Latin American Solidarity Network

Red de Solidaridad con los Pueblos Latinoamericanos

News English

LASNET in Solidarity with the Indigenous Peoples of Australia

From Black GST & Camp Sovereignty

The Howard Settler Governments invasion of the Northern territory is land-grabbing racism nothing more. This invasion is part of the neo liberal structural adjustment programme of Intuitions such as the World, Bank, the IMF & APEC to diminish and extinguish Indigenous rights forever.

Latin America Four Blocks

Latin America - Four Competing Blocks of Power

In reality there are four competing blocs of nations in Latin America, contrary to the highly simplistic dualism portrayed by the White House and most of the Left.
By James Petras


News Images & Sounds

Not to military bases in Latin America, September 11, 12:30pm

09/11/2009 - 12:30
09/11/2009 - 14:00

Different organisations and individuals are calling for a united protest to oppose the military Yankee presence in Latin America.

In Manta - Ecuador they said to them No, however now Alvaro Uribe the Colombian President Narco-trafficker said YES to SEVEN AMERICAN MILITARY BASES IN COLOMBIA, (information below)

... Unity is more than necessary today to oppose the neo-colonial attempts of the well known Yankee Empire, and the CAPITALIST


The Latin American Solidarity Network (LASNET) is an independent and inclusive group of people working in solidarity with Latin American grassroots movements and its struggles.

Our main goals are Building Bridges of struggles and resistances between Latin America, Australia and the whole Asia Pacific Region and linking our struggles against Neo-liberalism around the world, a big challenge but we think is possible Organising Globally.

We believe in a no-authoritarian, non hierarchical and non patriarchal way of activist’s relationships and the solidarity with Latin American grassroots movements in resistance and struggle within its mission is anti-capitalist and against any kind of imperialism and neo-colonialism.

Subscribe to our e-mail distribution, discussion and info list to receive updates from Australian and Latin American grass roots movements and its struggles just click here LASNET list

Videos International Indigenous Solidarity Gathering - Latin America, Asia & the Pacific

Upcoming LASNET organising meeting Tuesday September 8 , 7pm, At LASNET Space at Trades Hall Basement, Victoria street entry

At least 12 indigenous Awa massacred in Narino

There has been another massacre of Indigenous People in Narino, southwestern Colombia.

According to initial reports by ONIC, Colombia’s National Organization of Indigenous People, early morning (August 26, 2009, at 5:00 AM) a group of armed “men dressed in military uniforms, without insignia and wearing masks, fired indiscriminately at the house of an Awá family” on the Gran Rosario indigenous reservation in the municipality of Tumaco.

“As a consequence of this macabre act, approximately eight members of the Awá people were murdered,” including 3 children ages 1, 8 and 10.

However, more recent reports from ONIC, as well as one from Survival International, indicate there were 12 Awa killed in the attack, possibly 5 children.

Honduras Solidarity


Australia-Honduras Solidarity Coalition

Meeting Wednesday August 26th, at FoE, 312 Smith St. Collingwood, from 7:00PM...

Due to different people and groups concerns about the situation in Honduras after 50 days of the military/oligarchy coup, action that the majority of the countries condemned , despite the international rejection of the coup, the violation of the fundamental human rights that until today are violated.

The defacto coup government and its military forces are increasing the violence against the resistance movements of the Honduran people, who are the only real obstacle standing in the way of the oligarchy's plans. The resistance against the coup is growing; the National resistance front, many grassroots organisations and indigenous groups are joining together in struggle to bring democracy, justice and peace to this poor and violated country in Central America.

Through all the different activities and calls made by the Latin American Solidarity Network (LASNET) in support Honduran struggle and the many request sent from e-mails, discussed in meetings and phones calls to organise a real campaign denouncing this outraged situation; denouncing that people are persecuted, disappeared, incarcerated and killed, already more than 10 letters had been sent...we need to do something more.

Celebrating Zanon (Factory Under Workers Control) Victory

One Struggle, One Fight!!

A Victory of the Working class is a victory for those building people's power...

Thursday August 27, start at 7:30 with a Factory Under Workers Control Doco, 40 minutes, at Uniting Church (Inside Room) 251 High Street, Northcote after workshop.

Congratulations to everyone...

From Latin American Solidarity Network (LASNET) FASINPAT Campaign

Factory in the Hands of Workers

Zanon belongs to the people: FASINPAT wins definitive expropriation

Rally Global day of Action for Honduran People, August 15

Check the youtube video
The last action in support of Honduras people last August 1st at Fed. Square
Solidarity with Indigenous and grassroots organisations in Honduras - Melbourne 1 August 2009

Capitalism Crisis, Re-Colonisation and Grassroots Popular Alternatives

The International Seminar “Capitalism Crisis, Re-colonisation and Grassroots Popular Alternatives” was held in the city of La Paz, Bolivia, 1-3rd of July 2009.

