who's Online block provided by the core user module.
  • Who's New Avatars - a block that displays the user pictures of your site's newest members. This block is a visual version of the Who's New block provided by the core user module.
  • My Buddylist Avatars - If you have the Buddylist module installed, this block will display the user pictures of the current user's buddies. This block is a visual version of the My Buddylist block provided by the buddylist module.

To view a live demo of AvatarBlocks, visit the AvatarBlocks Demo Site. Complete instructions for installing and using AvatarBlocks can be found in the AvatarBlocks Handbook. You can download the module from the demo site, or you can get it from the project page.

Introducing Tapestry

RoopleTheme is proud to announce the release of Tapestry, a theme for Drupal versions 5 and 6. Tapestry provides Drupal users with many advanced features including:

  • 20 Different Color Styles
  • 30 User Regions
  • Custom Block Theme Templates
  • Suckerfish Menus
  • Icon Support
  • Advanced Page Layout Options
  • Simple Configuration
  • Custom Typography
  • IE PNG Fix

To view a live demo of Tapestry, visit the Tapestry Demo Site. Complete instructions for installing and using Tapestry can be found in the Tapestry Handbook.

Tapestry's tableless CSS design validates to XHTML and CSS specifications according to the W3C web standards. Tapestry is fast-loading and compatible with most modern browsers including FireFox, Internet Explorer, Safari, and Opera. Most of Tapestry's advanced features will work even in older browsers like IE6.

We've validated many Tapestry pages with the Accessibility Valet, and we believe that Tapestry generates markup that is generally in compliance with Section 508 web accessibility guidelines.

Tapestry is designed to take particular advantage of two Drupal contributed modules. Using the Theme Settings API Module, Tapestry provides a simple interface for managing it's many features and options. And Tapestry provides a large collection of custom block themes for use with the Block Theme Module.

Tapestry is available for download on the Tapestry Demo Site Download Page.

NewsFlash Version 0.14 Released

We're happy to announce the release of version 0.14 of the NewsFlash theme for Drupal. It is available now on the download page.

This release adds several new features to NewsFlash that were first introduced in the Beale Street theme. We've added suckerfish menus, adjustable sidebar widths, an external CSS file option, and a user-specified font family, among other features. We've also fixed a couple of problems. The theme includes a release notes file listing all changes.

As with previous version of NewsFlash, the theme uses the ThemeSettingsAPI module. The latest version of this module is included in the dowload package.

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