The Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center is a grassroots organization committed to using media production and distribution as tools for promoting social and economic justice in the Champaign County area. We foster the creation and distribution of media, art, and narratives emphasizing underrepresented voices and perspectives and promote empowerment and expression through media and arts education.

Hate Crimes at UIUC - Beyond the Chief exhibit vandalized for 5th time on May 20, 2009 - in broad daylight

Damaged Wea sign: Wea sign damaged on May 20, 2009Damaged Wea sign: Wea sign damaged on May 20, 2009From:

May 20, 2009, three items from the Beyond the Chief art exhibit,
created by the renowned Cheyenne-Arapaho artist HOCK E AYE VI Edgar
Heap of Birds, were vandalized for the fifth time. The attacks appear
to have taken place in broad daylight sometime between the hours of
8:30 am and 1:30 pm on Wednesday, May 20th. The vandalized art include
signs located in front of the Native American House, the Asian American
Studies building, and adjacent to the Bruce D. Nesbitt African American
Cultural Center. An officer arrived at 2:00 pm to complete a report but
no statements were released by the Campus Police.

The damaged signs include those representing the Wea, Meskwaki, and
Peoria tribes of illinois. These series of attacks now make it plain
that those perpetrating this vandalism are specifically targeting the
Native American community - thus falling into the definition of a "Hate

Housing Crisis In Rantoul and Champaign

The employment and housing crisis has impacted central Illinois workers and there is an urgent need for working class solidarity based on two different situations.

Autumn Glen, an apartment complex in Rantoul, Illinois made news in March when the municipally owned electric company cut power to a number of apartments for non-payment of bills. As community activists mobilized to aid the tenants, it was discovered that many tenants paid utilities as an extra fee in their rent. However, the landlord was not using the money to pay the bills. Despite these tenants dutifully paying their rent, the City threatened eviction within 36 hours originally. The City quickly extended the deadline to three days after receiving notice that the landlord never notified the tenants about the potential evictions. After being confronted with applicable state law that required a 10-day notice for potential eviction, the City was successfully pressured by concerned citizens to work out an agreement to receive payment from the landlord (a company of investors located in California) and keep many residents in their homes.

15 Children will be Homeless in Champaign within 48 hours as Gateway gets Condemned

At least 15 children, 3 elderly women and a dozen adults, will be homelessness in Champaign in less than 48 hours.  The shelters are full.  The residents, most of whom work, just paid May rent and have no savings.  And the City of Champaign seems to have washed their hands of the problem.

Action Alert! Help Pass the Medical Marijuana Bill in the Illinois Senate!

Action Alert! Help Pass the Medical Marijuana Bill in Illinois Senate! Champaign County Health Care Consumers (CCHCC) is once more asking you to
take action to help Illinois join the 13 other states that currently allow
the seriously and terminally ill to use medically prescribed marijuana to
alleviate their pain and suffering when other forms of medication fail.
Suffering patients have already waited for years and cannot afford further

Four Catholic Workers From Urbana-Champaign Among 22 Arrested At Blackwater Site

News is starting to come in about a non-violent demonstration that
took place over the weekend at Blackwater's training camp in Jo Davies
County, northwest Illinois.

Among 22 who were arrested in the demonstration, four were members of the local St. Jude Catholic Worker House.

They delivered this message:

Application deadline May 4th at Midnight: UCIMC seeks a Media and Training Adviser


This position begins in mid-July of
2009 and is funded through the AmeriCorps CTC*VISTA program (Community
Technology Center * Volunteer in Service to America).


Racial Profiling Incident Leads to Police Shooting of “Toto” Kaiyewu

TotoKaiyewu 060.JPG

A press conference was held at the Independent Media Center with the family of Oluwatofunmi Kaiyewu, a 23 year-old medical student who was killed by local police on April 6, 2009. This bizarre series of events began in the former “sundown town” of Villa Grove, 15 minutes southeast of Urbana, led to a car chase, and ended on Interstate 74 with five bullets fired by officers from three departments―University of Illinois Police, Champaign County Sheriff’s Department, and Vermilion County Sheriff’s Department.  


The Kaiyewu family drove from Texas to hold the press conference and visit the site where their son was gunned down. They were joined by Jan Susler of the People’s Law Office, a graduate of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and known for her defense of Puerto Rican political prisoners. They had heard little from police about what happened and wanted answers.

UCIMC is hiring 16 summer jobs - Job Fair April 27 & 28th!

202 S. Broadway Ave., Urbana 61801
(Old Post Office Building at Lincoln Square at the corner of Broadway & Elm)

April 27 & 28
7:00 p.m.

Through Champaign Consortium, UC-IMC is hiring youths, age 14 - 24, for several Summer positions. 
Come to the job fair to learn about the available opportunities at the IMC as well as pointers for looking for a job in general.

IMCfest 2009 Is Here!


IMCfest is this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday April 17-19 (All Ages)!

