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We provide links to articles we think will be of interest to our supporters, informing them of issues, events, debates and the wider context of the conflict. We are sympathetic to much of the content of what we post, but not to everything. The fact that something has been linked to here does not necessarily mean that we endorse the views expressed in it.

Extra - Hold the front page!

Jewish Chronicle reveals top-secret plans by JfJfP to destroy Israel!!!
It’s obviously the silly season and the JC is short on news. Having been ignored for months on end JfJfP now makes the front page and a leading article on page 2 by Jeremy Newmark, chief executive of the Jewish Leadership Council as the JC reveals [...]

Breaking Israel’s spell

The British Jewish community must move beyond the idea that being ‘loyal’ means placing Israeli policy is beyond criticism
Seth Freedman writes on Comment is Free, in the Guardian 31 July 2009:
“I’ve just spent a month in the heart of the north-west London bubble, running the gauntlet of pro-Israel zealotry almost every time the Israel/Palestine issue reared its head. Accusing dissenters of being self-haters, traitors and of washing Israel’s dirty linen in public is the bread and butter of the diehard Zionist brigade – and that’s just to those Jews daring to speak out against Israeli policies and crimes. [...]

JNF to be given lands in Galilee and Negev - more exclusion of Arab citizens of Israel

Adalah, the Legal Centre for Arab Minority Rights in Israel, together with Acri, it has sent an open letter to Attorney General Mazuz, reproduced in this posting, calling on him to “cancel the land swap agreement between the Israel Land Administration and the Jewish National Fund as it violates the rules of public law and the right to equality”.
As the JNF puts it: “The fidelity of the JNF is not given, and cannot be given, to the entire Israeli public. The JNF’s fidelity is reserved for the Jewish people only – on whose behalf it was founded and on whose behalf it operates. […]

It’s time to take the profit out of occupation

AHAVA, an Israeli cosmetics company, is violating the basic principles of international law and Jewish ethics by profiting from the occupation of Palestine. Using resources from the ancient waters of the Dead Sea, AHAVA manufactures beauty products in an illegal Israeli settlement in Occupied Palestine. [...]

Torture in Israel and Physicians´ Involvement in Torture

A new position paper by PHR-Israel expresses our opinion on torture in Israel and physicians involvement in its use. The paper briefly describes the background of PHR-Israel’s activism on the issue, emphasizing our struggle to change the position of the medical establishment in Israel and our ongoing efforts to engage the Israeli Medical Association (IMA) in the struggle against torture. [...]

DCI-Palestine submits an Alternative Report to the UN Human Rights Committee

[Ramallah, 30 July 2009] – On 29 July 2009, DCI-Palestine submitted an Alternative Report to the UN Human Rights Committee which is scheduled to review Israel’s compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966) (ICCPR) in October 2009.The report focuses on the right to life (Article 6), torture and ill-treatment (Article 7), [...]

Breaking the Silence replies to its critics

Right of Reply: Let’s talk about Operation Cast Lead

Mikhael Manekin
The Jerusalem Post (Opinion) July 29, 2009

When Breaking the Silence released a collection of soldiers’ testimonies about their experiences in Gaza last week, we expected to receive criticism. Operation Cast Lead was considered a success by most Israelis, so there were some who probably found the testimonies [...]

“Rachel” in San Francisco: Who Needs a Guardian Council?

We carried a report last week entitled “You Must *Not* See This Movie? Muzzling Jewish Dissent”.
The film has now been screened and here is the report circulated by Jewish Peace News on 28 July, about the event. It shows the alarming extent to which furious and totally unfounded accusations of antisemitism are being used to muzzle criticism of Israel in the US. [...]

Israel’s Religious Right and the Question of Settlements

The International Crisis Group has produced a new report on the growing and increasingly powerful religious right in Israeli politics and a nuanced analysis of how it might be dealt with in any moves towards a settlement of the conflict. [...]

Bil’in Village - Palestinian non-violent resistance

“The Bil’in Friends of Freedom and Justice” aims to build a wide network of people from all over the globe who support Freedom and Justice for all. Bil’in has led the way in developing a resolute non-violent resistance movement to the Israeli occupation and land confiscations. It continues its non-violent struggle with weekly demonstrations, supported by Israeli and international peace activists. They are invariably met with Israeli army violence, arrests and repression. [...]