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Nepal: The people resist elite coup

By Stuart Munckton/Green Left Weekly
“This is not just a Maoist movement”, Green Left Weekly’s correspondent in Kathmandu, Ben Peterson, said on the struggle that has erupted in Nepal. “This is threatening to become a new people’s movement, like the one that swept away the monarchy.”
Peterson was commenting on the large number of daily demonstrations across the country to demand respect for the people’s will. They have come in the aftermath of the forced May 3 resignation of Prime Minister Prachanda and other members of the government belonging to the Unified Communist Party of Nepal-Maoist (UCPN-M). Peterson described the events as a “soft coup”.

Malaysia: Dozens detained as police invade state parliament

By Peter Boyle
Police detained dozens of opposition activists, lawyers and legislators May 6-7 as protests erupted around the ruling National Front (Barisan Nasional - BN) removal of the opposition People’s Alliance (Pakatan Rakyat) state government of Perak, one of five states won by the opposition in the March 2008 general elections. Among those arrested was Dr D. Jeyakumar, the federal MP of the Socialist Party of Malaysia (PSM).
Earlier this year, the BN induced three opposition state assembly members to turn "independent" and support the BN to take over as state government. May 7 was the first day of sitting of the state assembly since this power grab. The opposition has called for new elections to the state assembly and polls indicate the opposition could win a bigger majority if new elections were called.

Vietnam celebrates Liberation Day on April 30

By Peter Boyle
There are two unforgettable images of Vietnam's Liberation Day on April 30, 1975. The first is the image of liberation fighters entering the Independence Palace (now Reunification Palace) in Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh City). The second is the hasty evacuation by helicopter from the roof of the US embassy.
Thirty-four years later Vietnam will celebrate not just the end of a 16-year war of aggression by the US, Australia and other imperialist and pro-imperialist states but also the end of the two-decade-long economic blockade that was subsequently imposed by the US on this poor and war-ravaged nation.

Sri Lanka: The Tamils need our support

"The Tamil people are facing genocide... We cannot let them stand alone. Those who believe in social justice — political parties, trade unions, churches, social movements — must speak out against the atrocities occurring right now... The powerful have abandoned the Tamil people, it must be ordinary people all over the world who use their power to force action."

Genocide in Sri Lanka: 1496 Tamil civilians killed including 476 Children

By G. Vickram/TNS
April 21, 2009:
1496 civilians including 476 of children were killed and 3333 more were injured including hundreds of children when indiscriminate rain of shells including cluster types of shells, Multi Barrel Rocket Launcher, long range gun fire, point blank firing and MI24 gunship firing by the Sri Lankan Security Forces (SF) hitting government announced "Safe Zone" in Mathalan and Ampalanpokanai area as SF forces using civilians in the area as human shield and advancing with full and relentless fire power in Mulaitivu area on Monday April 20, according to the civilian sources in Mulaitivu.

Sri Lanka: Bloodbath begins, nearly 1000 Tamils killed as shelling intensifies

Tamil National, April 20: Sri Lanka army on full fire is pounding the safe zone with heavy weapons from today early morning. 985 were killed and another 1300 or more were injured in the onslaught. The severely wounded are expected to succumb to injuries due to no medical assistance, reports Tamil National Reporter today at 12:00 noon.
Sri Lanka Army’s move to take on safe zone has created catastrophe inside safe zone. The massive onslaught continues and Sri Lanka Army is using the people got trapped in Pokkanai as human shields. More bloodshed expected, if international community does not get in to action immediately.

Sri Lankan army shells 'Safe zone', kills 169 civilians

By G Vickram/TNS
Mulaitivu, April 18:
169 civilians including scores of children were killed and 234 more were injured including many children when indiscriminate rain of shells including cluster types of shells, Multi Barrel Rocket Launcher, long range gun fire and MI24 gunship firing by the Sri Lankan Security Forces (SF) hit government announced new "Safe Zone" in Puthumathalan, Mulivaaikal, Irraddaivaikal, Idaikadu and Valaingaramadam in Mulaitivu area on Saturday April 18, according to the civilian sources in Mulaitivu.

Pakistan: Hoisting the red flag amidst green shadows

By Farooq Tariq
The historic and victorious lawyer's movement was a rainbow of various political colours. One could see all sorts of political trends trying to give their colours to lawyer's movement. There were greens like Jamaat-I Islami and Muslim League Nawaz, reds like Labour Party Pakistan and the National Workers Party. There was tri-colour Pakistan Peoples Party. Similarly, Tehreek Insaaf and some of the nationalist parties would join with their multi-coloured flags. Finally, the victory of the lawyer's movement was not seen as victory for a particular colour. Thus the victory brought partial successes for everybody but not a decisive one for anybody. But now a new movement is building up. It is a peasant movement that has been going on for nine long years. And its colour is red.

Sri Lanka wages war of extermination on Tamil people

By Tim Dobson
Massive protests in London, Toronto, Canberra and elsewhere around the world have demanded the Sri Lankan government agree to an immediate ceasefire and open negotiations with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).
The Sri Lankan government has instead vowed to continue its military offensive to destroy the LTTE, which has waged a decades-long armed struggle independence. Sri Lanka's brutal campaign amounts to genocide against the Tamil people.