For Current Schedule of Events and Performer Info See:

Support the Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center!
Come to three-days of concerts from 30 local musicians, see the work of
local artists, and support your community. All available right in
downtown Urbana during the Boneyard Arts Festival! April 17-19th, at the old post office building (yes it's actually the IMC). Tickets available at the door.


creative tactics by CIA protestors, pic by Chris Tuck

On April 9, members of the Campus Antiwar Network, Iraq Veterans Against the War, and the International Socialist Organization joined forces for a third annual protest against the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) recruitment session at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  However this year, students and activists were stunned by their victory when the CIA canceled the session at the last minute, shamed by our tactics which exposed the Agency’s dark history of assassinations, political sabotage and torture. 

Feb 25 (Wed.): Roy Zimmerman performs at the IMC!

Wednesday, February 25, 8-10pm - Roy Zimmerman LIVE at the Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center

We are proud to welcome back singer-songwriter Roy Zimmerman for his second performance at the IMC.  Roy is an intensely clever and entertaining writer and performer, who, according to the Los Angeles Times, "displays a lacerating wit and keen awareness of society's foibles that bring to mind a latter-day Tom Lehrer" and who describes his own work as "funny songs about ignorance, war, and greed."

Zimmerman toured 47 states in 2008, capturing satirical snapshots of the country during the election year.  His albums include Cosmic Sutra News, Homeland Security, PeaceNick, Faulty Intelligence, and Thanks for the Support.  For more information, visit

Champaign County Board Approves Committee to Study Jury Selection

Steve Beckett

There was an important victory Thursday night, February 19, 2008, for those fighting for reform of the criminal justice system in Champaign County. By a unanimous vote, the Champaign County Board appointed the Citizens Advisory Committee on Jury Selection.

This committee is made up of citizens, board members, and local criminal justice officials. It is intended to address the racial disparities documented to exist in Champaign County. For several years the Courtwatch study conducted by the League of Women Voters has shown that while African Americans make up 60% of defendants, they represent 5%-6% of the jury pool.

The 16 members of the committee include: Pius Weibel, Matt Gladney, Presiding Judge Thomas Difanis, State’s Attorney Julia Rietz, head Public Defender Randall Rosenbaum, Courts Administrator Roger Holland, Joan Miller of the League of Women Voters, Aaron Ammons, Patricia Avery, William Brown, Lorraine Cowart, Brian Dolinar, Deloris Henry, Barbara Kessel, Jenny Putman, and Patrick Thompson.

Racial Profiling Study Suppressed by Local Media

Statistics on racial profiling collected by the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) were released this year with no local fanfare. Although covered for the last three years, the 2007 numbers went unreported by the News-Gazette, who has a virtual monopoly of the local newspaper market. This is surely an attempt to protect police officials from public rebuke and continued calls for police accountability.


IMC Film Festival this Friday-Sunday, Feb. 6-8 - FREE

This February 6, 7 and 8th, the Urbana Champaign Independent Media Center (IMC) will be hosting the IMC Film Festival ( This three day celebration of the art of cinematography will highlight local and independent artists and kickoff monthly IMC Film Nights.  It will also be a chance for local and independent filmmakers to share their work and connect with other artists, community members, and organizations.


We are advertising widely within the artist and art-supporting communities.  The IMC also has a wide support base of almost 600 different community members and volunteers.  We anticipate a strong turn-out for this event.

Works by local and regional filmmakers will be featured, with submissions coming from Chicago, St. Paul, Iowa City, and Champaign-Urbana.

The IMC Film Festival will be open to all, FREE of admission charges.

U-C IMC Inauguration 2009 DC Trip Day 4 (Inauguration Day) & some thoughts

It's been three days since we got back to Champaign-Urbana and still I am having a hard time properly putting into words our past weeks experiences in D.C.  I keep going back to using words like amazing, intense, and incredible but twitch inside due to their inadequacy.  These are words I use daily and January 20th 2009 was anything but a daily experience.  I  have either to find new words or start using those words less.

U-C IMC Inauguration 2009 DC Trip Day 2 & Photos

More video from the last part of the trip to D.C. and our arrival at Sascha and Faith's. Also we have photos from the whole trip including some from Day 3.

Look out for tomorrows videos containing interviews done on the Martin Luther King Jr. Day as well as Inauguration Day.

UCIMC reporting from DC on the Inauguration

Just before the November 2008 elections, a few people at the IMC started talking about a road trip to Washington, DC for the presidential inauguration - a trip we would especially want to make if Barack Obama won the election, there was enough local interest in making the journey, and we could find group transportation.

The motives were fairly simple: to witness the crowds and celebrations (or protests) in our nation's capital while also documenting citizens' reactions and perspectives. As winter progressed, we decided this would also be an opportunity for the Independent Media Center to represent the Urbana-Champaign community and to produce a video diary that we could send home for everyone who could not join us. This is a glimpse - unfettered by mainstream media - into our experiences traveling across country, meeting new and old friends, having light-hearted and serious discussions, and being part of a massive crowd for a historic event in a historic city.

