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From the newswire: 14 June 2009: An account of recent events in Iran: Original article - "More than 85% of eligible voters voted, of which about 80% of those voted for Mousavi, that is, against current president Ahmadinejad... Overnight however, a silent coup happens. The votes are never counted! Imaginary numbers are pushed out in the state-run TV... This is the start of a new era in Iran. The videos are being uploaded and circulated widely... Iran is a different place today. And Facebook is the Xnet... Please HELP." READ MORE/Comment...
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Climate Emergency: Sitdown Protest outside Prime Minister's Sydney Office

Sutherland CAN at Climate Emergency Rally. Photo by Jon DoigA Climate Emergency rally in Sydney on Saturday June 13 drew more than 2000 people to hear speakers at Millers Point then a march to Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's city office for a symbolic sitdown protest.
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Yarloop residents legal action against Alcoa

From the newswire: 14th June 2009: Residents living near Alcoa's Wagerup alumina refinery, have begun legal action against the WA aluminium giant. The writ accuses Alcoa of knowingly and negligently poisoning surrounding communities with toxic emissions from its alumina facility. People living near the refinery at Yarloop have complained of respiratory problems, skin irritations, sore throats and eyes, extreme fatigue, mental dysfunction, stomach upset, blood noses, cancers and organ failure for more than a decade. "As a result of their (Alcoa's) negligence and recklessness there are a lot of
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From the newswire: The WA State Coroner will be handing down the Inquest findings into the tragic death in custody of Indigenous Elder, Mr Ward at the Central Law Courts (Court 81), 30 St Georges Tce, Perth on Friday 12 June 2009 at 2.15pm. The 46-year-old Warburton elder, died in a prison van operated by Global Solutions Ltd (GSL), whilst being transported from Laverton to Kalgoorlie in January 2008. The journey lasted four hours; outside temperatures were in the mid 40s and the surface temperature of the metal floor in the back peaked at 56.6C. The air-conditioning in the rear of the van was
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Daring climate change protest at aluminium smelter

Daring protest at Aluminium SmelterClimate change protestors have halted production in Australia’s largest aluminium smelter by attaching themselves to a weigh bridge that is a pinch-point of the operation.
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Aussie unionists block traffic to support Zeal workers

"At the end of the day these workers will get justice. They'll get justice and then they will become part of this wonderful international movement of workers. And then we will go to the next point of injustice. And then the next. And then the next. We won't tire, we'll grow, we'll build." - Paddy Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia
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Public Lecture on the plight of Sri Lanka's Tamils

Thursday, June 4 at 6:30pm
Owen Glenn Building Lecture Theatre 4
University of Auckland
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Aksi Jumat Hitam Lapindo

3 Tahun Tragedi Lumpur Lapindo

Jumat, 29 Mei 2009, ratusan aktivis dan perwakilan korban lumpur lapindo berunjuk rasa di Jakarta. Aksi solidaritas ini dikoordinir oleh Gerakan Menuntut Keadilan Korban Lapindo yang merupakan gabungan dari berbagai organisasi.

Tiga tahun lalu, lumpur panas mulai menyembur dari pengeboran PT Lapindo Brantas Sidoarjo Jawa Timur. Puluhan ribu orang kehilangan tempat tinggal dan mata pencaharian, lebih separuhnya adalah perempuan.

Aksi dimulai dari Pasar Festival, Jl Rasuna Said jam 13.30 WIB, melewati tempat-tempat dimana properti Bakrie berada menuju Bundaran Hotel
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Ambil Tindakan, Pulihkan Hak-hak Korban Lapindo!

Jangan jadikan Kasus Lapindo Mainan Kampanye Capres

Hari ini, genap 3 tahun kasus lumpur Lapindo berujung berlanjutnya pelanggaran HAM oleh korporasi bersama pemerintahan SBY-JK. Hasinya, aset keluarga Bakrie – pemilik Lapindo, di bisnis energi, perkebunan, properti, baja, televisi, telekomunikasi, dan infrastruktur, tahun lalu meningkat 83,66%, sekitar Rp 42,9 Trilyun (Warta Ekonomi, 2009). Tapi korbannya, makin menderita, lebih 10 ribu rumah tenggelam lumpur, lahan terdampak meluas hingga lebih 800 ha. Mereka kehilangan tempat tinggal, gangguan kesehatan, krisis air dan putusnya
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No Rally In The Valley - Protest against the Repco Rally - Murwillumbah 28.5.09

Over 300 concerned Tweed Valley residents expressed their opposition on May 28th, 2009 to the proposal to hold a leg of the World Rally Championships in the Tweed and Kyogle areas. Check it out on YouTube at:
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Otaraua hapu save wahi tapu from oil pipeline

The Otaraua hapu in Taranaki began packing up their occupation camp today after finally protecting their wahi tapu, from Greymouth Petroleum's new pipeline.
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WOC Sarat dengan Pelanggaran HAM

Jakarta, 12 Mei 2009 - Konferensi Kelautan Dunia (World Ocean Conference/WOC) yang mengusung tema "Climate Change Impacts to Ocean and The Role of Ocean to Climate Change" berlangsung di Manado, Sulawesi Utara, 11-14 Mei 2009, dan dilanjutkan dengan Coral Triangle Initiative (CTI) pada tanggal 15 Mei 2009. Diadakannya CTI, ditujukan untuk melindungi terumbu karang, sumber daya perikanan yang berkelanjutan, dan ketahanan pangan.

WOC sarat dengan pelanggaran hak sipil dan politik (Sipol),  baik sebelum pelaksanaan dimana suara nelayan tradisional tidak diberikan tempat untuk
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The Life and Times of Melbourne Indymedia

The Melbourne Indymedia collective met in February after a long hiatus to discuss its future. We decided that we did not have the energy required to continue the project and that therefore the collective had come to an end.

We are however keen to help others take up the challenge of producing an activist based, participatory news site, whether that be a Melbourne Indymedia, an Australia Indymedia or something all together new. We feel such a space is very much needed.

Several Melbourne Indymedia members expressed interest in mentoring such a project. If this interests you please contact us
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Melbourne Indymedia Suspends Publishing

Open publishing has been suspended on Melbourne Indymedia as numbers in our editorial collective are insufficient to manage the site effectively and responsibly. We realise that MIM has played a vital role in reporting activist news from Melbourne, around Australia and internationally. To this end the present collective will be assessing options for how best to provide an activist news service in the future. If you wish to get involved, please contact us, or subscribe to our mailing list.
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Indigenous Elder wins Environment Award

The Australian Conservation Foundation's (ACF) Peter Rawlinson Award was given to 'Uncle' Kevin Buzzacott, an Arabunna elder, on World Environment Day in 2007 for two decades of work highlighting the impacts of uranium mining and promoting a nuclear free Australia. Uncle Kev has been a tireless campaigner for indigenous rights including reclaiming the kangaroo and emu sacred totems from the Coat of Arms from Parliament House in Canberra and accusing the Federal Government of genocide. [Full Story]
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