What is IRSCNA?
Fallen Comrades

Online Since 1995



The Irish Republican Socialist Committees of North America (IRSCNA) was founded in 1984 to expand support for the Irish Republican Socialist Movement in Ireland through political forums, press releases, and demonstrations as well as providing aid to families of imprisoned comrades of the IRSM.

We are the North American Section of the Irish Republican Socialist Movement which exists to agitate, educate and organize within our class and to mobilize our fellow workers towards the objective of removing the Northern colonial and Southern neo-colonial statelets on the island of Ireland, thus ending imperialism and capitalism, and preparing the basic structures for an Irish Workers' Republic.

We comprehensively reject the Good Friday Agreement as an imperialist-backed undemocratic sabotage of true peace and freedom in Ireland

We are guided by the analysis of James Connolly: that the class struggle and national liberation struggle cannot be separated, and are the only movement that uphold that analysis.

We follow the tradition of Tone, Marx, Lenin, Connolly, Mellows, Costello and Ta Power that leads the Republican Socialist Movement towards the objective of establishing a 32-county Workers Republic.


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