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Electronic Lebanon, a project from the Electronic Intifada, offers commentary, analysis, human rights and development information, and voices from on the ground. Quality submissions are welcomed, preferably from contributors with an organisational affiliation.


Elections only fortify Lebanon's sectarian politics

7 July 2009

Lebanon's elections last month confirmed yet again that in this tiny Mediterranean country, sectarian politics are paramount. Long gone from the collective consciousness are the lessons of the 15-year civil war that began as a political and class dispute and descended into sectarian enmity. Forgotten also are the post-war years that led up to the recent elections and were characterized by the ebb and flow of civil strife. Sami Halabi comments for Electronic Lebanon. [MORE]

Lebanon's empty notion of justice

4 May 2009

On 1 March 2008, the Special Tribunal for Lebanon came into effect pursuant to the request of the Lebanese government and United Nations Security Council resolutions 1644 and 1757. The trial is intended to bring to justice to those who carried out the assassination of former Prime Minister of Lebanon Rafiq Hariri and 22 others. Sami Halabi comments for Electronic Lebanon. [MORE]

Lebanon : Human Rights/Development: Two years later, reconstruction to start in Nahr al-Bared (18 August 2009)
Lebanon : Human Rights/Development: No law for detained Palestinians (29 July 2009)
Lebanon : Opinion/Editorial: Elections only fortify Lebanon's sectarian politics (7 July 2009)
Lebanon : Diaries: Live from Lebanon: The dream of returning home (7 July 2009)
Lebanon : Human Rights/Development: Video: Nahr al-Bared "Two Years Under Siege" (25 June 2009)
Lebanon : Human Rights/Development: Nahr al-Bared's future remains unclear as army holds on to neighborhoods (19 June 2009)
Lebanon : Human Rights/Development: Video: Nahr al-Bared, "A Sip of Coffee" (16 June 2009)
Lebanon : Human Rights/Development: No work in Nahr al-Bared camp (11 June 2009)
Lebanon : Human Rights/Development: Women battle for citizenship rights (9 June 2009)
Lebanon : Human Rights/Development: Two years later, no reconstruction in Nahr al-Bared (20 May 2009)


The dream of returning home

7 July 2009

Fadi looked up and pointed at the rain. "This is like our life. We hate the rain. But we can't change it so we will stay under it." This rain appeared all the more invasive when picking lemons in winter. It is a cold, wet and miserable task, for the equivalent of $7 a day. A task only perceived to be fit for Palestinians in Lebanon. Despite Fadi's postgraduate qualification in accounting and fluency in English, he rightly pointed out that "I can't be a lawyer, I can't be a doctor ... Seventy-two jobs I can't do." Mary Pole writes from the al-Buss refugee camp. [MORE]

The children of Shatila: no future and no past

8 February 2009

My wife Linda and I went back to Beirut, Lebanon recently to visit the American Community School that I graduated from in the 1950s. One of the counselors at the school, an American named David Bakis, has started a project to bring some cheer into the lives of children in the Palestinian refugee camps near Beirut. No easy task. Curtis Bell writes from the United States. [MORE]


Two years later, reconstruction to start in Nahr al-Bared

18 August 2009

NAHR AL-BARED (IRIN) - Two years on from the devastating battle which destroyed their homes and livelihoods, Palestinian refugees from Nahr al-Bared are set to see reconstruction work begin inside the camp's official boundaries. Despite a resilient recovery under way among Palestinians living in the new camp -- the area around the edge of the official Nahr al-Bared refugee camp -- legal hurdles, political wrangling and the recent discovery of archaeological ruins under the site of the old camp have delayed reconstruction work there. [MORE]

No law for detained Palestinians

29 July 2009

BEIRUT (IPS) - Palestinian refugee Youssef Shaaban was released from prison early this month -- after serving 16 years in a Lebanese prison for a crime he did not commit. Shaaban was convicted by Lebanon's Justice Council in October 1994 on charge of shooting and killing the first secretary of the Jordanian embassy, Naeb Imran Matiyeh. [MORE]


Video: "Nahr al-Bared: Transitions"

13 November 2008

More than a year after their homes were destroyed during the battle between the Lebanese army and the militant Islamist group Fatah al-Islam, the majority of the Palestinian refugees from the Nahr al-Bared camp in northern Lebanon find themselves in a difficult situation. Not able to return to their homes, stuck in pre-fabricated housing units and mostly unemployed, many feel frustrated and hopeless that things will improve. [MORE]


  • EI's Nigel Parry on Free Speech Radio News (17 August 2006)
  • EI discusses "diplomacy" in Lebanon on Flashpoints, Audio, Flashpoints.net (26 July 2006)
  • EI's Laurie King-Irani on CBC discussing Canada and Lebanon, Audio, CBC (23 July 2006)
  • EI's Ali Abunimah appears on KPFK discussing Lebanon, Audio, KPFK (20 July 2006)
  • EI's Ali Abunimah on WBAI 99.5, Audio, "Middle East Exploding!", WBAI, New York City (17 July 2006)
  • EI's Laurie King on KPFK Pacifica, Audio, Middle East in Focus, KPFK, CA (14 July 2006)
  • EI on KPFK to discuss Israel's invasion of Lebanon, Audio, KPFK (13 July 2006)
  • EI's Ali Abunimah speaks about the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, Audio, Flashpoints.net (13 July 2006)

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