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Friday, June 12, 2009 LOS ANGELES -- Crowds of curious onlookers surrounded a group of indigenous rights activists, members of the Peruvian community, and environmentalists as they demonstrated in front of the Peruvian consulate today through dance, procession, chant, and speech.

At this latest in a series of demonstrations in front of the large building on the Koreatown stretch of Wilshire that houses the consulate, protestors angered by President Alan García's use of military force against indigenous rights activists decried the massacre of an unknown number of people. They also lashed out against the "free trade" policies the victims gave their lives fighting against.
Full Report: Protest at Peruvian Consulate by Rockero | | VIDEO: Indigenous rights Protest at Peru's consulate, Los Angeles California by Naui Ocelotl

Latest news from Peru Indymedia

LOS ANGELES – June 9, 2009 - Scores of Filipino American activists rallied in front of the Philippine Consulate in Los Angeles in solidarity with mass protests taking place in this month in the Philippines. At issue is the continuing interventionist policy of the US towards the Philippines. Activists hope to stop proposed changes to the US-Philippine charter that seeks to keep the current unpopular government in power. Holding a banner which read: “No To Charter Change”, activists drew honks of support from passing motorists. The three-hour picket and rally coincided with a press conference held every month at the 3600 Wilshire office of the Philippine Consulate. Los Angeles County has the largest Filipino community in the US with 262,000 recorded in the year 2000 US census. From the Newswire: Filam Activists Rally vs Chacha in LA by Echo Park Community Coalition

Upcoming events and related stories: KALAYAAN (FREEDOM) PHILIPPINES SERIES by AJLPP | MILITARY ABUSES AgAINST FILIPINO PEASANTS CONTINUES by Pesante-USA | Celebrating Philippine Independence Day by Dionesio C. Grava

LOS ANGELES, June 5, 2009 - On Friday in Hollywood Santa Monica Blvd was blocked by a group of protesters demonstrating against the possibly fatal budget cuts being proposed by the Schwarzenegger Administration. The cuts are sweeping. The plan is to eliminate more than $160 million in HIV services which will also would jeopardize another $150 million in federal matching funds the state receives for HIV care.

The golden state faces a massive $24 billion state budget deficit -- with cash expected to run out by July -- California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is cutting funds draconically and that includes programs that keep HIV-positive people alive. "This is the worst possible time to take support away from the most vulnerable Californians," said Judith Auerbach, Ph.D., vice president for science and public policy at the The San Francisco AIDS Foundation. "Balancing the budget on the backs of those at greatest risk threatens to reverse all progress made against the HIV epidemic over the past two decades." From the Newswire: HIV Protesters Take The Streets in Hollywood by Robert Stuart Lowden

Photos: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 by SCHA-LA - - Video: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 by SCHA-LA | | Statement from Los Angeles HIV positive MOM by Robert Stuart Lowden

LOS ANGELES, June 4, 2009 - A combination hunger strike and protest campout has been occurring in downtown Los Angeles for the last nine days. The action is a continuance of the demonstrations that rose up in response to draconian budget cuts and layoffs issued by the Los Angeles Board of Education last month. The cuts are a result of a state and city wide deficit avalanche that is threatening to wipe away the traditional Californian "safety net " which for generations has been there for the poorest and least able amongst us.

The hunger strikers are protesting against the effect that these cuts will have on their pupils and consequently on the communities that these kids live in. Considerations such as class size and scholarly attention are chief amongst the teachers concerns. The Los Angeles Board of Education voted to lay off as many as 5,400 teachers and staff due to a 596 million dollar budget shortfall for 2010. For the last nine days the protest has been set up outside of the Liechty Middle School near downtown L.A. where forty-seven of the 65 teachers working there have received layoff notices
From the Newswire: L.A.Hunger Strikers on Ninth Day of Fast by Robert Stuart Lowden | | Hunger Strike Blog by Sean Leys

6/12/09 UPDATE: Hunger strike, Day 16, latest news: Los Angeles Teacher-Hunger Striker Kait Leonard Video Statement & Teacher on 16th day of Hunger Strike-Video Statement by Robert Stuart Lowden

6/14/09 UPDATE: School District Rescinds 505 Cuts But 2500 Jobs Still in Jeopardy. Hunger strike continues. Latest report and photos: Part one | Part two by Robert Stuart Lowden

[Political analysis by Chris Burnett. host of "Indymedia On Air” - Mondays, 3pm, KPFK 90.7 FM] - Shepard's choice to become an instrumental part in creating brand Obama, given his street level marketing style, often illegal, provided a legitimacy that was certainly needed by the Obama campaign. Seeing Obama on every street corner in soviet-style branding (read "pro worker, average guy, savior") was shocking precisely because of what Hedges describes as spectacle on the one hand, and the illusion of street cred provided by Shepard's style on the other.