The organisers: Presidencia Alterna del Parlamento Latinoamericano; Guardianes Latinoamericanos Para La Defensa del Medio Ambiente y el Turismo Humano (Venezuela); Bancada Parlamentaria del MAS (Bolivia); PSOL, Partido Socialismo e Liberdade (Brasil);Centro de Estudios Sociales José Carlos Mariátegui (Venezuela);Latin American Solidarity Network (LASNET-Australia); Asociación Campesina Valle Del Río Cimitarra (Colombia); Cátedra Che Guevara-Zarate Willca (Bolivia); Semanario La Época (Bolivia); Periódico El Quinto (Chile); Periódico Escena Contemporánea (Perú-Bolivia- Chile); Prensa De frente (Argentina); Revista Negación de la Negación (Chile); Coordinadora Nacional de Unión de Asociaciones Gremiales (Bolivia); Federación Sindical de Mujeres Agricultores de Ixiamas (Bolivia); Federación Sindical de Productores Agrícolas de Ixiamas (Bolivia); Frente Nacional Campesino Ezequiel Zamora (Venezuela), Patria Socialista-Movimien to Guevarista (Bolivia); Juventudes MAS-IPSP (Bolivia); Radio Constelación 106.9 FM (Cuzco-Perú); Revista Mariátegui (Perú); Federación Regional de Gremiales Palos Blancos “Alto Beni” (Bolivia); Vía Campesina Brasil; Federación de Trabajadores del Comercio por Cuenta Propia (El Alto-Bolivia) ; Central Obrera Regional Yacuiba (Gran Chaco-Bolivia); Marea Socialista - Caracas (Venezuela); Página web www.redtinku. com (Bolivia); Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria, MIR (Chile); Comité Laboral Socialista José Tirado – Raúl Rodas (Bolivia); Frente Popular Dario Santillán (Argentina); Café Semilla Juvenil (La Paz-Bolivia) ; Jóvenes ASOFAMD; Red Ecológica de Chile; Manuel Cabalga de Nuevo (Chile); Coordinadora de Trabajadores Desocupados (CTD) “Anibal Veron” (Argentina); Frente Territorial 26 de junio (Argentina); Cátedra Libre de Soberanía Alimentaria – UNLP (Argentina); Centro de Estudios Francisco Bilbao (Chile); Movimiento Patriótico Manuel Rodriguez (Chile); Comité Multidisciplinario de Profesionales del MAS-IPSP (Bolivia); Unión Nacional de Expresos y Exiliados Políticos de Bolivia – Luis Machicado Raya, secretario nacional de organización; Productores Lecheros del Altiplano Paceño de Lapas (Bolivia) - Eusebio Quito; Juan Nicastro – Unión de Asambleas Ciudadanas de Argentina; Taira Stanley – Movimiento la Juventud Kuna (Panamá); Eulogio Chino Poma - Organizaciones Sociales Achacachi Aymara; Boris Iván Mitendo, periodista; Juan Carlos Schulze Muñoz (Bolivia); Rodrigo Quinallata Laura (Bolivia); Franklin Cruz Alcón (Aymara-Bollivia); And representatives from Movimiento Sin tierra de Brasil(Brazil Landless Movement), La Coordinadora Continental Bolivariana de Venezuela, Asociacion Campesina del Valle del Rio Cimitarra (ACVC) Colombia, de Nuestra America, Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria de Chile (MIR), Frente Patriotico Manuel Rodriguez de Chile (FPMR), Organizacion Manuel Cabalga de Nuevo de Chile, La Red Ecologica de Chile, Red de Amigos de Italia, Red de Solidaridad con los Pueblos Latinoamericanos de Australia “Latin American Solidarity Network (LASNET); del Peru, Bolivia y Venezuela, Movimiento al Socialismo MAS de Bolivia, Movimiento Quebracho de la Argentina, Asambleas ciudadanas de Argentina, Frente Popular Dario Santillan de Argentina, and diplomatic representatives from the progressive governments of Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua and Bolivia.

During these three days all these organisations and movements were sharing ideas, experiences and struggles inside their own countries against capitalism.

Discussing capitalism crisis and its relationship with new plans of Latin America recolonisation through Mega projects such us The Plan Colombia, Puebla, Panama and the most recently IIRSA which attempt to destroy a vast area of the ecological planet reserves, like the Amazons and many indigenous communities, as well incrementing the plunder,humiliation and exploitation of Latin American people.

In our continent the Capitalist elite is attempting with these new plans to give new energy to the decadent capitalism and give continuity to the exploitation of poor people, taking workers rights and assimilating the indigenous communities.

The International Seminar will be very significant for the poor people and indigenous communities of the Latin American continent, where many grassroots organisations gather together to discuss and planned new action of struggles and coordination, this seminar also strength the links between social, popular grassroots movements in struggles with the international solidarity.