IMC Film Festival: February 6, 7 and 8, 2009

This February 6, 7 and 8th, the Urbana Champaign Independent Media Center (IMC) will be hosting the IMC Film Festival ( This three day celebration of the art of cinematography will highlight local and independent artists and kickoff monthly IMC Film Nights. It will also be a chance for local and independent filmmakers to share their work and connect with other artists, community members, and organizations. The festival is open to submissions and we are advertising widely within the artist and art-supporting communities. The IMC also has a wide support base of almost 600 different community members and volunteers. We anticipate a strong turn-out for this event.

Watch Out For That Blago Counterpunch!

You have to admit the Crisis in Springfield (or is it The Crisis in Chicago?) is, at the very least, entertaining. Sometimes watching recent events unfold in BlagoGate is like watching an old grainy, black and white, televised prizefight straight out of the comic-book 50’s.

Every politician in the United State's of America, every television and radio program, every pundit and every survey poll says to the arrested Governor of Illinois, Rod Blagojevich, resign from office immediately and go straight to jail. If Blagojevich should try to appoint somebody for the U.S. Senate seat vacated by President-elect Barak Obama; forget it, no one on earth will accept the appointment. Pow! The Golden Gloves Governor is pummeled back into his Chicago home.

McKinley Health Center's plans to cease offering sonogram services at the end of this year.

Members of the Graduate Employees' Oorganization Healthcare Working Group learned on Thursday of McKinley's plans to cease sonogram service by January 1, 2009.

The GEO has been having regular Labor Management meetings with Administrators with the joint intention of the Union and the Employer to promote a sound and mutually beneficial relationship. GEO members met with McKinley director Palinkis during two separate Labor Management Meetings with the agenda being Graduate health care services in general and Women's Health at McKinley. The GEO representatives had discussions specifically about the provision of the sonogram service, which they were concerned might disappear. Palinkis first claimed that the service was not in danger, and later in admitting that they were considering ceasing it, his argument was that students were not seeking sonograms at the same rate as previously - GEO members later discovered that this was because doctors at McKinley were being directed to refer students to external sonogram services, rather than the service within the Center.

The Destructive Class

A common reaction to our Governor's latest legislative maneuverings (the governor has promised that at trial, we will see there was clearly no wrongdoing on his part - if we would just quit closing in on him and give him some space.) has been sprinkled with a fairly consistent belief that the Governor's arrest comes as no surprise.

December 6th at Cowboy Monkey "What Matters" WRFU benefit

* *** *

* Saturday, December 6 *
* at the Cowboy Monkey *
* 6pm til 2 am *

-> what matters <- 

Featuring (in last-to-first order):

New Ruins


Golden Quality

Common Loon
Joseph Donhowe


The Duke of Uke and his Novelty Orchestra

Dottie and the 'Rail

Paul Kotheimer

The Turinos
Eleni Moraites

History of the Future

William Gillespie

Crystalline Scoggins

Beth Simpson

Kevin Elliott

Only $4.
This benefit is being held to raise funds towards a new permanent tower for WRFU.
In the spirit of the station, the show features a smorgasbord of local musicians and poets performing short sets, all of which include pieces related to the show theme: "what matters."

Champaign Urbana Rallies to protest Proposition 8

Proposition 8 Protest Champaign-Urbana



Facing the cold and the wind protesters gathered in opposition to Proposition 8 on November 15, 2008 in Champaign/Urbana Illinois. Standing on the four corners of Green and Wright street participants shouted “Stop the hate. Stop the hate. Separate the church and state.” People carried signs proclaiming “Love knows no gender” and “You don’t have to be gay to believe in equal rights.”


One of the event organizers Brooke Elliott, President of L-Cubed (Ladies loving Ladies) said, “We are here today because prop 8 was passed in California which will put a ban on gay marriages and everyone has a right to marry.” According to Elliott the event is also a way for Champaign/Urbana to show support for protests taking place across the nation.


A Comparison of Funding for General Assistance in Champaign with Surrounding Cities

A comparison of Champaign's penurious funding of General Assistance aid to the poor with surrounding cities

This report illustrates how Champaign's funding of General Assistance aid to the poor is many times lower than that of surrounding communities. Voting yes for the Township Referendum on the November 4 ballot will help to rectify the disparity, though the inequality is so severe that even with successful passage, Champaign will still fund General Assistance at levels nowhere near surrounding cities.

Note: An Adobe Acrobat PDF version of this report is available here.

General Assistance (GA) is a state-mandated financial aid program run by Illinois townships (which are subdivisions of counties). GA provides basic financial assistance to those who are in the deepest of poverty (income less than $3000/year) who don't also qualify for other state or federal aid. GA is the last-chance safety net for the poorest, most vulnerable citizens in Illinois. It typically offers a maximum of $225 a month plus additional payments for basic medical care. In Champaign, however, benefits were severely cut and half of all clients were completely abandoned last year.

Township Funding Comparison revision 2.pdf70.46 KB
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