I thought I was seeing Mao and Che everywhere, as though this was some populist uprising against the ruling class, against a cynically corrupt political class. Far from it. It *was* the ruling class inverting and misdirecting our anger in order to advance a corporatist political party and agenda. Genius. Horrendous. No doubt, it had a profound affect on all of our psyches. But "HOPE" should have read "HYPE" and "PROGRESS" should have read "REGRESS". It was the epitome of bumper sticker politics: immediate gratification, feel good symbolism; very consistent with our hyperactive, but shallow corporate culture. Full article: Shepard Fairey’s Obama by Chris Burnett

This Tuesday CineBang presents an evening of underground film and discussion with Franklin "The Stimulator" López of Join the subMedia posse – survival of the smartest starts now! Producer, videographer and creative genius Franklin Lopez exposes crucial current trends with video montages that mix culture jamming, news, satire, music and action to scratch the social justice itch.

Hopium is a crash course on the countercultures, protest movements, and underground forces set to collide in the post-Bush world. Hopium delivers 90 minutes of short films, mashups, and clips from Frank's series It's the End of the World and We Know It and I Feel Fine, the world's most subversive news show. The evening culminates with highlights from the forthcoming END:CIV, and the documentary hit GROUND NOISE & STATIC, a video report from the Democratic and Republican national conventions in 2008.
From the Calendar: Hopium: Confronting Fascism in the Obama Era a film by Franklin López

BEVERLY HILLS, May 27, 2009 – A wide range of groups turned out to protest Obama’s visit to Southern California this Wednesday at a Democratic Party fund raiser. Protests began around 3:00 pm with a contingent of primarily anti-war protesters, who are disappointed with the contradiction between what Obama said on the campaign trail and what he is saying and doing now as commander in chief.

There are reports that Obama heard some of the protesters chants of “Obama Keep Your Promise” and that he addressed the protesters calls in his speech, asking them to work with him. However he did not give a direct response to the issue of US troops still waging war against the people of the Middle East.

Full report: Hundreds Protest Outside Obama Fundraiser in Beverly Hills by A || Anti-War Protestors Welcome Obama || VIDEO: Anti-war protest at Obama Event

Advocates of the poor and homeless community of Venice Beach have been fighting against Overnight Permit Parking Districts, which are used to criminalize people who park RVs on city streets. Negative press coverage may be contributing to persecution of the homeless, to whom California offers no protection from the rising wave of hate crimes.

Report with photos: LA Times Misses Mark - By a Mile - About RVs in Venice by Peggy Lee Kennedy | | UPDATE: California Coastal Commission Denies Overnight Permit Parking (OPDs) in Venice by Peggy Lee Kennedy

CALIFORNIA – Demonstrations took place statewide in reaction a court ruling upholding proposition eight, which amends the state constitution to deny marriage rights to same sex couples. In West Hollywood thousands rallied and marched to Hollywood Blvd. Estimates range from a low of 2,000 to a high of 10,000 people that took part in the Hollywood march. No arrests or police misconduct has been reported. Protests also took place in other parts of Southern California, including hundreds in Rancho Cucamonga.

Gay rights activists say that despite the courts ruling the fight for the right to marry is not over. Legal challenges will continue and there are discussions about a ballot measure to repeal Proposition Eight for the 2010 elections. From the Newswire Inland Empire resists Supreme Court's legitimization of discrimination by Rockero | | NOH8 - Chalking the Streets in Hollywood by Anna | | 11:30 pm - Cell Phone Photos from Protest | | MP3 Audio – Jorge Amaro, of Latino Equality Alliance Reacts to Court Prop 8 Ruling

VIDEO: West Hollywood Right to Marry Protests | | Press conference on Prop 8

Reports from San Diego: Over 4,000 Rally in San Diego Against Prop. 8 Decision and Over 70 Activists Stage Marriage Equality Sit-in at S.D. County Clerk’s Office by Mark Gabrish Conlan

Report from East LA: “MARRY US OR JAIL US” DARE SAME-SEX MARRIAGE EQUALITY ACTIVISTS by SCHA-LA | | East Los Angeles Prop 8 Court Decision Protests by Robert Stuart Lowden

PHOTOS: Los Angeles Propostion 8 Court Decisions Evening Protests Photo Essay by Robert Stuart Lowden

Two California health worker unions staged a protest in downtown Los Angeles this Friday to call attention to the cuts that Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is considering in response to last Tuesdays' special election defeats. California now faces a possible $24 billion budget deficit for 2010.

