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Joe Higgins MEP Condemns TSB Mortgage Rate Increase & An Bord ‘Snip’

Here Joe Higgins talks about TSB’s increase in mortgage rates, the bank bailout and the cutbacks in the An Bord Snip Nua report. READ MORE


Joe Higgins Condemns Treatment of Dock Workers

Dock workers have been on strike at Marine Terminals Ltd against compulsory redundancies and wage cuts for three weeks. Here Joe speaks out against their treatment and calls for all workers to support them. READ MORE


Joe Higgins MEP: My First Week in the European Parliament

The first gathering of the newly elected European Parliament in Strasbourg last week provided strong pointers as to how the European Union will be shaped over the next five years. READ MORE


Lisbon: Capitulation of Greens Now Complete

With its vote to formally support the Lisbon Treaty, the Green Party has now utterly and totally capitulated to the economic and political establishment. READ MORE


Wayne Doherty’s Murder – For working class solidarity against thuggery

Wayne Doherty was shot dead on Saturday night outside his parents’ home in Hartstown, west Dublin. READ MORE


Joe Higgins MEP Condemns Viscious “An Bord Snip” Report

Here Joe Higgins attacks the viscious cuts proposed in the “An Bord Snip Nua”, and outlines why the trade union movement must lead a campaign to defeat the cuts. READ MORE


Electricians´ success should give confidence that we can fight, and we can win

Here Joe Higgins talks about the recent electricians´ strike, the disgusting attacks on it by the bosses and media, and how we can all learn from the success of the electricians. READ MORE

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Video: Joe Higgins’ first speech in the European Parliament

Here in Joe Higgins´ first speech in the European Parliament he talks about the grand coalition between the right wing EPP and supposed ’social democrats’ in Europe, and the Lisbon Treaty. READ MORE

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Video: Joe Higgins on the Need for a New Workers Party

In this video from Joe Higgins MEP’s speech at Saturday’s Social & Rally discussing and celebrating the election result, Joe talks about the need for left co-operation and a new party in Ireland that will fight for the rights of ordinary workers, young people and the unemployed. READ MORE

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Full Video of Joe Higgins’ Speech at Celebration Rally

Here is the full video of Joe Higgins’ speach at Saturday’s Social & Rally discussing and celebrating the election result. Higher quality, issue-specific extracts will be uploaded soon to our YouTube account. READ MORE

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Video: Vote Joe Higgins No. 1

Final election broadcast of Joe Higgins – a fighter for workers, young people and the unemployed.  READ MORE

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Video: Joe Higgins speech at fundraiser – Why I want to win the seat

This is a video of a speech Joe Higgins gave on Sunday at a fundraising gig O’Shea’s Hotel on Talbot Street. In it he reacts to the TNS poll and outlines the key reasons why he want’s to win the Euro election this Friday. READ MORE

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