Young Professionals Reception for Andrew Rice with guest Wayne Coyne!

03/11/2008 - 5:30pm
03/11/2008 - 7:30pm

Flaming Lips founder and singer Wayne Coyne in a benefit event for Andrew Rice, who is challanging James Inhofe, Oklahoma's senior Senator.
Young Professional Invite - smallerYoung Professionals for Andrew Rice
by YP Event Host Committee
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Ogle & Welch, P.C.
117 Park Ave, 3rd Floor [Map]
Oklahoma City, OK 73102

$50 Attendee
$250 Sponsor

Featuring special guests
Wayne & Michelle Coyne

Do you realize what a difference it could mean to our state to have Andrew Rice as our U.S. Senator?
Rice, currently a state Senator from Oklahoma City, is the only declared opponent of U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe. Inhofe has been in Oklahoma politics since before some of us were born. He prides himself on being an obstacle to change, and it’s time he retired.
Jim Inhofe is stuck in the past. Andrew Rice is Oklahoma’s future. Please join us and show your support for this critical campaign.
To learn more about Andrew’s campaign, please visit
or go to :