One month on Guineans protest against massacre

Oct. 28, 2009

CONAKRY (AFP) – Many residents of Conakry and other Guinean towns stayed at home Wednesday in a quiet protest at the army's massacre of opposition demonstrators exactly a month earlier.

Shipyard workers clash with police in Athens Oct. 15, 2009

Shipyard workers clashed with police forces in Athens after the workers blocked the exit of the minister of Labour from his ministry following inconclusive negotiations.

Protests evoke apartheid era in South Africa

By CELEAN JACOBSON, Associated Press Oct. 15, 2009

STANDERTON, South Africa – Protesters barricaded a major highway with rocks and burning tires Thursday, clashing with police who fired on them with rubber bullets.

Police, anti-IMF protesters clash in Istanbul

by Nicolas Cheviron – Wed Oct 7, 2009

ISTANBUL (AFP) – Turkish riot police clamped down on anti-IMF protests in Istanbul for a second day in a row Wednesday as masked demonstrators hurled petrol bombs and smashed shop windows, an AFP reporter witnessed.

Demonstrations Go On After Unauthorized G-20 March

Sept. 24, 2009

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) ―Protestors continue to move through Pittsburgh neighborhoods after they started an unauthorized march in Lawrenceville.

Several hundred demonstrators joined the march to protest the G-20 Summit.

No More Deaths Will Be Accepted, All Will Be Avenged!

September 07, 2009 love and resistance

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Support the Eco-Prisoners (September 2009)

Spirit of Freedom
(September 2009)
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"The whole experience has been tough, but all the kind and strengthening
words and wise thoughts from strangers made it much easier!"
(Former Swedish Animal Rights Prisoner)

Welcome to the September 2009 edition of Spirit of Freedom. Several years
ago ELP reported a police raid against the Italian eco-activist anarchist
group, Il Silvestre. At the time of our initial report we never imagined

Hunger strikes, pickets and urban guerillas in Greece before critical weekend

Sept. 2, 2009

In the run-up to the huge protest marches of the coming weekend in Salonica, Greece sees immigrants' hunger strikes, Wind workers take up pickets for national strike, as well as the Athens Stock Market and one Ministry hit by guerrillas.

Message from Ben Carnes of LPDOC

This message is from Ben Carnes, Support Group Coordinator and National Spokesperson

I wish to offer my personal thanks to everyone for your continuous work and dedication. I was at my computer Friday morning when my google alert brought me the first news of the denial, and then I received an email from Wanbli containing the same news. It was like the dam busted, I received several hundred within the first hour and a half from many of you expressing your sense of outrage at the injustice done to Leonard.

Hunger striker Thodoris Iliopoulos released from Greek prisons Aug 28 2009

The last person remaining in prison pending trial for the December uprising in Greece, Theodoris Iliopoulos, was released after 49 days of hunger strike

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