The Latin American Solidarity Network (LASNET) from Australia assisting to the international seminar take a huge responsibility to promote, and coordinate the solidarity and support with all the organisations attending to the seminar, at the same time many of this organisations confirmed their participation during the third Latin American And Asia Pacific solidarity gathering which will be held in Melbourne Australia 25-26 October 2009, we hope that many social and political organisations from Asia Pacific will attend the gathering with the objective of strength our struggles and ideas against capitalism.

The last declaration-resolution of this International Seminar included a resolution opposing the military coup in Honduras and calling for a restoration of Zelaya's government and the respect of the popular civil and human rights of the people in Honduras in resistance to the illegal authorities. Other issue mention in the resolution is our support and solidarity with peasant people of Valle de Cimittara against the Colombian government repression over their communities. The resolution will be published soon as is traslated in our web.

For LASNET this Seminar marked a new beginning in our commitments with Grassroots political and social movements in struggle in Latin America, and strength our idea of building bridges of solidarity with Australia and Asia Pacific struggles.

Hope we can still count on you in these new challenges of solidarity with poor people and indigenous communities in Latin America.

join our effort, there is to much to do....

Lucho From LASNET
La Paz, Bolivia
9 July 2009


Melbourne, Australia -
Peru: Stop violence and unnecessary deaths now!

In defense of life, human rights and our mother earth
we demand respect for the rights of the Indigenous peoples and for the preservation of our planet!

Honoring our fallen brothers and sisters victims of the Bagua massacre of June 5 and 6, 2009.

Our condolences go to the people of Peru, to the relatives, friends and communities of the Indigenous activists who were killed in a tragic event that should have never occurred.

More Info call Sue Leigh 0466 480 331
or write to

"Amazon Indigenous peoples are not first class citizens in Peru"
Peru's president Alan Garcia, justifying his attacks on civilians using snipers and bombs, which has caused between 35 to 85 deaths and hundred of injured and dissapears.

Click on Read More for Videos and important update information

Massacre in Peru Police shooting Amazon Indigenous civilians

ALERT: Massacre in Peru Police shooting Amazon Indigenous civilians - 84 people dead
PLEASE TAKE ACTION! [Click Here] Send a letter to Peru government

check video here, some part of the massive indigenous demostrations in Peru from yesterday
June 5th:

send you concerns and protest to:

Email the President of the Congress of Peru Javier Velásquez-Quesquén:
and Peru Embassy in Australia

The government of Peru has ordered for the National Police to attack the Amazonian Indigenous peoples. Civilians were shot from buildings roofs and helicopters.

Argentina Workers Struggle

International visitor from Patagonia, Argentina, Elio Brat,
Will speak about workers self-management factories (Zanon)
and indigenous struggles (Mapuche) in Argentina
Wednesday June 3rd, 7PM
Old Chambers Council, Trades Hall
Corner of Lygon and Victoria streets, Carlton

Dear friends,

Due to our commitment and solidarity with the West Papuan People (Free West Papua Campaign), we decided to change The Open forum about Argentina to Wednesday June 3rd, 7PM; our brothers & sisters from Free West Papua are organising a fundraising activity for June 4.

Elio Brat a committed journalist who lives in the Patagonia is visiting Australia, he will be speaking about Neuquén - Patagonia indigenous communities struggle for recovering their land and for the rights as people and Zanon FASINPAT (Factory without bosses) a factory recovered by their workers in Neuquén 8 years ago.

Zanon ceramics factory, one of the most prominent of the recuperated, worker-run factories in Argentina, was taken over by workers in 2001 and since then has been economically successful as a cooperative. However, as a major symbol of Argentina’s recuperated factory movement,

Justice for Juarez & Atenco - Mexico


The murders of women in City Juarez, Chihuahua, continue.
They are already more than 470 women that have been murdered and more than 600
disappeared women since 1993, thousand have been wounded.

Freedom for Atenco
"Launch International Campaign Freedom for the Political Prisoners in Atenco"

"Mexico Open Forum", Thursday May 14, 7:00 PM.
Uniting Church, 251 High Street, Northcote

Presenting the Documentary,"Femicide(The murder of women)in Juarez,"
Key note Speakers Colm McNaughton;
Award winning radio documentary producer will discuss his upcoming
project in and about the city of Juarez in Mexico


For Atenco - México

We call the Australian supporters to participate and support the Atenco Campaign Launch. We invite you to walk with us during the May Day rally May 3, to request the freedom of the 13 political prisoners from Atenco, we are meeting at 12:30pm Corner Lygon & Victoria Pde.
Come and support the Atenco people.

A call-out has been made for international action to demand freedom for the 12 political prisoners of Atenco, during the period 3-5th May.