
How Google Voice Could Change Communication This content requires a paid GigaOM Pro subscription

It's time to move away from calling numbers and toward calling people; Google is well positioned to seize the opportunity.

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Connected Consumer

Will TV Ever Get an App Store Moment?

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Bringing Moore’s Law to the Data Storage Market This content requires a paid GigaOM Pro subscription

How flash solid-state drives will make fat, slow, cheap disks go further.

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Green IT

Cloud Computing Gets Hip to Green Markets

Public and private cloud vendors are seizing the opportunities in smart grid and other green industries.

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New in Infrastructure

The Metamorphosis of the Cloud Discussion

The talk at Structure 09 showed how far the cloud conversation has advanced. Even Oracle's Larry Ellison has come around.

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Is Marketing Key to Mobile App Store Sales?

Developers are struggling to draw attention to their wares as app store libraries teem with applications.

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Are Torrents a Tool for Predicting the Future? This content requires a paid GigaOM Pro subscription

Music and movie downloaders have more than once proven to be on the bleeding edge of connected consumer tech.

GigaOM Pro Blog

Structure09 Wraps and a New Week Begins

If anything, the conversation at Structure last week wasn’t so much about what cloud computing is but, as Derrick Harris notes in his weekly update, more about its use cases and how to improve it. Celeste LeCompte also noticed how many are seeing the resulting cloud infrastructure and its resulting efficiencies make their mark on the world of green and IT.

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