Drupal Association Planet


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Drupal.org is the official website of Drupal, an open source content management platform.

Equipped with a powerful blend of features, Drupal supports a variety of websites ranging from personal weblogs to large community-driven websites.

Drupal 6.12 and 5.18 released

Drupal 6.12 and 5.18, maintenance releases fixing problems reported using the bug tracking system, as well as a critical security vulnerability, are now available for download. Both releases fix some other smaller issues as well.

Upgrading your existing Drupal 5 and 6 sites is strongly recommended. There are no new features in these releases. For more information about the Drupal 6.x release series, consult the Drupal 6.0 release announcement, more information on the 5.x releases can be found in Drupal 5.0 release announcement.

Next steps for Drupal 7 usability

Dries - May 27, 2009 - 15:38

Improving the usability of Drupal is very important. Yesterday, I wrote about the progress that was made on Drupal 7 usability -- the community has made a ton of incremental improvements, while Mark and Leisa have been preparing mockups and wireframes that provide significant over-arching improvements to Drupal's ease of use. Combined, I believe these efforts could make Drupal 7 a great release. A release that the Drupal project needs since our competitors are catching up in terms of functionality and flexibility. Likewise we need to catch up in terms of design and usability. It is my belief that we can develop a user experience for our project that is game changing, and that completely resets people's expectations both for Drupal and our competitors.

DrupalCon Paris: Early Bird registration now open

jpoesen - May 26, 2009 - 00:20

Register now for Drupalcon Paris 2009

Almost 3 months have passed since Bonnie and her team performed the ultimate party trick: materializing a 1400 people conference out of thin air.

In the meantime many of you have been organizing camps, launching client projects, training new developers, contributing new modules and crafting beautiful designs. You have been extending core, writing tests, attacking patch queues, reshaping D7 and madly sprinting to keep ahead of the impending code freeze.

You are awesome. Really. You are what drives the DrupalCon Paris team. You make us want to put together a DrupalCon to remember. All the hours we spend selecting the right wine, cheese and pastries and the nights away from our families hand-picking the perfect hotel rooms and apartments... it's all for you.

Because we love you.

Come check out what we have in store for you. The new paris2009.drupalcon.org is ready to take your orders. Be quick: the early bird ticket price isn't going to last forever...

For those of you who want to become a sponsor and help make this DrupalCon happen: have a look at the sponsorship opportunities and don't hesitate to contact us.

Drupal Sites Win Horizon Interactive Awards

clossin - May 20, 2009 - 22:26

The winners of the Horizon Interactive Awards were unveiled last week. In this eighth annual competition over 2000 sites were reviewed from 32 countries. The participants were judged on their creativity, user experience, and technical merit in media ranging from Web sites to DVDs. Several Drupal sites brought home awards, including those from Palantir.net, studio:module, and pingVision.

Drupal is a Webware 100 winner for the third year in a row

Amazon - May 19, 2009 - 21:08

Drupal is a Webware 100 winner for the third year in a row. This year Drupal was in the Social & Publishing category with well known services including MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, and Wordpress.com. Drupal was one of 10 winners in the category.


The 2009 Webware 100 Awards recognize the best Web 2.0 sites, services, and applications on the Web today. After receiving more than 6,000 nominations for inclusion in the Webware 100, our editors selected 300 finalists. But the Web's users made the final cut, voting more than 600,000 times to select the 100 top products -- 10 each in 10 categories -- from our list of 300 finalists.

If you are a member of the Drupal community, you can add one of these badges to your Drupal site. A big thank-you goes out to all those supporters who voted for Drupal in the awards.

The New York State Senate

aaron - May 11, 2009 - 14:09

After winning control of the New York State Senate for the first time in almost 50 years, the Democratic party turned to Advomatic to quickly deploy a new website powered by Drupal. There were many challenges to be overcome, and their requirements pushed the envelope in some areas such as permissions and work flow. In the end, this site stands as a testament to what can be accomplished by a focused and experienced development team using the power and flexibility offered by Drupal and its community.

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