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Coos Bay; Public Comments on Jordan Cove EIS

Friends of Living Oregon Waters, 01.07.2009 - 20:51
Here is an online listing of the comments from members of the public regarding the Jordan Cove corporation's planned liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility planned for the north spit of Coos Bay, OR.

In addition to risks from a severe seismic event on the Cascadia Subduction Zone, other risks include loss of eelgrass beds from dredging to allow the LNG tankers passage. Eelgrass is the base of the river's estuary food pyramid and loss of eelgrass beds from excess dredging would result in loss of fisheries..

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20th Pastors for Peace Cuba Caravan

Mary Ann Jones, 30.06.2009 - 00:00
The 20th Pastors for Peace Cuba Caravan, taking US citizens and humanitarian aid on a journey of solidarity and goodwill, will arrive in the Rogue Valley on Thursday July 9. Join us in welcoming them at the Bellview Grange, 1050 Tolman Creek Road, Ashland. The schedule is:
6:00--greet the Caravan members
6:30--potluck dinner--share your favorite dish
7:30--program about the Caravan--what it does and why
9:00--close and clean-up

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* C H A M P I O N S * a n d * A N G E L S *

"Mourn the dead, but fight like hell for the living"--Mother Jones, 29.06.2009 - 07:15
* Joanie McGowan* The Rogue IMC Editorial Board was recently contacted by Joe and given an update for the "...memorial site for my good friend Joanie McGowan..." He went on to tell about a bad link, and that "the real memorial site is alive and well at  http://joaniemcgowan.com ... May her spirit live on in peace"

Joanie McGowan's Birthday is Monday June 29, 2009 and so Joe's note couldn't have come at a better time to remember Joanie and also to remember the others who we have lost here in our Southern Oregon community. Champions and Angels, we are talking about Champions and Angels.

* * J O A N I E * M C G O W A N * * T A N Y A * W R A Y * * D A V E * M A R S T O N * *
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MCRD Letter to Medford City Council Members

Ivend Holen, 19.06.2009 - 06:30
Danger !! Text of letter to Medford city council members from Medford Citizens for Responsible Development (MCRD) urging them to comply with the most recent LUBA ruling ordering the city to require a traffic study, and not seek to have the ruling overturned by the Oregon Court of Appeals. Provides links to further sources of information on this issue at the end of the message.
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SNYP's July $10 a Tom Campaign

SNYP, 14.06.2009 - 22:06
“Ten Bucks a Tom” Campaign Kicks Off July 1

Jackson County, OR. – June 15, 2009 – Local animal welfare organization Spay/Neuter Your Pet (SNYP) is teaming up with many local veterinary offices throughout the valley this summer to offer an incredible price to neuter male cats. The cost is just $10 per neuter. Only 500 certificates are available for sale on a first-come, first-served basis at Pet Country, the Medford, Ashland and White City Grange Co-Ops, and the Stewart and Crater Lake Mini Pet Marts.
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Fall Creek Timber Project Tree-sits Deployed

Cass K. Dia, 06.06.2009 - 00:00
Preparing for an eventful summer. Do you remember the days of Fall Creek, Warner Creek, the first Cascadia Summers? Do you remember the lands that were saved by the direct efforts of concerned citizens? We remember, and it is within that greater tradition of non-violent forest defense that we now come to you proclaiming that a resurgence has begun.
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Peace House- June 8, Voices of Iraqi Refugees

Mary Madsen, 04.06.2009 - 00:00
"Shemiron limps into the room to meet us. Her right leg, from the knee down, is covered up by a stiff prosthetic leg. Her face is in a constant grimace of pain. Her eyes are the saddest eyes I have ever looked into and when I do, I feel myself falling into her grief and pain. Tears line her eyes like crystal eyeliner…" Excerpt from our blog: April 11, 2009

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Citizens Win Decisive Victory over Wal-Mart

Medford Citizens for Responsible Development, 03.06.2009 - 20:17
Walmart Hurts Our Economy! "This is a real victory for the citizens of Medford,” Holen said. “It just doesn’t make good sense that Wal-Mart should be allowed to create traffic gridlock near the South Gateway and dump the costs of fixing it all on the backs of the taxpayer."