The governor's cutbacks could include ending the state's main welfare program and eliminating health coverage for the 1.5 million poor children who benefit from the CalWorks and Healthy families programs. Two million people in general would lose their health care coverage. Programs for the disabled like IHSS (In Home Supportive Services) are under fire. Full Story: Unions and Patients Demonstrate to Denounce Schwarzenegger Cut Proposals, Part 1 & Part 2 by Robert Stuart Lowden

Related articles: People Reject Sacramento "Solutions" -- Real Solutions Needed by Peace and Freedom Party | | EPCC Commends California Voters For Rejecting Anti-People Budget Measures by Echo Park Community Coalition | | Gov. proposes cutting ALL HIV Services by SCHA-LA

Members of Amnesty International staged a march and vigil today for Troy Anthony Davis as part of a global day of action for the Georgian death row inmate.

In the case of Troy Davis there was no physical evidence, no murder weapon and seven of the nine police witnesses that helped to convict him have recanted their testimonies. Police pressure was cited as their reason for the false identification of Davis. Due to technical and procedural reasons Davis has been unable to get a federal court hearing on the reliability of the witness testimony used against him.

Report with photos: Amnesty International Holds Vigil for Troy Davis in Downtown L.A.. by Robert Stuart Lowden

Teachers Stage a Day of Actions in Response to Court Injunction of Strike.
LOS ANGELES, May 15, 2009 - In response to the Los Angeles Board of Educations layoff vote, 46 teachers subjected themselves to arrest in a nonviolent action at the districts downtown headquarters. The protest was undertaken despite a court order issued by Superior Court Judge, James Chalfant, which cited student health and safety as the reasons for issuing a restraining order against a one day strike that had been approved by the UTLA earlier this month. Full Report: Los Angeles Teachers Stage Civil Disobedience at Downtown Headquarters, part 1 & part 2 by Robert Stuart Lowden

Other actions in support of the teachers took place throughout the city Friday, including a large display of student support at some local high schools: From the Newswire: Report & Photos: Venice High Walk out | | VIDEO: Student walk out at Venice High

One block east of Figueroa, an empty lot belonging to the city of Los Angeles has been transformed into a vegetable garden and community space. The project, a long-held dream by many, has been made a reality with the efforts of community members spearheaded by Nicole Gatto.

The garden has been broken up into plots which are available to members of the community by application. A circle has also been created in the center of the space, where gardening workshops and other activities will be held.

The Opening Ceremony was attended by community members and others, including supporters of the South Central Farm which was bulldozed in 2006. . . .

Story and photos: Grand Opening of Community Garden in Highland Park by Anna Kunkin | | Press Release by Nicole M. Gatto | | Highland Park Adds a Garden by Milagro Allegro Community Garden

Web Site: Milagro Allegro Community Garden

Martes, el 5 de mayo 2009
RANCHO CUCAMONGA -- Dos años después de su muerte trágica, la comunidad de Rancho Cucamonga se reunió para rendirle homenaje al jornalero y luchador social caído Fernando Pedraza, un mártir por la causa de los derechos de los trabajadores indocumentados. Voluntarios armaron un altar, oradores hablaron, y participantes cantaron, comieron, y bailaron en celebración de la vida y lucha de este importante hombre inspirador. Informe con fotos: Memorial en honor a don Fernando Pedraza, jornalero y líder por Rockero

Cobertura del memorial del año pasado (en inglés)/Coverage from last year's memorial: Day Laborer Remembered, 1 year after Killed in Rancho Cucamonga during Minutemen Protest por/by miss x

In Spite of Hard Times: A Festive May Day in Los Angeles
Outdoor public events in the City of Los Angeles have always been unpredictable and the history of May Day events over the years is no exception to this. Early reports of Friday’s May Day events indicate that this year was festive and free of police violence experienced in past years.

