Fund Drive for --- Help us pay the hosting bills!

Bumping this back up to the top: We still need $100 in donations in order to keep online for the coming year. Please help in any amount, no matter how small. Thanks in advance!

Update 1/2/08: We now have $70 pledged. Just need $30 more and we're good for 2008. Please pitch in!

Hello friends,

Well it's me again with my semi-annual request for donations to help pay the hosting bill for the Oklahoma Independent Media Center ( is a voice for the people, which lets ordinary people not just consume media, but BE the media. It truly is grassroots and has stayed alive thanks to the work of volunteers (most notably Serena who was responsible for the move to better servers this month, and who does most of the editing on the site) and to the donations of folks who believe in the mission of

If you can help pay for a month (or several months) of hosting for

$10 will pay for one month's hosting and expenses
$30 will pay for one quarter's hosting and expenses
$120 would pay for one year of hosting and expenses

I should also add that we are a pretty low budget operation. Besides hosting, we pay for domain name registration, some printing to get the word out about us, and sometimes equipment (our most recent purchase was a $50 digital camera).

Donations can be made with credit/debit card via paypal. (send payments to You can also send checks to: James M. Branum, RR 1 Box 525, Fort Cobb, OK 73038. Checks should be made out to James Branum, but please put "OKIMC" in the memo line. Donations are not tax-deductible, but you do get the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping to support grassroots independent media in Oklahoma.

Also please share this email with friends and organizations who might want to support us.


James Matthew Branum