
Title Posted
matresses 12 May
Office furniture 11 May
Pushchair 7 May
2 Seater Sofa 7 May
bristol / miscellaneous Monday May 11, 2009 10:25 by imcvol

Closing battery farm means homes needed for 10,000 hens

BARC writes; Altho this is a national call out,it is relevent to the South West as we are (hopefully) going to be helping out and are looking for help from B.Indymedia readers... 'hens hunting homes - If you can help please contact littlehenrescue@ googlemail. com. Hi, 10,000 hens need rehoming from battery farm in Norfolk which is closing-down. If you would like a hen or two or know someone who would please contact littlehenrescue@ googlemail. com. Any not rehomed by 28 June will be slaughtered. Please pass this message on. Thank you. Full Article.

| Hens needing homes | |

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bristol / protests Saturday May 09, 2009 09:00 by imcvol

May 9th sees protest against BNP and news hits of BNP's links to apartheid

As revelations hit that a BNP activist, Arthur Kemp, who is key to the run-up to next month's European election campaign, is linked to the murderer of the South African Communist party and ANC leader Chris Hani in 1993. jazmeado writes; On May the Ninth Unite Against Fascism in Bristol are coordinating a series of protests against the British National Party. 1000 am Meet in Morrisons Car Park in Fishponds for a Car-valcade arounf the areas of Bristol that the BNP have been active in. Bring things to make some noise and stuff. There will be live music on the protest too! 12.00 Assemble in Castle Park by the bombed church to March through Bristol joining up with the car-valcade. We are marching to the centre of town again really lively and loud, 14.00 Rally against the BNP on the centre. Music and speakers, lots of people. Join us to say no to the politics of hate, use your vote don't let them win a thing. Full Article.

| Stop the BNP | BNP's attempt to gain first European seat aided by man linked to ANC leader's killer ( | UAF Facebook Group | Related News/Links John Gray Talk: Beware Fascism | The Tactics of the BNP - Keep Quiet About their Real Aims | BNP: Our members are "oddballs", "Walter Mitty characters", "compulsive liars" and "troublemaker" & | |

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bristol / media and culture Wednesday May 06, 2009 16:40 by imcvol

Article about travellers prompts complaints

Faye writes; This story appears today and its got my blood boiling. I for one have had enough of this joke of a rag getting away with printing this kind of rabble rousing racist crap with my city's name on it. I'm writing to the PCC to stick an official complaint in. I know it probably wont make any difference, but I can't sit and let them spew this sort of hatred anymore. If anything, it will let the editor of this terrible newspaper know that its just not on. If he choses to do anythign about it is up to him but I reckon if I and anyone else keeps complaining whenever we see a breach of the code, someone somewhere will get the message. Especially if they keep havng to print apologies. I know its not very Anarchist and direct action so forgive me for ranting.... full article.

| Bristol Evening Post - time to take a stand | How the Evening Post incites racial hatred: Part 94 ( | Can the Evening Post Survive Media 2.0? |

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bristol / globalisation Tuesday May 05, 2009 20:00 by imcvol

Occupation Occupation Occupation!

stuffit writes; Across the UK people are starting to respond to the economic crisis. In Glasgow, parents occupy a school to protest against closure and spending cuts. Then 600 ex-Ford workers at Visteon auto-parts factories are sacked with 6 minutes notice without redundancy pay. They responded by occupying their factories. These ideas for resistance are starting to circulate, with Belfast Visteon workers visiting school occupations in solidarity. Join us to watch some films, for the latest news on these occupations and to share your stories. In the wake of the G20 and other protests, serious questions need to be asked about the right to protest and its implications for democracy in the UK. Join us for films, speakers and discussion. full article.

| Occupation Occupation Occupation! | | |

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Breaking News

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imageHens needing homes 00:01 Sun 10 May by Joe 6 comments

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imageAs seen on TV 13:50 Wed 06 May by Joe Bloggs 5 comments

imageBristol Evening Post - time to take a stand 10:01 Wed 06 May by Faye 80 comments

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textSecond Lap Dancing Club in Old Market: My Update 11:20 Tue 05 May by Tim 0 comments

Occupation Occupation Occupation! imageOccupation Occupation Occupation! 18:03 Mon 04 May by stuffit 0 comments

textCopper Faces Sack for 'Obscene' Chants 12:52 Mon 04 May by CopWatch 1 comments

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