Holen added, "I would also like to say that I was really deeply disappointed in the way the city SPAC treated MCRD and other citizens who testified before them on this Wal-Mart matter over the years. We were never treated with respect or common civility, and felt belittled by them. I hope that this decision will not only change the way the codes are interpreted, but will also serve to remind this Commission that it needs to treat all those who come before it, not just the developers and power brokers, with dignity and courtesy.
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Lawmakers in Oregon say No! to Real ID

No Real ID for Oregon, 01.06.2009 - 04:07
On Friday, May 29th the Oregon State House passed Senate Bill 536 (SB0536) thanks to organizations such as ACLU of Oregon. The bill “Prohibits state from expending funds to comply with the federal Real ID Act 0f 2005 unless certain requirements are met.” The bill passed by a vote of 39-6. Oregon now joins eleven other states that have already passed laws rejecting Real ID. Ten additional states have passed resolutions urging Congress to repeal Real ID.

The passage of this bill is a good beginning but is not enough. The state of Oregon should reject Real ID entirely, not “unless certain requirements are met”.

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Emma's Revolution Concert & Interview

Linda Richards, 27.05.2009 - 19:01
Sandy O & Pat I was so uplifted to hear one of the best concerts of my life in Corvallis Oregon last week. It was emma's revolution, who sang their hearts out for war resisters including Benji Lewis (whom Ashland WILPF just hosted last week) and Vets for Peace.
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Text Arcata says: NO recruitment of young warriors
02-07-2009 15:14

Image Oregon Green Expo this Weekend in Medford
02-07-2009 02:55

30-06-2009 06:29

Image KSKQ This Week - June 24 - Kid's Radio Club
24-06-2009 03:45

Image KSKQ Open House Open Mic
19-06-2009 15:48

Text Energy Efficiency and Eco-Friendly Practices
19-06-2009 06:34

Text Is Volunteer Policing a Good Idea?
17-06-2009 18:45

Text Kitty Genovese Eyes
17-06-2009 13:16

Text Reclaim the "Spirit of Seattle" (1 comment)
17-06-2009 01:11

Image KSKQ This Week - June 11
12-06-2009 01:18

Text “Little Guantanamo” Exposing the CMU
11-06-2009 04:43

Text Indoor Market, Skill Share and Lunch Benefit
11-06-2009 02:27

06-06-2009 00:00

Text KSKQ This Week 06/03/09, Project Homeless Con
03-06-2009 07:47

Text Voices of the Forgotten
02-06-2009 04:21

Text CPJ Events for June
30-05-2009 15:50

Image Project Homeless Connect Friday, June 5, 2009
28-05-2009 07:35

Text KSKQ This Week 05/28 Project Homeless Connect
28-05-2009 07:25

Text Justice for Ian Van Ornum
21-05-2009 23:17

Text Annual Root Festival this Weekend
21-05-2009 03:07

Text KSKQ This Week 05/20 Cindy Sheehan in Ashland
20-05-2009 05:23

Image Community Pancake Breakfast and Market
20-05-2009 01:31

Image Cascadia Summer Action Camp
19-05-2009 22:42

Image Cindy Sheehan coming to Mt. Shasta & the Rogue Valley
17-05-2009 00:00

Text Rogue IMC briefly off line tonight (2 comments)
14-05-2009 17:26

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Image Resistance Magazine has returned
01-07-2009 22:33

Text energy efficiency and eco progress green
01-07-2009 06:16

Text BTL:Organizer of Billboard Campaign Challengi
01-07-2009 02:44

Image Foundation for A Drug Free World Helping to E
01-07-2009 01:09

Text Single Payer VS. Public Option
30-06-2009 16:32

Text BTL:Media Watch Group: New York Times Acts as
29-06-2009 15:42

28-06-2009 02:11

Text Nuclear Plant on Idaho's Snake River Delayed
27-06-2009 21:25

Text BTL:Greenpeace and Other Environmental Groups
25-06-2009 16:15

Text Mass Protests Rock Iran
25-06-2009 06:03

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