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Cedar Lounge
For Lefties too Stubborn to Quit

offsite link There?s more costs than labour costs? or don?t ask the question if you don?t like the answer. 07:44 Fri Jul 31, 2009 | WorldbyStorm

offsite link The rhetoric of national bankruptcy. The actuality of national borrowing. 07:46 Thu Jul 30, 2009 | WorldbyStorm

offsite link McCarthy?s millions??400 million? ?450 million? ?480 million? 07:46 Thu Jul 30, 2009 | WorldbyStorm

offsite link Irish Socialist on Looking Left No.4? 18:06 Wed Jul 29, 2009 | WorldbyStorm

offsite link The Irish Times: The media wing of Éirígí? 07:39 Wed Jul 29, 2009 | WorldbyStorm

Cedar Lounge >>

Dublin Opinion
It's a group blog. What more do you need to know?

offsite link Losing a Leg? 11:56 Fri Jul 31, 2009

offsite link FAMILY TREE OF THE IRISH LEFT: GRALTON, SEPT. 1983 15:26 Thu Jul 30, 2009

offsite link LOOKING LEFT, NO.4: THE IRISH SOCIALIST 22:32 Tue Jul 28, 2009

offsite link Fortet/Burial?s Moth and Wolf Cub: Behind the Curve Again 16:08 Tue Jul 28, 2009

offsite link Gene Kerrigan on the Huckster Economy 12:21 Tue Jul 28, 2009

Dublin Opinion >>

Irish Left Review
Joined up thinking for the Irish Left

offsite link Rigid Labour Markets and Levels of Unemployment Thu Jul 30, 2009 17:43 | donagh

offsite link Eoin O?Broin | Time to Raise Taxes Wed Jul 29, 2009 16:01 | donagh

offsite link Risking Ayn Rand?s Ire Wed Jul 29, 2009 14:07 | Michael Taft

offsite link Looking Left No. 4: The Irish Socialist Wed Jul 29, 2009 10:55 | Conor McCabe

offsite link Is All About the Race! Wed Jul 29, 2009 10:19 | Manuel Estimulo

Irish Left Review >>

A shot at bias in the media

offsite link Irish media failing over Rossport Tue Jun 02, 2009 14:31

offsite link Don't Shoot the Messenger - Part 2 Thu May 28, 2009 14:32

offsite link Don't Shoot the Messenger - Part 1 Thu May 28, 2009 14:32

offsite link Harney and Husband Tue Apr 14, 2009 07:42

offsite link Drowning the good guys and gals Thu Mar 26, 2009 15:30

MediaBite >>

national / anti-war Thursday July 30, 2009 21:04 by Shannonwatch
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Image Caption Goes Here

The abject disregard of the Irish political elite for Ireland's neutrality has been demonstrated by the routine transit of US military planes and troops through Shannon Airport for most of this decade. With the re-run of the Lisbon Treaty referendum we are now being asked to accept EU promises that it will not affect or prejudice Ireland's traditional policy of military neutrality. But the ongoing support of the Irish government for US-led NATO exercises around the world clearly shows that we cannot trust our leaders to uphold Irish neutrality, with or without the non-binding decisions that have been tagged onto the Treaty in an attempt to have it accepted by the people of Ireland.

national / workers issues Thursday July 30, 2009 13:21 by Paddy Hackett
featured image
Cowen, Lenihan, and Coughlan
Axis of Eejits

The Fianna Fail government, by frantically rushing criminal legislation through the Oireachtas, is hoping to exploit "the law and order" issue ...

... as a desperate means of stemming any further loss in popular support while using this strategy as a platform to rebuild and expand popular support. It seeks to take over the Fine Gael mantle as "the law and order party". It hopes that by introducing such measures it can succeed in crushing crime. It hopes too that "law and order" will form part of the grand diversion from the economic disaster besetting Ireland. By wiping out crime and "making the trains run on time" Fianna Fáil hope that the resulting increasing authoritarianism of the state will transform it into a keener weapon for constricting the working class.

dublin / eu Saturday July 25, 2009 12:11 by Raymond Deane
national / history and heritage Thursday July 23, 2009 16:07 by TaraWatch
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Map of Tara/Skryne Area

The Minister for the Environment, John Gormley, is currently conducting two separate public consultations, allegedly to protect Tara. There is the proposed Tara Skryne Landscape Conservation Area and the proposed Tara UNESCO World Heritage Site. But the Minister has not produced one single map showing the proposed areas, and has refused to answer Parliamentary Questions on the issue.

national / workers issues Thursday July 16, 2009 12:27 by Joe Higgins MEP
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TEEU Members on strike outside Guinness

Here Joe Higgins, the Socialist Party MEP for Dublin, talks about the recent electricians´ strike, the disgusting attacks on it by the bosses and media, and how we can all learn from the success of the electricians.

You would think from reading some newspaper articles and editorials that workers go on strike to deliberately wreak havoc on whichever sector they work in, or on society in general.

Take the 10,500 strong electricians strike last week. "Strike flies in the face of reason" pompously declared an editorial in a daily newspaper. An economic commentator went one better, calling the strike "insane and delusional". Former Minister of State and current Chief Executive of the Construction Industry Federation, Tom Parlon outshouted them all when he said that "we cannot let the lunatics be in charge."

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Fri 31 Jul, 18:09

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