Underreported Struggles #28, July 2009

Underreported Struggles #28, July 2009

August 1, 2009 - In this month’s Underreported Struggles: the Penan mount blockades against rainforest destruction; Brazil judge orders illegal settlers off Awa lands; Ampilatwatja elders threaten to abandon community; Tanzania Government bans water use near Barrick mine. July 31 – Alaska Natives try to halt proposed Pebble Mine – A coalition of village corporations and others files suit to

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Persecution of Indigenous Leaders Continues in Peru

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We are NOT A THREAT to the Oil Industry

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Indigenous Communities Angered by Peru Environment Minister

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The Voices of the Caribou People

The Voices of the Caribou People

July 31, 2009 - The Voices of the Caribou People is a video-based project that documents the knowledge of

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Interview with Grandma Aggie from the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers

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Underreported Struggles

    In this month’s Underreported Struggles: the Penan mount blockades against rainforest destruction; Brazil judge orders illegal settlers off Awa lands; Ampilatwatja elders threaten to abandon community; Tanzania Government bans water use near Barrick mine. July 31 – Alaska Natives try to halt proposed Pebble Mine – A coalition of village corporations and others files suit to...

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In commemoration of the recent, tragic violence in Peru where both policemen and indigenous peoples were killed following months of protests against the Government.

'They came'

First they came for the tribes' land,
said it was empty and stole it,
but we did not speak up because we were not tribesmen,
and our laws encouraged it.

Then they came for what was under the tribes' land,
said it was rich and dug it up,
but we did not speak up because we were not tribesmen,
and our economy needed it.

Then they came for the tribes' culture,
said it was primitive and destroyed it,
but we did not speak up because we were not tribesmen,
and our own culture confirmed it.

Finally, they came for the tribes themselves,
said they weren't real people and killed them,
but still we did not speak up because we were not tribesmen,
and our science proved it.

There was no need to come for us
because we were on their side.

No longer!
Now we will speak up!

'They came' was authored by James Pliny. It is a reworking of a poem with the same title, attributed to Martin Niemoller