There were multiple May Day marches and events this year in the Los Angeles area on Friday. There were also dozens of high school student walkouts in East LA and many local community marches throughout the Southern California region.

One Indymedia reporter with one of downtown marches reported a very positive and festive march with a wide diversity of people and a great youth turnout. The crowds cheered as student walkout marches from local high schools joined the main march. Another reporter in Riverside estimates 500 people demonstrated at Riverside City Hall. Local grassroots groups and union locals together with UCR students made up the Riverside demonstration.

From the Newswire: May Day 2009 on Broadway a photo essay by William John Cox | | Timeline of call ins to the LA-IMC newsroom | | Cell Phone Photos from Downtown March | | Downtown LA May Day Protests by Robert Stuart Lowden | | Echo Park March: May Day 2009 Pics, pt-1 | | May Day 2009 Pics pt2 | |VIDEO:¡Fuera La Pinche Migra! video by Que chido no

Reports from Riverside: May 1, 2009 Riverside Immigrants Rights/Labor Rights march and rally by Flowerguerrilla | | May Day 2009, Riverside, Part 1 & Part 2 by Rockero | | The Inland Empire Marches on May Day by Jennaya Dunlap | | Impressive May Day in Riverside by Kevin Akin || VIDEO: May Day march in Riverside by Mateo Owen

There are numerous events planned throughout the region for this year’s May Day. A march and demonstration in front of the main Los Angeles ICE detention facility in Downtown Los Angeles is planned and is expected to be sizeable. There are also many feeder marches from local communities such as Echo Park planning to rally downtown in the late afternoon. In Riverside a march on City Hall under the banner: Día Internacional del Trabajo has been called by local community organizers and there are dozens of similar such events planned throughout the Southern California area.

Latest from the Newswire: Workers' Day-May Day- Primero de Mayo- Dia de los Trabajadores | | May Day March for Immigrants Rights An interview with Ron Gochez of the Southern California Immigration Coalition, the Unión del Barrio, and member of the Association of Raza Educators by Brian Elerding | | EPCC STATEMENT FOR MAY 1 RALLY IN LA| | ALL OUT IN THE STREET! May Day 2009 National Immigrant Workers Mobilization! by Lee Siu Hin

On April 25, supporters of the South Central Farm held their third demonstration outside Forever 21 in Old Town Pasadena. (Background information can be found here.) The turnout was high: between 20 and 30 people, and the demonstrators were vocal and lively. . . .

This campaign is country-wide. However, not all of Forever 21's stores have the same name (even within Southern California). The names tend to be variations on Forever 21, like Forever Fabulous.

Report back and photos: Never Forever 21: Round 3 by RP

April 21, 2009 CLAREMONT, California--About 100 activists, college students, and community members gathered Monday for the anarchist activist conference at Pitzer College. The conference was titled "The Resistance is Not Silent," and topics of discussion included the environment, the internet, immigrant rights, urban planning, poetry, bicycling, the anti-war anti-hunger network of collectives Food not Bombs, and non-violence. The event also included vegan food, music, and tables where vendors accepted donations for literature and t-shirts. Full report: The Resistance is Not Quiet: 2009 Anarchist Activist Conference by Rockero || Audio: The Resistance is Not Quiet: 2009 Anarchist Activist Conference (audio) with one speech by an activist from CAROB and another by Food Not Bombs co-founder Keith McHenry

Monday, April 20 2009
CLAREMONT, California-- Despite the right wing's efforts at deception and obfuscation, pro-immigrant, pro-human rights, anti-racist, and community activists organized strong opposition to the arrival of anti-immigrant extremist Jim Gilchrist to our neighborhood. It was no coincidence that the speech was set to take place on April 20, the biggest "holiday" of the year for white supremacists. Full report: This is a hate-free city: Minutemen founder persona non grata by Rockero

RELATED: Youth arrested and brutalized for protesting a checkpoint by Carlos

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Lakers Fans Victory Party in the Streets Gets Crazy J15 10:17AM

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California Coastal Commission Denies Overnight Permit Parking (OPDs) in Venice J13 3:11PM

People for Immigrant Rights holds a vigil and march in Pomona J13 1:48AM

Protest at Peruvian consulate J13 1:12AM

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